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Technology #615
I made this Sup Forums browser to replace my web browser experience for this site. Is anyone interested?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Welcome to the botnet
I don't mind if I get banned for off topic, but I have to say this
Why ever buy Intel?
Tfw CS degree
Buy macbook air
Qubes OS
So I found this computer lying in the lobby of my building...
Why do they get no love?
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
"Firefox is security friendly''
Why haven't you already bought this drive Sup Forums ?
Sup Forums will never own one of these
Is sudo prouncunced 'SEWW DEWW' or 'SUU DOE'
Hey Sup Forums whats your opinion on refurbished tech products?
How does wifi on bus work?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
This kills the Sup Forumsentooman
Why are thinkpads so praised on Sup Forums ?
What other programs do I need to feel like a cool haxxor?
Bought this for 99 cents on ebay
Let's answer this question once and for all
How does Sup Forums beat the heat?
What are some fun things you can do with an Android phone that you no longer use? Nexus 5x btw
/Storage/ thread
Why aren't you using qutebrowser?
/spg/ - Smarphone General Nokia 8 Edition
Unlock Iphone 6S
FreeBSD as Desktop
How do we solve the systemd question?
My 1TB Seagate drive has finally died on me after 7 years of heavy usage (I had backups, that's not the point)...
I want to start using Linux, I'm a pretty normie guy, didn't like Ubuntu's interface switched to Arch...
Sup Forums what the fuck is this blue line and how do I fix it?
Enjoy your bloated language
I'm buying a new desktop and I've narrowed it down to two clearly superior choices:
Ok, memes and jokes aside, what is the best linux distro for the absolute begginer?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Was invented to kill the laptop
Intel Reports Record Second-Quarter Revenue of $14.8 Billion
How will automation affect America?
Safari is GOAT
Live in rural 'murica
/mpv/ - The Open Source and Cross Platform Video Player
Install ublock origin from microsoft store
Why does Sup Forums hates indians ?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Install Etoile
The CIA has developed implants which target Debian users (among many others) and it's named after Aeris...
Solid phone
The first big problem: PID 1
How does it make you feel?
Raspberry pi general - /rpg/
Ajit "Pajeet" Pai is fucking us over... Is there really no way to fucking stop him from killing Title II?
How much processing power is equivalent to 10% of the human brain?
Redpill me on the SSD meme
Professional Hardware
Retro thread
Today's U.S Energy Jobs Are in Solar, Not Coal
Password manager
Not owning an iPod Touch??
IPhone file restore help needed
Font rendering thread
Despite being the industry leader on innovation and aesthetic of everyday electronic devices...
Ever wonder why google chrome takes 2.5GB to show you 10 open tabs?
Why does Clover (a Sup Forums browsing app available on F-Droid) need access to NFC?
ITT your OS history
First ryzen 3 benchmarks
Google Inc
/pcbg/ PC Building General
IPhone vs Android RAAAAAAAAAAA
Can LineageOS even compete?
Daily reminder that Apple is SUPERIOR
ITT: Reasons we haven't moved to Linux
University gives me a MacBook pro in free use
Why is Edge so SILKY SMOOTH?
Can anyone express a logical reason to dislike Hacker News without mentioning or scapegoating "the Jews"?
When will Sup Forums support VP9 videos? :(
/csg/ Chink Shit General
So my company is basically giving me a blank check for me to buy a personal laptop for me to buy for CUDA calculations...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why call them "pajeet" when they're all named "ganesh"?
Bill Gates no longer richest person
AMD Threadripper DELIDDING
I wonder what came in the mail today?
How long until all sites go premium-only?
Speccy rating general
Why is Discord constantly generating 0.1 mbps network activity? Is it slowly sending all my data to the botnet?
Yfw zen+ is ahead schedule
Jeff Bezos will become the worlds richest man today
/pg/ - Pens General
So how does Sup Forums pronounce GIF , I say jeff
Mozilla employee confirms: TabMixPlus is kill
Debian Sid/Unstable
Give me ONE reason why someone should use Linux instead of Windows aside from running a server
AMD's Ryzen 3 1300X and Ryzen 3 1200 CPUs reviewed
Screenfetch/Neofetch/Archey Thread
/wt/ watch thread
Why can't i sort by roman numerals on windows?
What's the best computer case?
