I want to make a VPS server in nearly-anarchy country like somalia. How can I do? Which country do you recommend?
I want a country that government doesn't work.
I want to make a VPS server in nearly-anarchy country like somalia. How can I do? Which country do you recommend?
I want a country that government doesn't work.
Why? You'll still probably get in trouble for your cp site.
not him but I would guess Interpol.
What if their police is too incompetent to cooperate with interpol?
This probably. Just because a country is nearly in a state of anarchy doesn't mean the companies operating there would be.
Interpol can just cooperate with the VPS directly?
VPS provider I mean
a near anarchy country mean that ISP/Providers and internet are also nearly dead or offline. In the end even if you manage to find a VPS provider the neighbouring countries will still block your ip
also, your colocated server becomes your host's new server the second your check clears, because what are you going to do host your vicky.mpg on dreamhost?
OP wants to be the VPS provider, I think.
quit being retarded, it makes it harder to separate you from the other retards (not sure why I really should bother tho)
Brazil definitely.
But Brazil is relatively stable compared to other latin america countries.
The only LA country who surpasses Brazil on this terms is Venezuela, and you know, people don't even have food there. I doubt you'll find a quality VPN from there.
Don't worry, Electricity is cheaper than food.
and thanks.
OP wants a VPS. If you don't know what that is, stop posting.