Can i get a job if my github profile pic is an anime pic and all the commits are in C exclusively?

can i get a job if my github profile pic is an anime pic and all the commits are in C exclusively?

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If anything that would only help you get a job


It really all depends on what anime

>Anime pic
That's a huge red flag to employers.

why though

pic related

that picture is so reddit, just delete it

b-but i saved it from Sup Forums



>anime picture
The embedded developers are old and think you are fag.
Hipster faggots think you are NEET because you are not using node.

>HR girls hate you and act snobby because they think you're a creep
>marketing girls laugh at you behind your back
>the jaded senior devs avoids all eye contact
>your co-workers have no respect for you and rip you out every time you commit
>no one wants to go to your office because you're a weeb
>the janitor rips your madoka poster and throws it in the trash

Yes. I actually did get a job with a github page fitting that description.
I'm not even lying.

Are there any anime pics that are acceptable? Mine on Github is Johan from Monster

Because employers don't want autistic people working for them

don't autistic people progaming better

There's a lot of media that could be considered anime, but only a subset of it caters to narcissistic virgins. Those are the people we usually call weebs now.
An Akira or Totoro reference would probably be respected, for example.

Pretty much this. Either delete Anime picture, or put up some stuff in another language.

>An Akira or Totoro reference
but these are the animes that narcisistic virgins pretend to like while praiinsg things they dont understand like 'cinematography' ect


Sure, but they pretend to like them expressly because people who aren't losers actually do like them. They think it will make them not losers by association. This is also the reason desktop threads have so many MacOS screenshots with anime girl backgrounds.

Yep, I got a job, my github avatar is an anime girl and all my commits are in either C or asm.
I do a fuckload of work on a big open source project and all open source developers who work in the field know each other. I wrote a second implementation of an open source thing that a company doing open source research did and got hired after asking the team manager like 6 times in 10 months.
In between I worked writing semi-proprietary code for a small business where I knew the CEO (it was a 1-person company before I joined). The CEO knew of course but he was cool with it. I then decided that I'm never changing it out of spite. If I'm left without a job and don't get hired because my avatar is a red flag to them - their loss. I'm only working so I can get enough money to live and work/research for the big open source project I'm a dev of.

>CEO cool with you being weeb

Would be nice if you included said avatar, or a least a description of it to assist in the mental image.
Without that I can only assume it is something like this.


Are you a programmer or a psychologist

Yuck, would my hire.

Want to try that again, but in English?
Also, you appear to need a wider outlook on life.


Sucks to be you user. Have you tried not being such a turbo autist?

Autism is a quality rather than a detriment in the technology field.


Sometimes being upfront about being a weeb is beneficial. For example my friend got a very good job as programmer just because he is a weeb just like his boss.

>being upfront
I'm not defined by the media I consume.

>I'm not defined by the media I consume.
>has anime avatar

I'm a real human being user

they want people that are able to socialize

Who is this demonic consumer of seamen?


No your fucking weeb loser post your face

Can I get a job if I don't know how to use version control at all?

you won't get paid much

No. They just want people who can program exceptionally well and can work in a team. I got hired with this as my avatar.

I don't do company social events. I don't drink. I'm a picky eater. But I save them months of work with my code and hacks and they fucking love me for it.

What do you guys contribute to?
I've been picking up JS and Node, but nothing really sticks out to me to work on. It's not like I found a lot of C, C++ or Lua projects to sink my teeth into. I guess I could give FF development a go.

My avatar is not overtly anime in of itself.

His name is Astolfo.

Isn't that futa

thats not a trap, thats a fucking ambush

One of the smartest guys in my office occasionally wears t-shirts with anime girls on them, he also is one it the highest paid. Stop this meme.

if you are not a graduate, no decent employer will check your github

>oy vey goyim, you didn't attend (((Berkeley)))! How can you ever learn to code without becoming antifa!

True because she's crossplaying Astolfo.

A faggot called "Rikachuu".

Normiebook will help.

let me rephrase that,

no employer will check your github for jobs higher than junior/grduate positions

You are more likely to be chosen having some contributions/projects on Github than someone with no contributions/projects on Github with the same background as you

Do people even care about github profiles? What if I don't have one?



you just send them some source if they want.
Some companies actually want you to have social media stuff even, this is seven years ago now.
But me and my research partner, we were actually both even forced on kikebook. Due to the management for this company wanted max pr.

Granted we both took another job later on, and I gassed my profile at least. I don't have any public profiles except a linked in, which is where they actually look.