Is Arch-Linux a meme?
Windows 7
Even theater is a botnet now
Just turned 18, I have no credit card, no driving license, no social media, nothing
What is the best mobo and why is it picture related?
Favorite GNU/Linux OS
So you are telling me you use linux on an thinkpad but dont libreboot?
Frens general /fg/
Why even put in the effort into C++ when you can literally become a master at C with the first book and a reference...
Can you install windows on a libreboot laptop?
5 most important cli tools
Ok so I want to build a decent gaming PC, but I don't know very much about computers...
What does Sup Forums think about the apple magic mouse?
What program does Sup Forums use to open gifs?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Please help me, im stuck and i dont know what to do
Favorite Linux OS
Software is called AdBlock
If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear...
Can i get a job if my github profile pic is an anime pic and all the commits are in C exclusively?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
"windows 10 cu will allow you to pick a custom accent color"
Build $100 million boat
Boomers & Tech
Can someone please explain to me the appeal iPhone has to tech illiterates...
Are Thinkpads a meme?
Hey Sup Forums, can we have a specs thread?
What are the chances of this generating an image that actually resembles something?
7 or 10?
What does Windows 7 Resource usage look like?
Why are thinkpads the more popular business class laptops when Elitebooks are the better choice?
D..don't worry, it's just a prototype.. it costs $1000 so far though
Year of the Linux desktop
Having Trump in office, if offered the job would you work for the US government like NSA or FBI Cyber Crime?
Pretty close to buying an xps 13 (with an i5, and 1080p non-touch screen); talk me out of it Sup Forums
Sit down to take a shit
N64 Pc Build
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Desktop/neofetch/screenfetch/autism thread
Fuck data caps
Right-wing software developers
Rust or Swift?
What is her problem?
Oh noes... it's real
Router Firmware
Big Brother is watching you
I know it's a worthless piece of shit that only a retarded toddler would use but my god it's so pretty it makes it hard...
Should Donald Trump ban Trans people from the internet? Why or why not?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What the hell? Apple gave me a LOCKED iPhone and they don't believe me. How the fuck do I unlock it, Sup Forums?
Monitor master race!
Why aren't you self hosting, user?
You have one post to prove you are not a pajeet
Why is Source Mage so unpopular on Sup Forums ? Is this place full of normies or are there any OG's left
Hey guys how do i make it so this runs smooth?
Are programming languages easier for english-speakers?
How do you keep all your internet identities straight?
What is unironically the best way to store your passwords...
Kapersky released a new Free AV
Hey Sup Forums i'd like to start with my first linux distribution, what do you recommend...
Name a better theme/icon pack combo
I'm installing Hackintosh, what should I expect?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Windows 7/8/8.1 /general/
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - budget edition
Visit Hacker News
/gg/ - Sup Forums General
Have you changed your thermal paste g/ ?
Web Browsers
What's going on with this phone? It's a galaxy s4, and it has this wierd white line
Buying a workstation for gaming
AMD Enhanced Sync
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Hi Sup Forums. I've recently decided to start picking parts out for a mid-range gaming PC that I plan to build...
Why all the hate for him?
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
Why doesn't Microsoft just ditch out the Windows kernel and use GNU/Linux or BSD to build a new operating system?
Where does Sup Forums learn programming online?
Rx Vega vs 1080ti blind test
I come to you with tidings fellow Sup Forums
What do you guys think about Linus Media Group?
Trying to explain to normies that Ryzen has a higher IPC than skylake therefor also having a higher IPC than kabylake
Im cia. Ama
Learning C or C++
Stealth invasion
This guy seems like a pretty "experienced" fellow
Name a better Sup Forums related TV show
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Screenshot Thread
Enjoy your botnet
Wiki is outdated, what does Sup Forums use for as their phone:
Why was this considered a flop...
How does one get started in learning c++? I want to make nene's game
Hi Sup Forums
"Firefox is security friendly''
Tips for opening screws if you dont have these that are small enough
My boss called in sick and asked me to conduct an interview for him. How do I make sure this guy isn't a pleb? Fizzbuzz...
So this dude just exposed intel for what they really are since its conception
Screenfetch thread
ITT your average techjob workday
Why havent someone yet created a program that goes through the several million wikipedia listings...
