Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence

In a memo to President Trump, a group of former U.S. intelligence officers, including NSA specialists, cite new forensic studies to challenge the claim of the key Jan. 6 “assessment” that Russia “hacked” Democratic emails last year.


FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)

SUBJECT: Was the “Russian Hack” an Inside Job?

Executive Summary

Forensic studies of “Russian hacking” into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2016, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computers, and then doctored to incriminate Russia.

After examining metadata from the “Guccifer 2.0” July 5, 2016 intrusion into the DNC server, independent cyber investigators have concluded that an insider copied DNC data onto an external storage device, and that “telltale signs” implicating Russia were then inserted.

Key among the findings of the independent forensic investigations is the conclusion that the DNC data was copied onto a storage device at a speed that far exceeds an Internet capability for a remote hack. Of equal importance, the forensics show that the copying and doctoring were performed on the East coast of the U.S. Thus far, mainstream media have ignored the findings of these independent studies [see here and here].

also wondering if Sup Forums knows if this VIPS is actually legit

Other urls found in this thread: STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

list of the VIPs members apparently


William Binney, former NSA Technical Director for World Geopolitical & Military Analysis; Co-founder of NSA’s Signals Intelligence Automation Research Center

Skip Folden, independent analyst, retired IBM Program Manager for Information Technology US (Associate VIPS)

Matthew Hoh, former Capt., USMC, Iraq & Foreign Service Officer, Afghanistan (associate VIPS)

Larry C Johnson, CIA & State Department (ret.)

Michael S. Kearns, Air Force Intelligence Officer (Ret.), Master SERE Resistance to Interrogation Instructor

John Kiriakou, Former CIA Counterterrorism Officer and former Senior Investigator, Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Linda Lewis, WMD preparedness policy analyst, USDA (ret.)

Lisa Ling, TSgt USAF (ret.) (associate VIPS)

Edward Loomis, Jr., former NSA Technical Director for the Office of Signals Processing

David MacMichael, National Intelligence Council (ret.)

Ray McGovern, former U.S. Army Infantry/Intelligence officer and CIA analyst

Elizabeth Murray, former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Middle East, CIA

Coleen Rowley, FBI Special Agent and former Minneapolis Division Legal Counsel (ret.)

Cian Westmoreland, former USAF Radio Frequency Transmission Systems Technician and Unmanned Aircraft Systems whistleblower (Associate VIPS)

Kirk Wiebe, former Senior Analyst, SIGINT Automation Research Center, NSA

Sarah G. Wilton, Intelligence Officer, DIA (ret.); Commander, US Naval Reserve (ret.)

Ann Wright, U.S. Army Reserve Colonel (ret) and former U.S. Diplomat


It's common knowledge that it wasn't the russians. Among those who aren't drinking the media lies, anyway.

clearly they were paid off by the russians


think fox might've picked it up as well

I can post some of the evidence presented


>wondering if Sup Forums knows if this VIPS is actually legit
>Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
When the name is spun like the title of a fucking congressional bill you should be able to answer that question yourself.


>RT, literally a russian propaganda outlet
you're not helping your case

You're actually going downhill there.

i mean expect any MSM sites to ever pick it up?

well they do list the members of this VIPs on the bottom at least i guess if one can confirm all of these people are real then we may have something

Genetic fallacy

I'm not going anywhere; you're in denial.

yes this mspaint comic truly supercedes the conclusive assessments of both the fbi and the cia

>Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence
Thought was some new strategy to beat AMD kek.

>Democrats, a party known for doing the exact opposite of what they say and being nutjob conspiracy theorists
>Thinking this was ever anything but just another one of their loony conspiracy theories.

Neither the FBI nor the CIA "conclusively assessed" that Russians "hacked the elections".

NYT or WaPo - can't remember which it was - already walked back the statement saying "17 intelligence agencies agree..."

And Crowdstrike, the company that "investigated" the DNC computers walked back on the allegations of Russian interference as well.




