Why aren't you using the best OS, Sup Forums?
>inb4 ubuntu and w10 weenies scared of the command line
There really is no good valid reason not to use the best OS.

Other urls found in this thread:

Muh gaymes

Dunno, why should I switch from Linux?

It's broken on my laptop and I need my desktop for games

You spelled worst wrong.

Because Stallman told me to love the GPL

I play games on FreeBSD.
Wine-staging for FreeBSD works relatively well.

GNU LGPL v2.1+Wine

Licenses are meaningless to lowly basement dwelling Sup Forumseeks. Stop letting "muh morals" get in the way of using truly superior software.
Also wine support on freebsd is more or less equal to that on linux/osx

the only game under wine i could not make work was ffxiv which is a pain in the ass to run on wine on any platform

Repos are tiny. Ports is retarded. No MAC. Probably can't suspend. Shitty hardware support. Dubious support for trackpads beyond the bare minimum. Have to configure the littlest things, like getting flash drives to mount as soon as they are connected. Smaller developers might distribute a .deb or .rpm but none will distribute whatever the fuck FreeBSD uses. No GUI for managing network connections like wifi, so you have to manually edit wpa_supplicant. It's not that I'm a scared of a terminal, but I shouldn't have to use it for things like connecting to a new wifi network if I'm not working on a server.

It's fun to fuck around in on a burner laptop, but it has no place outside of specific use cases and routers when there's GNU/Linux.

I already am using gentoo user

>literally just listed everything wrong with linux

I do use it on an old machine, but I love Debian and Arch and Gentoo and Void (and even Fedora/CentOS) too!

There's really so much variety in the Free Software world that there's no reason to be stuck on anything that's proprietary. These days, virtualization and new machines are so cheap.

Shit WiFi support.

>never used used Linux his life
>post in Sup Forums faking knowledge

He wrote that from a linux perspective though

Doesn't support my hardware.

Yeah, but i've literally had almost all of those problems on linux so its like

>Repos are tiny.
Yes, BSD only packages things that are vetted by a primary developer and passes whatever guidelines they deem make the package a valuable or essential part of the system.

>Ports is retarded.
Literally no different from Portage or AUR or whatever it is that Void uses.

>Probably can't suspend.

>Shitty hardware support.
Works fine for me. Not my fault you didn't research weather your PPC Mac would work.

>Dubious support for trackpads beyond the bare minimum.
Not every OS is meant for laptops, that said it works fine on anything that isn't a le gaymurr meme laptop (and even then I doubt that it doesn't work on such things).

Basically, you are too retarded to enable the trackpad.

>Have to configure the littlest things, like getting flash drives to mount as soon as they are connected.
Yes, that's what this OS is meant for. I wouldn't expect grandma to use Arch, I wouldn't expect a video editor to use Ubuntu, I wouldn't expect neither a gaymer nor a straight person to use a Mac

>the fuck FreeBSD uses
You compile things yourself on FreeBSD.

>No GUI for managing network connections like wifi, so you have to manually edit wpa_supplicant.
WICD works fine for me. What network manager daemon do you use? Gnome's shitstemD based one?

>shouldn't have to use it for things like connecting to a new wifi network if I'm not working on a server.
Most BSDs installs are, for the most part, meant for servers and super-tweaked workstations.

It's not the OS's fault that it's not targeting you specifically. Do you complain about planes when traveling on a boat? What a retarded argument.

That said, I saw some ricer faggot here running actual Spotify and Discord on an OpenBSD install and it was the most retarded leddit thing I've ever seen

>I need my desktop for games

If you value video games over your freedom you should just kill yourself

I'd rather use Linux because I have access to Linux academy so I have something that I can use to learn that isn't just man pages.

Because I'm using OpenBSD

You got battlefield 4 and gta v running in wine?

>Yeah, (...) so it's like
go back to instagram kid

is this the cuck license OS?

you're posting in a thread that's premise is "FreeBSD is the best OS" and you're defending the OS by saying it's a niche OS. Guess what, motherfucker? Leaves are the best thing to wipe your ass with (if you're in the woods, miles from any toilet paper).