/spg/ - Smartphone General - KFC edition
$850 for RX Vega
Encryptards = NAMBLA shills
Are vinyl records better than digital?
Did I make a mistake by doing this?
Foxconn is opening up a factory in Wisconsin
What are the benefits of having those small desk amplifier things
What does Sup Forums use to play local music?
"Drumpf is a ba-..."
Elon Musk BTFO by Mr. Zuckerberg
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Tfw you succumb to the convenience of online shopping and the botnet profiles you
Post your current browser, now
Vega RX benchmarks
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Shitty iPhone Problems
How do you spell this?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Google Photos Unlimited Storage
I know all you AMD fanboys are blind but when will amd sort her mess?
Another Speccy thread
Firefoxfags will defend this
If C is so great then why does JS/Java pay better while C is filled with pajeets?
WARNING: Installing the new Kaspersky Free AV connects your browser to their servers
Any review leaks yet?
Fixing to delid my 4690k. i have this thermal paste. Will it work well?
Whats Sup Forums's recommended search engine?
"Pseudo" or "su-du"?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I've been using a combination of Gentoo, Arch and Debian for over 15 years now for my OS needs
Arch users confirmed autistic
Hey g, what's the best Windows 10 version and where do I download it?
What was the Internet like in the 90's, before Facebook, Google and the rest?
Buy a 4k monitor user
Backpacks are technology
Laptop stickers thread
Core i7-8700K (Coffee Lake) Specifications - 4.7 GHz Turbo
Why does Sup Forums hate KDE?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Why can't malware be more aligned to destroy a user's PC like it was in the 90's rather than an attempt to make money...
What are your thoughts on Elementary OS Sup Forums?
Need to test my dedicated mpv box
Gamer chairs
Why are hard drive prices suddenly plummeting...
Name one thing that Windows 10 can do better than MacOS. I'll wait
Well boys, I think she's cooked
YouTube - Why don't they delete irrelevant / useless content?
Can someone explain how people are supposed to learn this shit when there are a shit ton of APIs...
Every computer has a cooling fan inside the case, designed primarily to prevent the CPU from overheating
Adobe Announces Flash Distribution and Updates to End
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - Doggo edition
Can you get any kind of quality graphics hardware under $100? what's the best price to performance card out there today?
So Sup Forums, why is the linux kernel written in C and not C++...
Bios password
Why would you ever use C++ over C?
Go visit my parents
What motivation does Microsoft need to gut Windows and replace most of userland with a much more consistent...
How many of you think adobe should give out the source code for flash now that they getting rid of it
Arch Linux
Desktop icons refresh
Welcome to the botnet
What's your hostname?
Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence
How ya holding up bros?
XFCE master race report in
All linux fanboys should be killed and all personal computers running linux must be destroyed...
Need app developer(s) to create revolutionary app
There is literally no reason to use Linux. Heck...
/w4v/ - Daily Wait for Vega Thread
Are there any computer cases with "Damascus steel" finish?
Does anyone ACTUALLY use this for anything?
How far did you get into programming before you realized you were too retarded to learn enough to ever do anything...
Was the Internet really better before 2007?
Finally get a job
Adobe kills flash
390 can barely run 2017 games without stuttering
Camera General
Software Engineering was a mistake
Were you one of those idiots that kept your PC running at max performance, wasting a fuckton of electricity...
Forth is the greatest programming language
$177.95 USD and they couldn't even make it out of aluminum. It's literally fucking plastic
Is this good enough?
Fix it
Kaspersky AV will be free-to-use
Type in your password buddy I wanna take a look
Optical media - thoughts/feels
So overall has Linus had a positive or negative effect on the greater tech community Sup Forums?
Be good to Sup Forums. We are nice people
U want sum fuk?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread:
What will happen to the FSF and GNU/Linux once RMS and Linus Torvalds die?
Help a retard
What browser will let me open the most tabs before crashing, I'm currently running chrome...
How come this r*tarded anime girl is smarter and better at programming than you
Dad sent me this last week and I have been considering to take anime out of my life
Job as Computer Programmer
Someday are people going to ask "what's on fiber?" just like we say now "what's on cable?"
Red Pill me on Linux, Sup Forums
Would non-binary computers be faster? Is there any benefit to using them?
Install hydrus client, fuck yeah a tag system for all my shitposting images
What is this for. Bees?