>log scale
>22.6*8 = 180.8 Mb/s
I get that speed for $70 bucks lol.

the max my carrier offers is 45Mb/s

Notice they don't even see it's log and call it 80% of 1Gbps. My 1Gb does 110MB/s no problem.

Rural area? They go up to gigabit here but I don't need that speed.

Cool; you got that connection speed in Romania? STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

so I was wrong, it was in fact the CIA, the FBI, the DHS, the NSA, and the ODNI who all conclusively assessed that it was the Russians. and you've got mspaint comics as your retort. good job.

Eastern europe has good internet in a lot of places dude.

Sup Forums - Technology

is not

Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect

>But "hackers" is technology!
This story is about Trump/the elections/Russians/the DNC/media coverage.

>it's unbelievable a top tier hacker would have pretty good but not amazing connection speed

This guy hasn't even heard of Romanian internet before. Some "forensicator." He can't even use Google.

Who says that the server hosting the information even allows for such speeds besides lan? There is a huge difference and possible packet loss from a long distance such as this.

Fucking this

you have to go back


I just downloaded 154GB from China at my max 180Mbps.

>I dont like the thread
then get out

i thought the OP was interesting
the continued posting was agenda ridden instead of objective though, so kill it

someone is well versed in russian memes with this Фeликc Эдмyeндoвич thing

MB/s ≠ Mbit/s

He's right that this is Sup Forums. It only became a bit of Sup Forums because of how technologically inept the conservatard shills were. But it's not news that they're not fact based.

i for one am glad about some technology discussion related to current events instead of the slew of screenfetch/rust/win vs linux threads that I always see here

And average != what a paid Russian hacker can buy.

What does Intel have to do with this? Are they going to get AMD involved too?

>what was the birther movement

Sup Forums has to die.

>What does Intel have to do with this?
anything to stay relevant after the threadripper

>Sup Forums

>he cares about memeripper
But an i9.

>technology discussion related to current events

This thread, so far:
>lol at OP's sources
>lol at various media outlets
>lol at MB vs Mb
>Romanian internet is fast, guys!

Where is the discussion about technology? There isn't any, because this story is primarily about politics. Where should politics threads go?

>selective filtering

Fuck off back to your containment board, cunty boy

Fuck off right wing retards.
Sup Forums has always been a left leaning board.

I don't need a space heater at the moment, maybe in late december

Sup Forums used to be my home board now Sup Forums is. wtf happened to you Sup Forums you used to be cool and now you're all hyper feminized banshees screaming about Sup Forums. there was nothing wrong with this thread until people started whining about Sup Forums

okay so go back there and never post here again

Half of those are "lol MB vs Mb". Any yes, the other half is not "lol Romanianet is fast", just "lol Europenet is fast".

You are proving my point.

But hey, if I am wrong and this thread IS about technology... then go ahead and enjoy it. I am going to minimize it and move on with my life.

It's occasionally nice to have a Sup Forums thread as long as there are no Sup Forumstards in it. I remember when you could actually have a nice discussion on Sup Forums. Now Sup Forums's long dead and Sup Forums is nothing but "cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck."

>it's nice to talk politics as long as one side is only allowed to talk

this is what you said essentially.

Nice blog post, came here to post this.

Whether or not you intended it you just described Sup Forums as well.

Why would I care about the opinions of people who simply confirm what they want to believe?

pretty sure what he meant was it's okay to have political discourse when the people involved aren't genuinely mentally handicapped

Fucking Sup Forums needs to get off my board reeeeee

Sup Forums is a diverse board full of many different viewpoints. liberals used to have meaningful discussion on marxism there but they went scorched earth and now dump blacked porn and 1 post threads.

Bullshit, they are there but then they get two hundred replies of "shillary" "she lost, get over it" "shariahblue."

Come on dude you are in an echo chamber, at least admit it.

