/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Posting Your Torrent Key on a Invite Trading Forum Edition

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>10/10 Pretimes on OT
Dat JAV scene...


you are evil

wtf? I clicked this and now my chastity belt won't open

Just another day.
Another day I'm not on KG

OT. attention-seeking: the tracker

path to KG?

MaM -> TEH -> BTN -> Bib -> HDB -> PTP -> KG


At first I felt bad for you, now I wish you never get in.

about that...

I never asked for your pity.


>MAM, pB, AT don't have IRC announce channel
If only my autism didn't force me to build 10TB buffer.

Yes you did.

just how long do I have to wait for the redtarded recruiter on ab to respond. It has been like 3 weeks now and I cant even see when he last logged on the site because he has it hidden

myr is coming back real soon!

>finally find a decent reasonable priced seedbox
>it hasn't been available for days..
why don't these faggots just buy more equipment..

RED recruiter on AB has always been shit.

no degenerate weebs allowed, soz.

wait for a big weeb album to be released.

Unless you're someone that can help me your pity isn't warranted.

Good thing I'm not then.

So BTN or PTP? Damn I did not know that KG is cabal.

Wait, what if myr = APL sysop???

>Damn I did not know that KG is cabal

They aren't.

tehc looks to be cabal from those two posts.

But it implies that you first need to get into cabal and then KG.

>Day 21: Bib recruiter still silent
Holy shit I'm dying here, Ian

That's only because KG got tired of the curries and cabal generally has proven members to recruit from.


face it, that path died

What recruits on MTV? MTV a good tracker in general?


IPT -> HDB -> bB -> KG

That's the easiest route.

time machine->KG (open reg)

path to IPT?

gib shekels

As someone who knows little about what's going on behind the scenes at KG, I suggest you are DLing stuff from there regularly, they will bring the hammer down on collectors later this year.

Is it normal for some remux to have 'encoding settings' (cabac, ref, etc) or did I get scammed?

Which one are you looking at?

99% chance of latter.

It's normal.

Not it isn't, lol.

How do I set usermode in autodl-irssi?
Also, I don't feel like re-reading rules, but GGn, AB, MTV and RED don't require setting a mode, right?

>I suggest you are DLing stuff from there regularly
How often is enough?

seedhost sdatas

Thanks you have been marked.

You're right actually, forgot that CABAC showed up usually.
Does it have encoding parameters at the bottom of the video section?

>*setting a mode for your bot in announce channel

It has all the parameters from a x264 encode, deblock, analyse, me...


Ok thanks. But some othr tracker does. So how do I set mode?

Then it's 99% an encode.
There are some professional blu-rays that are done with x264, but the encoding settings might not be stored on them.

That simply means it was encoded using x264 on the original BD too, it's not that rare.


JaneCuckby is now on BTN

Those come back regularly. You'll get one soon enough if you just keep refreshing every now and then.

You could also check if the parameters match with these:

Oh, and to answer your original question, keeping demand high maximizes profits. It's not like they never come back in stock.
If they just bought a bunch of machines, set them up in their DC (evoswitch) and put them all up for sale, there wouldn't be a guarantee they would sell.
Another possibility is that they are more likely than not spread a bit thin on support. They automate most things, but I've seen just how dumb people can be when it comes to servers/seedboxes and more servers equates to requiring more support.
Lastly, there might be some kind of a space limitation since they don't own the datacenter. Perhaps their contract is limited to a certain number of machines or maybe to add more machines they have to commit to a certain amount of servers, etc.
It's a bit more complicated than just buying more servers.

And they do have to think about the prison sentences they're going to get for conspiracy to commit fraud after they crack down on seedboxes etc.

k, guess I'll just be playing the waiting refresh game all day, since my current one is pretty much maxed..
even a email notification system of availability would be nice but w/e

So which one of you magnificent assholes is uploading an 84GB bladerunner BD on Bl*t*pia from a shitty australian home connection?

There is literally nothing wrong with being Australian.

but lolis are illegal in australia

Are there other autodl plugins than autodl-irssi?
OT has an announce channel but you cant add it in autodl-irssi.

but that's a good point

they are in the UK, and Canada too. what's your point

write your own

Make your own tracker file.

It's hilarious.

>OT has an announce channel but you cant add it in autodl-irssi.
This works for me:

M*M -> B* ->' b* -> KG.india
' - may get banned in process

No, thanks!

I have almost no control over the box. I only can add things from a list of available stuff.
Why didn't the fucker contact autodl-irssi to add it there officially?

you have no ssh access? get a better seedbox.

this or ask them nicely to add it for you with a support ticket :3

What do you guys do with your nips? Should I just buy the gems?

just donated 30 bucks to AB

Give them to me.

invest in OTC


Whats up with the lyricskong ads on multiple private tracker sites?

I've had the same adds pop up on: TorrentDay (and if you Tweet it you get upload credit) IPTorrent (Tweet for upload credit) Speed.cd

Its frustrating, but what's interesting is that the ads and messages all look the same on the different sites and they all say LyricsKong is "by a close friend of the site".

So do these 3 sites belong to the same people?

You also have shit taste in anime.

Can confirm. Got in early and now I'm practically a millionaire and set for life.

>mfw 2nd person to buy one

I'm waiting for them to crash before I buy.


Lol, cute.
They think they're people.

What anime?

youre favorite anime

Serious question: path to OT?

Damn you caught me.

IRC interview is always open

IRC -> pm spaghetti dick pic -> OT

Fuck off

Did you mean A little?


If you didn't like HOTD then you're not human.

>If you didn't like HOTD then you're not retarded

How in the fuck is ratio calculated on IPT? I downloaded the 10 smallest torrents as some user suggested in the previous thread and now my ratio is out of control.