Waterfox > iridiumbrowser > Chromium ?
Download one season of a show in x264
Guts Sup Forumsread
/TOSG/ - TempleOS General
Scratched my Apple Watch on a wall corner. Its really annoying, how do I fit it ??
Sup Forums help russians
Still Useful Old Windows/Dos Software
What's the cheapest way to get windows?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Tips for making a text editor in C++?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Create text
Redpill me on nodeJS
Are there any non-meme ways of preventing carpel tunnel that actually work...
If google home/alexa are always listening, where do they store all that
I have a stalker
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General: Cowboy Bebop Edition:
Moot are you okay?
Best GPU for the money
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Redpill me on manjaro Sup Forums
Is there a device for this...
Post your printer
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Been a professional programmer for 6 years
Post-steve jobs applel
Do{ shit(); } while (x != 'y' && x != 'n');
Elon Musk Says Mark Zuckerberg's Understanding of AI Is Limited
Is this how you do it?
Here's someting a lot of people dont get about Apple
/wt/ - watch thread
How can I encrypt a folder in windows so it only open using a strong password?
Ryzen 3 1300X @ 4.0 GHz
How should I sync Keepass across devices Sup Forums?
Last thread >>61539204
Gentoo vs Slackware
What's a good way to display graphics in a windows form?
Who would go so far as to spend $800 on a CPU to not get the biggest and the greatest...
Be "software developer/engineer/programmer" a.k.a. code monkey or ITfaggot
What are some tech yootoobers to watch?
Help me choose a Linux distro boys
I converted all my MP3's to FLAC and they sound way fucking better now
I want to make a VPS server in nearly-anarchy country like somalia. How can I do? Which country do you recommend?
Why is that so many people believe they have the right to have Nvidia and AMD support on Linux?
Any free online wpa cracker?
Should you ever defrag an SSD?
Why haven't you switched to superior BSD yet?
"no logs" vpn
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Post yours
Are password managers a meme or not? Which one is best?
Consider Sup Forums to be one of the final bastions of what it means to have 'freedom of speech' in internet
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Make first purchase ever on Amazon
Is he /ourguy/ ?
Brendan Eich
Does Sup Forums use a virtual assistant like Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant, etc.?
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
ITT: Websites that have objectively made the Internet a worse place
Quick! Write program in you favorite language which downloads all media attachments from a Sup Forums thread into the...
Previous: >>61539711
Can android fuck off
AMD Radeon RX Vega 3DMark Fire Strike performance
/lit/erally FUCK OFF TELSTRA
There is no better os
I think I just got jewed by (((Newegg))) after trying to buy a RX 580 combo deal
The fuck is this Sup Forums
Who fucking thought this was a good idea
Why do you fags keep using linux?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - non-shit edition
Person gets offended by arch mirror domain name. Triggers literal autism attack of the maintainer
AMD leaves hawaii owners in the oven
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Is this going to be the perfect smartphone Sup Forums
Ctrl f screenfetch
If we get 1024 terrabytes by a few years from now I declare moore's law forever alive
My ISP just blocked mediafire. It already blocked 2 other file sharing sites I regularly used to dl manga
Seriously wich is the best, looking to install one of them
There is literally no reason to use Linux. Heck...
Who of you did this?
Post your emacs setup
MBP casual discussion best/worst aspects
He's a webdev
If somebody gave you $50 to lick your keyboard, would you do it?
Why should I use musl over glibc?
A E S T H E T I C tech
Hey Sup Forums, i have a suspicion my gf is cheating on me but i don't have any proof...
How do you carry your technology?
/w4v/ - Daily Wait for Vega Thread - 5 More Days
Is automation going to be the end of humanity?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Parents tell everyone they know that i'm a computer genius
Firefox Marketshare is ‘Falling off a Cliff’, Says Former Mozilla CTO
Electric toothbrushes
Are programmers smarter than sysadmins?
Raspberry pi general - /rpg/
Good guy microsoft saves the day again!
Are there any good wooden mice and keyboards...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why is Apple so superior? Apple > other brands, be it PC, phone or tablet
Buy a new laptop
Never forget
Why is php real
Wall Street
Crypto currency
Does discord automatically detect EVERY game?
