I have webbrowser, email client (alpine), text editor, PDF viewer, Facebook chat, Music player and image editor running on Raspberry PI. Why do I need a 500 W PC running again?
I have webbrowser, email client (alpine), text editor, PDF viewer, Facebook chat...
What is the best terminal based audio player in your opinion?
could probably do with just termnial applications. just been too lazy to find a good screen for that. also need a new keyboard.
Everything fucking crashes on Raspberry pi
armv7... nope.
You don't have cross compile python.
Goodluck doing PC gaming on that raspberry pi
At least you got faceshit OP, could be worse
>PC gaming
I have 17 gb of PC DOS games.
Come at me!
I like X-Com 2 Terror from the Deep and C-Com 1 has an open source port.
By changing some apps and moving some to terminal I've saved even more RAM. Can Windows 10 use so little RAM?
Anyone know where I can grab the framebuffer version of firefox or Surf? Guys who worked on fb applications died in 2004.
Never happened to me.
There is something wromg with the audio driver. Try skipping ahead in a track in mocp or in audacious.
It hangs on my Rasperry Pi 2
The computing power, user, you need the computing power. It only makes sense with all the 'quote un-quote double-quote ""Spying""' going on today
Probably notz. byt whyz di you havz 28 firefoxz?
eviry PID from 4777z to 4814 needz to be killde. str8 187 murdir
Because muh Firefox Sync.
Please leave.
blame debian
Same shit on Raspbian and Ubuntu Mate.
>He thinks Ubuntu isn't Debian
>860MB ram
come back when you do actual work
Different repos my friend. Don't compare old debian stable to new ubuntu. Package versions matter!
I do, I connect to remote workstation via SSH.
I gave 128 MB of RAM to my GPU to play videos better. Will test 64 MB. I don't need 1080P video right now.
>to play videos better
at least you admit that your setup is meme tier and poorfag trash.
>facebook chat
That unoptimized pile of shit will run up 300MB on its own.
Fair enough. I think we can agree that both Debian and Linux are trash tier though
I use Pidgin/Finch to connect to facebook chat. Using external chat client is the point you moron.
mocp --version
This is : Music On Console
Version : 2.5.2
Revision : 2930
Built : Jan 1 2017 23:27:55
Compiled with : OSS ALSA JACK Network streams resample
Running on : Linux 4.9.34-1-lts x86_64
Author : Damian Pietras
Homepage : moc.daper.net
E-Mail : [email protected]
Copyright : (C) 2003-2016 Damian Pietras and others
License : GNU General Public License, version 2 or later
Get a desktop idiot
I like to use updated packages and kernels
Idk about you
Transitioning to openPEPE Tumbleweed so I reckon I'm in the same boat.
>Why do I need a 500 W PC running again?
Running VMs, watching hd movies, running gns.
I tried this. There's no terminal web browser that can stream videos, use Javascript and do Captchas. And programs using the framebuffer to display graphics can't run inside a terminal multiplexer so copy-pasting between them and other programs won't work easily.
And when you try to get all this to work, at some point you realize that this is what the X server was made for.
I've tried this several times. It won't work.
I blame Moot for not removing captcha as he promissed.
No can doz, haz no lifz
You realise Sup Forums is 18+ right?
You haven't been on Sup Forums before Captcha, have you?
The site was unusable due to all the spam.
This + omxplayergui from KWEB3 allows me to search and watch 1080p Youtube videos without a browser!
I use cmus, it just werks.
Cornelia was love.hta
That youtube player is awesome. It plays both audio and video. Searching for videos work, playlists work. Full speed 1080p video playback live.
i'd take kimmo over calle
Remember to overclock your RPI to 1100 MHz
muh man
for a lot of things, you don't really need any more
ps. i would recommend adding a zram swap as well, that is, compress less used pages if you run out of memory. not as heavy a speed hit as writing to slow flash or a hdd
why do you have such a shitty resolution?
>blame debian
Raspberry Pi fucks up all kinds of SD cards in no time. Everytime I get a new one and install an OS it runs well for about 8 months - a year until suddenly the shitshow begins. Crashes, slowdowns, etc.
You don't need 500W, but you need more power for: non-shit resolution, decent video playback, any sort of auto-completion, more tabs in the browser, faster compile times.