/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

The Chosen One Edition

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ ghostbin.com/paste/b6844
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Demonotaku is muted on RED for speaking God's word Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


Private trackers are for pedophile manchildren.

Remember Zed is a Pedophile

Demonotaku is Apollo's shepherd and, God willing, he will lead his flock to the promise land! With tina_freppf92 (aka rioforyou) and JaneDigby at his side, he'll tear down the city walls of those heretics at RED, NWCD, HZ and Waffles! None shall stand in their way!

Can someone explain why Apollo is better at this point?

Bonus Points
Not full of Ratio Jews
> Zed-Free Zone

Apollo is /for the people/

what's your point?

please remember to donate to apollo or the site will have to be shut down :((((( !!!!

Demontaku can suck my dick

Your girlfriend is doing that to demon right now

Can someone explain why Apolo *isn't* better at this point?

Does anyone have the Nala memes? More specifically, the pre- and post-redacted ones?
It's for a school homework.

Cash prizes like IPT.

Just for you user, I do
I might have to dig to find some though, they aren't sorted

I love you user

Is everything alright with apollo right now? All of a sudden, my torrents said "Tracker gave HTTP response code 522".

Am I just stupid?


Another one

So let me get this straight.
John McAfee created PTP and the cabal and threatened to hack KG for talking shit about him?
Is this what you guys mean by cabal?

shit, sorry, I meant the "leaf meme" the "behind every shitpost" thing.

donate 0.005 BTC to fix issue thanx

https tracker crashed

Oh, whoops
I created those, if I can't find I'll just regenerate from the xcf

Here's the post-name change one

Why isn't there a touhou tracker?

the apollo ride never ends

Pre-name change
Had to regen it

I love you user

Please sir, donate more BTC for fresh rippings. Vishnu blesses you!

What kind of assignment requires memes this obscurely specific if you don't mind me asking

is.. uh, is this english?

It is part of the application packet to become a member of the Pooloo Defense Force.


you're not a true weeb, if you can't understand that





fuck all the way off



Is Zed really the anti-Kyle??

SSL is back up bro! didnt even have to donate!

Zed is a pedo and ringleader of the hidden site on AB

No. If he was, then the brief contact they shared when Kyle was Z-lined would have annihilated them both.



how many indians are on staff on apl?

sir why may i ask you are asking this type of questions? thank you sir

Does APL have bonus points yet?

donate 0.08 BTC for bonus points!

>AB recruitment came back faster than BBT application
The fuck are those bakas doing?

Are RED users jealous of Apollo?
I don't understand all the animosity

They are Jealous...of our pimping economy

is it just me or has been anyone else been finding more rare 24bit vinyl rips online and free to download on blogs than all the trackers and soulseek combined ?

It's not just you. Blogspots are some of the best places to vinyl rips.

How much buffer am I going to have to put on a Bib request to get someone to spend money on a physical copy from Amazon and scan it for me?

It has been that way for quite a while.
Before I was even on WCD, I used to search like:
album +blog flac

works most of the time

ur a faget

faggots aren't pedos

go to bed gramps

Hey, cool it pimp!

Anyone know what /ourguy/ alienhippy hath been up to lately?

>day 17: still no Bib invite
fucking auckland i hate all of new zealand now

we already told you
all auckland invite requests have been denied
this is not a joke



so do i send another pm with another fucking overdrive or what

You've been globally blacklisted. Assume an entirely new identity before you can even hope of getting into ANY private tracker.

Your worse off then our lord and savior, Demonotaku

what the fuck i don't even read books


Then why the HECK do you want to get into bib?

Well there's absolutely no way you can fuck yourself up any more so try.

You do realise that Bib's sysop is a /ptg/er, r-right?

If I upgrade my seedhost box to a bigger HD, does it transfer all my data I dled with it?

yeah, do that, you have nothing to lose

No, create a ticket or do it yourself

>muh epeen

meh w/e I can just re-dl everything.
I just hate having to see that ugly raw ratio

>day 25 no nwcd invite

GOT is out



Why is it so slow to download the 1080p web-DL on BTN??

twin peaks out


Try holding your router up higher.


I tried doing this and now I'm banned!

I tried this and now there is a laser dot on my chest. Wtf!!


HDBits buffer up the ass here

Let us hope there aren't any FUCKING glitches this time...

They did a repack last time. Amazon fucked up by glitching out the first release. All they had to do was re-download it from Amazon.

>tfw put AMZN instead of 1080p and got the wrong release

Excuse me /ptg/, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Demonotaku?

>still not on MTV

Fuck you /ptg/ for making sign up there

>he doesnt use ipt for tv


Yes I do Sir