Leave your thoughts
Mechanical Keyboard General - /mkg/ - Thread For Posting Keyboards
Getting ethernet to an upstairs bedroom
Because of this respect, I have a question I would like answered if you could be so kind to ponder for me:
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto [どうもありがとうミスターロボット]
Best mobile browser? I just got a blackberry passport and firefox is just too slow for me...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Post Sup Forums humor
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What laptop is good
What is Sup Forums's average IQ?
Behold the world's smallest computer. It is as powerful as a commedore 64 and is powered by ambient light alone...
Wanna make a high end gaming pc that can play modern triple A games at 1080p 60 frames per second...
Have been a NEET for 3 years now
IRC takeover
What the FUCK am I doing wrong?
Microsoft's ai likes linux
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What does the 'd' stand for in systemd?
You have 14.666667 seconds to explain why you are not using i3 as your window manager
Once the dust settles, Polaris architecture was a mistake?
The fuck
Are there any ways to turn a chromebook into a useful machine?
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Are there any other cases in this form factor?
Mfw American's internet will be shittier in one week from now
Does he still live off of YouTube bucks?
Watching Terry Davis videos and browsing Sup Forums at work
Based Zuck = our/g/uy
As we all know vapes are Sup Forums as fuck!
So? Why aren't you koding with Kloss? The most visionary programmer of our time
Anyone want to guess what it is?
I just took pages 1-10 of boards.Sup and concatenated them all into this bitmap
Proprietary exam software? Why the fuck?
Guts bread
Is it normal to find classes hard?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Why aren't you using Startpage? It's approved by Snowden so guaranteed to be free of government agencies and backdoors!
The head of Node.js core development team
Since too many people use Firefox bc they think it's safer (this is false if you don't tweak) I'll recommend what you...
Nostalgia thread. These kids today will never know our pain
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Friend wants me to listen to a song on youtube
Calls himself smart
Why do people hate mpc-hc?
Why is Russia famous for its hackers?
Best F-Droid apps ?
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
Meet Sarah Not *fucking* cool Sharp
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
What's so special about Linux ?
Using a dark theme
Are full size ATX form factor motherboards going to die soon?
What do you guys do on your PC when you're bored?
You have exactly 30 seconds to find the sum of all primes below 2,000,000
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is the oculus rift worth it?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
/nrg/ Nyaa Replacement General
Uh oh
Anyone ever tried cooling their computer with outside winter cold air? If that's the case please share your tips
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What is Sup Forums opinion on Deepin?
If you were a computer what would your specs be?
Deleted almost everything from
First the start menu. Now paint. When will it end
The former king of WWW
What's the best antivirus for Linux?
Why systemd matters?
So what the fuck is wrong with tinder lately
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Press F to pay respects
Alright. i'm installing linux
Threadripper Leakage [Ids habbening]
/mpv/ - The Open Source and Cross Platform Video Player
Parsing shit right now... i'm sure i can simplify this
Need a PC controller for gaming. The 360 has the worst d-pad ever and so it's a no go for me...
Dad...I'm throwing away that ThinkPad you gave me and I'm buying a MacBook
So it seems and AIO will be included
Why is this browser so perfect
Salix or Devuan: which is the ultimate weapon against systemd?
What phone should I get?
He doesn't use the best ide around
What does Sup Forums think of Solus?
D0es any0ne have any experiences with ASUS' technica7 ser7vice...
Do arabs write their kode, just like their language, from right to left, too?
What image viewer do you use?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I found a baby rat
Help me out boys
Homoescreen thread, all phones welcome~
Intel head engineer quits after 20 years
Wanna learn Linux? Try Slackware
Which browser and search engine do you use user?
S7 tips
Best AV for Windows 10
Did it deserve to die?
What's the future of computing in general?
Tfw fell for the 20 inch Android tablet meme
Are SSDs fixed now? I heard a couple years ago they had a limited life span compared to HDDs
I made my friend a blanket
Be windows user
What's a light Linux distro I can install on my Chromebook that only has a 16GB HDD?
What port is this between the FireWire and ethernet?
Firefox essential privacy config
I desperately need your help Sup Forums
Desk Thread
>>He doesn't own at least 3 laptops
What's with the linux circlejerk here? Windows seems perfectly fine to me
Dx Racer vs Maxnomic etc, office/gayming chairs
Good afternoon, sir. Your laptop has been randomly selected for addition screening. Will you please enter your password?
