How does Sup Forums beat the heat?

how does Sup Forums beat the heat?

Other urls found in this thread:

through the power of technology

I take off my programming socks

by beating my meat

a cat is fine too

Great thread guys

My house isn't built of wood.

Aircos are technology

Basement stays cool.
Last year our air conditioner broke down and while the upstairs got to 90 F my basement never went above 75 so I was only mildly uncomfortable.

Average temp: 55-60 F

Air conditioning

I don't buy Housefire Lake


Wow, that was a shitshow.
What I meant to say was that I usually deal with it, especially if I have my sparcheater t2 on.
But yknow, AC works.

>Sup Forums pass

>Sup Forums pass user since 2012

Lol, humans don't get into heat baka


>it's fucking hot
>living room tv broke
>set up projector in basement because manufacturer warranty is taking forever on the tv
>open vent over couch
>bring down a laptop or two
>will probably just stop using the upstairs now
>new tv comes tomorrow

Stay cool, fellow midwesterners.

Central air.

It's actually costing me less in electricity than when I had to run a huge fuckoff window air conditioner 24/7.

This character was the third worst thing to ever happen to this website.

Is Sup Forums pass bad?

Poorfags hate it, but if you don't enjoy solving captchas and post here everyday then why the fuck not?

popsicles up the pooper


>negotiating with terrorists
>actually paying them

I beat the heat by jerking my meat to petite girls feet because I am leet

Cold brew coffee.

this can confirm

Loose feminine clothes work quite well.


it also helps me with C

my LN2 cooling got small leakage

Like most spoiled first-worlders; air conditioning.

How to program without programming soccs?

I heat the beats

by beating my meat

By not being a europoor

>paying to get your data sold

full disk encryption, i2p, vpn

Skirt and panties

I paid with a PayPal account that I then closed.

I'm keeping my desktop off unless I absolutely need to use it for something and am only using my X220 for light shitposting work. The thinkpad is also downclocked to ~50% of max to limit the heat output

I moved to Silicon Valley where it's always a nice temperature. Even if it does pass 80F, it's very dry.

As a inland Califag where it's unbearable right now

>leave windows open at night, close them all when I wake up
>fan near bed to help from sweating at night
>either go to the gym/shopping/do erands before work or do it at night
>sleep on the bottom floor on the house or basement if you have one
>turn off servers/shitposting machine unless absolutely necessary

By the time I get home, it's already bearable so it's not a big deal. Working in a place with god tier ac is great

I rarely use my ac at home though, only on days like today

Just buy a fucking proper AC, you fucking autistic fuck. This is like talking about a non-existent problem, holy shit.

> god-tier AC
Nigga a Gree or some other god-tier Chinese AC costs nothing. Get the fuck out.

I don't, the heat beats me. I've been cucked by nature into turning off my PC when I'm not using it because the fans are driving me insane.

>just get AC
Noise is the problem, an air conditioner seems like it would just be louder

I live in Seattle so the temp stays very cool year round


>Heatlets ITT

I live on the equator, and Accuweather RealFeel® is saying it's 37°C. Get on my level

Only the most powerful traps know how.

>not using Weather Underground
>or WeatherBug
Wait, on second thought,

its 64F outside, and this is my room
>tfw only one ac unit in apartment all the way across in the living room.

i could leave my door open, but i get self conscious while playing vns.
i could also turn off my other computers

>Noise is the problem, an air conditioner seems like it would just be louder
They use inverters now, so they only go as fast as needed. The compressor also stops once temperature is reached, so only the rotational fan keeps running. This results in almost zero noise. But even the compressor outside is very quiet nowadays.

Just don't buy very cheap shit models. Don't have to spend a fortune, just don't get the shittiest available. Also make sure it's properly sized. It's not rocket science, but the bigger place you have, the bigger model you need. Otherwise it will just struggle and never cool down the room/house.

If you have the pipes built, just get a Split unit that comes with two indoor units?
Or just a second very cheap unit for your room?

You're self-conscious about playing VNs, but not your figurines?

He is like only a 100% neckbeard virgin weeb shit this way, not 110% you know. It changes everything.

In Spain we got this pot called a botijo. It's a nice complement to a fan.

One time I installed a window AC unit because my workstation made my apartment get too hot.

you can just buy evaporative fans desu. but fuck that, if your country's air is not dry enough, enjoy mold and shit.

>It's been raining / storming for the entire summer
>Currently 16C out
>Cold enough to sit at computer with blankets >ultimate comfieness mode

I have marble floor and great air conditioning.
Sometimes, i actually get cold when I'm inside.

Sounds like Binland.

vns have lewd. figurines do not.


Room AC set to 72°F with a tower fan sitting 13 feet blowing straight at me on medium speed.

well, you could always just buy a cheap thinkpad or whatever and shitpost from there. they are piss cheap and generate no heat.
I used an Atom for the same purpose, but a used business-class laptop is at least speedy, unlike the Atom.

Hueg side fan here.

I stopped buying a pass the year prior to moot leaving.

i do have a cheap laptop, an e6410
i did make a mistake by putting in a quad core i7 though.

mainly use it when im out though, desktop is way better

it's a bit retarded to buy a laptop if you don't move around though, just a waste of money.

> desktop is way better
Unless you want to avoid frying yourself.

>Twingo plushie
Back to your containment board.

its 41 c outside and it feels even hotter in my room. i turn on the ac but it never cools my room down enough. i hate the summer

i move around. just not that often. ill be using it a lot more when i actually am assigned to a sub

make me nerd.

>i move around. just not that often.
We know user. Lot of don't like moving so often.

I live next to lake Michigan
Its always cool and breezy

The real shit temps come in winter when its -50 and everything is covered in ice from lake mist

I don't pay a power bill in my apartment lease. So I run my aircon at 67F all summer long. Feels fucking great.


It never went above 27c this year.

I do have an ac tho.

by not living in a sand country

>the providers of a services i peruse because i choose to are terrorists

I got a ceiling fan when my parents moved. I didn't have very high hopes for it, but it worked much better than expected. It pushes a surprising amount of air even at low speeds where it's very quiet. It has really saved my summer since I'm now able to sleep.

Damn you all hot and bothered af, chill

>not cooling yourself with dry ice in current year

Liquid cooling.

Wallfan dangling off my curtain rod here. Fuck the tropics.

it's a trap

Its been in the 80s all week dude

with a cool island song

>not best
what are you fucking gay?