Add your projects and rewards and whatnot there. I really do hate linked in too, but when people change job, everyone goes there and updates it adding friends and former coworkers and whatnot. It there they look. Usually a boss don't have technical knowhow anyways

>do you remember that one good Nazi?

Man I fucking want beer

also this is very different from company to company. I mostly love those places where I can go to werk in my hoodie and whatnot. And the boss don't give a shit as long as I produce.

I have however worked places where you fucking need to wear a shirt and so. These places there has been a lot of female coworkers, and they care about that useless crap rather than producing. Stiff shit like that doesn't go well with me. I general I avoid places with females now due to this, and that you end up with always having to do their god damn job while they nag for more pay and don't lift a finger
>But on engineering hat
>Look at me everyone I am engineer, attention pls

Also non burgers/leafs.
Have anyone of you worked in an american or canadian company before?
Lol, my previous work we were bought, my damn what a bunch of useless incompetent cunts. Only care about muh HR and hierarchies, my damn that doesn't go well here. If your boss mouth you off here or starts to screech bitch you as they do, the fists comes flying. They always have like 10 gus working and a million bosses that do jackshit too

>british software firm
>if a problem came up someone would just get told to fix it
>new american owners impose their gay management practises
>now 3 guys "brainstorm" on a whiteboard for hours before collaboratively working on the problem and giving each other brojobs
This gay shit along with Japanese competition is why our computer industry died.

this you nailed it.
I haven't worked with a german company before, but I've cooperated with a couple of german ones. Here too to much bureaucracy they say.

In one place I worked we were a handful of people doing shit for the EU basically, boring stuff. Regardless this one company had like 40k people or something there, yet they were overdue on their projects by like a year. We implented stuff for almost all EU countries(and others), while they were fucking only making shit for germany. Just... just.. what are you really doing all day?

The funny shit was when they came here, they expected something similar and were shocked to find only a small office and part when they realized we were the only of our offices that actually did the coding.

When it comes to americans too, they only play grab ass all day as you say here. Here it is we have a bug or need to an implementation, we do iit and ship out to the testers. While they do all this nonsense for not only hours, not only days but month in and month out. I would go crazy. If the light bulb is out, just and fucking change it god damnit. Instead you have to consult your middle management, apply for shit, sit and wait, they do their meetings and don't even understand the issue. GAS

I'd hire you as my trap secretary

>google github username
>a bunch of anime pics from warosu and rebeccablacktech show up

not even a cute boy but an ugly girl pretending to be a trap.

it's a girl

the porn star acting is a huge turnoff

hi alucard

>applicant has cartoons on their professional portfolio

>applicant has cartoons on their professional portfolio
immediately hired

This. I turned down 2 coders who had anime-related profile pics. Weebs should be gassed.

But you can bet he didn't have it on his portfolio.

I'd hire you desu~

But only if your waifu is not shit tier, here is--



I've only ever worked for American companies. It's the best to be honest, it's run based on merit not who you know unlike europoors.

>Weebs should be gassed.
I'd like to remind you that you posted this on an anime website

haha look at this faggot trying to start a shitstorm with this subject again
epic fail.

Wouldn't surprise me if he did. We started out small and have been acquired multiple times. We're part of a very large corporation now which shall remain nameless.

I can guarantee nobody in your department would be hired if they applied again.


t. neet

yep, pretty epic

Anything that isnt a cute girl or can be assumed to be a derivative of a slightly off but not toxic sense of humor

Only if the profile image is lewd enough.


>implying embedded is worth working for
Either you earn like a pajeet or work as one

He's probably a manager
Aka he doesnt know jack shit about what his employees should be doing, just knows a few name games from his time as a college RA at a party school and knows how to tell people to work harder

>Nazis were the bad guys

Why do they hire "diverse" people then?

Because they can hold a conversation at least.
By autistic, he means quiet autists who stutter and can't spit out a sentence or talk to the team at all without embarassing themselves.
They're also the ones most likely to internalize anger and take it out on their workplace.

But that's why they have translators though. You'd expect a neckbeard wizard to translate the shit he does to English?


Ever heard of diversity hiring programs? Autistic checks a diversity checkbox.

Remove anime profile pic during your application process.

Put it back in once you are hired.

>finally get hired
>put my illya profile pic back
>get called into HR

i want to suck on illya's delicious loli boobs

No. Or maybe, see /thread

Unfortunately, yes.

Kill yourself already.