Should I learn Perl?
BSD is not meant for desktop daily user, right?
I really, really miss PDAs Sup Forums
Im a guy who doesnt know alot about linux or computers at all, which distro should i choose to get started?
This guy goes to your GitHub and makes fun of your code
Django vs Nodejs
Microsoft is deprecating Paint in its latest Fall Creators Update...
Consumerist terms that rustle your jimmies
What are the best non-sysadmin and non-development tech jobs?
Confused if this is legit or not
Hidden, unremovable addons in firefox?
What's the most lightweight Linix Distro? And don't say puppy or some autistic shit like that
Favorite linux distro
Answer question on stack overflow
Speccy thread, post them, rate them
A 7 thousand american-peso software key
Going to school for "programming"
Why do all female japanese programming teams use C++
I have an idea that is going to revolutionize the tech industry and I have an option to pitch it to Microsoft...
Hiro approved meta thread
Modern uses for the terminal other than scripting?
Why aren't you using PGP again, faggot?
Wire vs Signal
ITT: biggest memes in computers
How do I stop wasting my time on the Internet and vidya and start reading books?
/wt/ watch thread
"user, nature is free... therefore, software should also be free. why are you still using proprietary software, user?"
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
XP Poorfagging
Why doesn;t YouTube put the comments on the side so you can read them while watching the video ?
What's the biggest threat to cryptocurrencies in the future?
>i fell for the thinkpad jew
Who use Manjaro + OpenRC here?
Tfw they killed the addon and additional toolbars in Firefox 54+
Guts bread
Windows 10 was released 2 years ago
/hpg/ - Headphone General
I need a laptop for 4 things: browsing internet, skype, downloading movies...
Help With ISP Throttling Internet
Why are millennial tech enthusiasts such liberal cucks?
Sup Forums is more marxist than Sup Forums and /qa/
How did you find linux?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Linux Music Players
1984 Russia Today
Never pay more than 150 bucks for a laptop
Name one reason not to use macOS
Installgentoo wiki is fucked
[*]BSD General •free of (((GPL))) edition•
What if these two brilliant geniouses met?
Why exactly does Chrome require 2.2GB just to keep 14 tabs open?
What would you do with an 8k screen?
Haha oh boy I don't even know what to say about this one
Boot scanning for viruses, malware, key loggers etc
Initial Ryzen gaming benchmarks show it losing to Intel in every game to 7700K
I was thinking about installing Arch or Gentoo on my X220 but then I remembered void. Why should I use Void Linux?
Redpill me on Manjaro
I have a large collection of interlaced (30FPS) DVD video that when deinterlaced with yadif...
Are JS developers literally subhuman?
Which linux distro do brazilians use?
Steve Jobs insisted on the idea of no fan or air vents
I have webbrowser, email client (alpine), text editor, PDF viewer, Facebook chat...
New iphone photo gets leaked by chinese factory worker
Intel Management Engine
Can I still learn Computer Science at 25?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Every time you post on Sup Forums, Google is using you as a pajeet
/mpv/ - The Open Source and Cross Platform Video Player
/MG/ Monitor General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming in Tcl
Holy fuck this drive is dirt cheap, $160 for 8 TB
You're in the github and this man walks up to your repo and opens an issue
ITT: Sup Forums writes a program one line at a time
Study pods
Move to FreeBSD right now
You have to connect to the internet to squeeze fucking juice
Why is git so complicated? I don't understand anything. What is commit? What is pull? I am lost
Sup Forums hates Powershell now
I fell for the Computer Science meme and after graduating I can't get any job offers...
No desktop / screenfetch / neofetch thread. Please post what you have
When svchost.exe uses 100% of your disk I/O...
/ag/ Apple General
Should we stop teaching embedded in universities and shift focus onto higher level thanks to advancements in technology?
What is the Android equivalent to FaceTime?
Rotate matrix outer elements using JUST 2 loops
Since Firefox is getting worse by the day. I'm looking at switching browsers. Hows Brave?
IPhone vs Android
1.25v Skylake-X leads to burned contacts
When will you leave the windows botnet?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What did xhe mean by this?
Can Sup Forums do this?
Hello fren :)
Best Android web browser
Android phone sucks donkey dicks
Ryzen 3 Early Benchmarks
Current state of the web of normies
I'm trying to move away from google as far as possible...