>Sup Forums is a diverse board
yes your members lie on virtually all possible points of the autism spectrum
>liberals are the ones dumping blacked porn
nice try

Being technically able to tell us your opinions doesn't mean they'd be welcome: that's just shitposting.

how about you get back to your containment board? The only reason this thread is up is because the mods are lazy bastards

>After examining metadata from the “Guccifer 2.0” July 5, 2016 intrusion into the DNC server, independent cyber investigators have concluded that an insider copied DNC data onto an external storage device
That's not new. Wikileaks said that they had an insider that physically got the data for them.

what do you expect when you say stupid shit like trying to create a false consensus and fuck drumpf fuck white people. sincere posts will get sincere replies.

Sup Forums is fine with political discussion with anyone as long as you don't scheme and plot against them in a private chat room like filthy jews. The thing that separates a lot Sup Forums commies and libertarians from the ones on reddit and whatnot is that a majority hate jews. I hate them too.

Any opsec novice has known since shillary uttered 'muh 17 agencies' in that debate it was a load of shit. Any opsec novice knows that blatant 'russian prints' are planted. And any opsec novice knows that the US government pulls shit like this all the time.

no, they're fine with political discussion as long as it's all memes and shitposting.

Nigger who are you trying to convince me or you?

Seriously go try it and let me know how it goes. I consider myself a classic liberal and I browse Sup Forums for shits and giggles every now then. I've posted and 99% of replies are cuck this and shill that. You guys are just as bad as the SJW's you harp on. If I said the sentence above I'd be hit with a a specific image macro and shitposting.

Wake up dude.

>anything I don't want to hear is a plot against me from a private chat room!

It was proven that Shareblue and raids from cripplechan were exactly that. We even infiltrated their discord servers. This is common knowledge at this point. Nothing is beyond our reach.

what type of stuff do you say and in what threads? half of pol is classical liberals or anarchist.


>oh no people shitposting
>everyone who disagrees with me is a cuck who secretly plots against "us"

Truly a place for meaningful discussion.

This was proven. It was all put out in the open, whether you fags like it or not.

KEK this is hilarious. It's ubiquitous that Russia was behind the hacking and you want to point to a few fringe citations that are not luculent.


So it's another episode of "cultist lefties invent lies and gets their pants caught on fire instead of offering any real opposition to Trump that proceeds to shit up everything unopposed"?

It's not opinion, it's fact.

I'm all leftist euro and shit but what's the big deal with those hacks, people mad for Russians releasing legit data?


Yep. It's a damn shame.

Most of it was Wikileaks who released stuff. The accusation is that Russia worked some magic and gave a whole bunch of info to Wikileaks. Instead of getting mad at the DNC for being corrupt, they're lashing out at the people who exposed it. Blaming Russia is just convenient because a few dirty Jews want a war to line their pockets. It was actually Seth Rich who gave the info to Wikileaks and mysteriously ended up shot to death.

See pic related.

I am a liberal and this thread offends me


That Russians were conspiring to get Trump elected. Pretty stupid that they did, though. Why do right wingers think other right wingers are their friends? They're literally too dumb to recognize that they all have an "us vs them" ideology and that anyone who isn't "me" can be turned into a "them" at the drop of a hat?
"Sure, let's just make a treaty with Hitler. I'm sure he won't invade! He said so!"

The problem here is that you believe in the hacks in the first place.

You're a whiny kid who boasts with strangers because we can't punch you in the face.

No you don't. You just need to listen to Putin's own words.

I understand that but everyone is mad not because of leaked data content but because of the way that data was obtained.

Sound wrong.

>unironically believes seth rich had anything to do with anything
and yet somehow democrats are the conspiracy theorists

Why does it even matter who did it?
In any sane democracy you would thank whoever exposes the wrongdoings of politicians.

who did it isn't the important part, it's why they did it. also, it's possible to be mad at both the hacking and the corruption that it exposed.

>waaaah everything that the government doesn't spoon feed me is a CONSPIWACY THEWY!
If someone who was a witness to a crime who was going to testify in court was shot soon after, the police would investigate that. Your arguments are invalid.

you do realize the police *are* investigating his death, right?

>guy walks around drunk in a bad area
>gets shot

I though Sup Forums knew what niggers were all about.