Want to use Twitter API for personal script
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What desktop enviroment is good?
I was in the car talking about getting food here and then I got this notification. What the fuck
Ditching Windows
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
>girlfriend needs a computer for her family
Best PC: iMac
What is Amada drawing?
Name one reason not to use windows 10
Do kids these days still use laptops in school or do they take all their notes on smartphones?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
How does Sup Forums get their music...
Sup Forums Victories
Wtf I love Iridium now
All elitism aside, is K&R bad?
Not using let's encrypt in 2017
Best GPU
OS for new PC ?
How do i access youtube videos that are not available in my region?
Fedora or Debian?
How come no one's made an e-ink smartphone yet?
Let's talk for a while about SSD wear, shall we?
TV help plis
Why do people get macs/macbooks?
What are your thoughts on digital IDs for everyone on the planet?
What is the best source to learn hacking
I think I hate this man
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Why do you still buy Noctua fans when they cheapened out and made them in China?
Is it good?
Technology themed webm thread
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General:
Windows 8.1 > Windows 7 > Temple OS > Windows 8 > Gentoo > Windows 10
Undervolting laptop CPUs for better thermals
Grabify - Spotify Playlist Downloader
How secure is your password Sup Forums?
Full disk encryption
Just got a 5th gen iPod from ebay today...
/w4v/ - Daily Wait for Vega Thread - 7 Day Countdown
Identifying chokepoints in processing power
Chrome Alternatives
Can anyone please explain in layman's terms how cryptocurrency mining works? Not "how to mine" manual...
Hey Sup Forums, just installed Linux Mint on my laptop. So far I've enjoyed it, and kinda like the sleek design...
What's some good anime that deal with technology/engineering/computers/games/other nerd stuff?
Windows 10 Update featuring Keylogging
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Do people dislike java because it's popular among pajeets or is it a genuinely bad language?
How many USB Ports (normal ones, 2.0/3.0...
What the FUCK is this new Youtube design?
/BST/ Battlestation Thread
Post Zo saying retarded shit. pic related
How do i fuck girls harder?
Can you niggas recommend me a good keyboard that doesnt have a shitty gimmick like super emojis or gifs or any shit...
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
Keyboard virus
What dead languages does Sup Forums still cling to?
ReviewThe Surface Laptop is Microsoft's most baffling release yet (Ars Technica)
How the fuck do you guys use so much storage space on your computers?
Which one of you did this?
I owned a Commodore 64 in the late 90's
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Smallest SLI gaming rig
Wow it's fucking nothing
Remember me, fuckers?
Do you rike it?
/w4n/ - Daily Wait for Navi Thread
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Board Question
Sup Forums's experiences with delidding?
ITT: Technology that works so well you are barely aware of it
Which music player do you guys are using these days? I have changed to AIMP and lovin it
Forgot laptop in the freezer
Any good jpg viewer?
What the fuck, just trying to uninstall a software I no longer need and Windows won't let me!
Systems programmers literally on suicide watch
Intel Atom Processors
Sup Forums I'm a genius I just found out how we can get 100% silent fans, well at least for humans...
Buddy gave me his old, broken work phone (iPhone 7). Things got pieces of the screen missing and it won't turn on
Sir, you're going to have to decrypt your laptop right now
Looking to get a new Leptop to install Linux
How do I edit pdf files for free...
Private Tracker General /ptg/
Ok Sup Forums how can we get rid of javascript?
Looking to make a porn site and I'm in need of a domain and webhost provider
TFW too retarded to learn C++ so I decided to learn Python
The chinese are making sexbots now. They can now blink and move their eyes...
When Intel/Amd is going to advance <=10nm processors?
Was always a poorfag, but now I finally have money
Meta thread
/mpv/ - The Open Source and Cross Platform Video Player
What is the purpose of this part i cannot find out shit via google?
Tried to get into programming a halfdozen times
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Stupid Questions Thread
What's the best bang for buck GPU right now?
What are the best websites to download FLAC albums for free (aka torrenting)?
What killed esata?
Screenfetch thread go
What kind of overclock are you running, Sup Forums?
How's that phone battery working out?
/wt/ watch thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Will chunky 3D buttons have a comeback in GUIs some time?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...