My point is that pretty much all of the problems that he listed are just as much of problems on linux, and pretty much as easy to fix

>no GUI installer or automatic installer to get the system up and running right away
No thanks, I'm dicking around with the command line for 20 minutes to download the packages that the devs were too retarded to put in the ISO by default or preconfigure. I have to install the package manager myself? Really? This isn't 1995. And what about a simple install script that'll install the OS with sane defaults and let me configure it later? Why is is this too much to fucking ask for? If this was the only FOSS available I'd just use Windows. It's not fucking worth it.

>have to configure everything
>that's what this OS is meant for
So it's meant for jerking off and pretending to do "computer science"

>OS isn't targeting you specifically
So who is it targeting? losers pretending to be hipsters?

Really hard to pretend that this is any form of argument when linux is already free. No matter how hard you want it to be, it isn't the 80s, so you can have one OS for wildly different users.

"oh it doesn't target you"
"oh it *just isn't for you*"
"I'm fucking better than you"

>I saw some faggot using software made in the last 15 years on this OS so he's not invited to our secret IRC club

this is their way to keep the "normies" out. bsd is not about software, it's about faux-politics vis-a-vis not having software. It would already be buried if it wasn't conveniently for the mass amounts of failures who couldn't get a job and need to fill up their time by being hipsters

not nearly, unless you got tricked into using arch. the only decent desktop distro for end users who want shit to just work is ubuntu. ive been using linux for years and the only distro that has done what i wanted it to do has been ubuntu. touchpad support worked ootb on my 2013 toshiba satellite, repos are full of shit and if you want more theres plenty of ppa's out there. flash drives mount as soon as theyre connected. theres a gui for wifi connections, no need to touch wpa_supplicant yourself. suspension is possible, hardware support is fantastic because its the distro with the most market share, you can choose between a couple options for drivers for all gpus (open or closed source). in fact, there's a ppa for the absolute latest daily build of mesa available, and then theres the kernel repo they have where they build the latest linux kernel up to release candidates that you can download and install yourself. please, don't be tricked by autistic faggots here, use real linux.

>using a homosexual operating system
>with satan as a mascot
no, thanks

ain't nothin gay bout wearing a devil costume while another man rubs his dick on your butthole, nigga

This. Ubuntu respects your most important freedom, aka freedom -1: your time.

Because I use superior Debian 9.0 KDE.

However I have OpenBSD on my DankPad X60 which works as my hobby laptop / ricing laptop.

Because there's literally no reason to use FreeBSD over a Linux distribution, and *BSD is usually a 2 or 3-tier supported platform for the software I use, meaning it kinda works but not really. I spent some time trying to run Docker images on FreeBSD, something that's ostensibly "supported" and it's totally broken. inb4 MUH JAILS - I don't give a fuck about jails, I need to run Docker images.

This whole talk really turned me off of FreeBSD.

you don't 'need' games..

The docker port hasnt been updated in like two years

There is supposedly a project trying to hook up freebsd jails with some container specification shit that also looks completely dead

does wine-staging-nine work? might switch desu
last time I used FreeBSD it was a while ago on my x60

you also don't 'need' software, if you just don't have friends or a job, and also you then don't 'need' anything past a 286... ... ... ... lots of fucking dots...

What technical advantage does FreeBSD have over Linux?

when Linus dies it won't crash and burn

You cant compare FreeBSD with Linux since FreeBSD is a BSD and Linux is just Linux

You can compare BSD with Linux

simply said BSD is more unixlike but there is plenty said on the internet you can read about it

>still no 3D acceleration support for my graphic card

GNU free

So, no technical advantage then? Not even one. You people are a joke. Thanks, but fuck no, I'll stick with Ubuntu. FreeBSD sounds like some 8 chin -tier "alternative" to a fully functional operating system.

Linux is not GNU sometimes it depends on it but its something without it.
Linux can be GNU free. I do understand what you're trying to say and its an okay point, but I dont mind I love GNU myself I wished I could use Hurd

> BSD is more unixlike
What does this even mean? They both de-facto POSIX-complaint. If anything, Linux is more (SystemV) Unix-like, because BSD was forked in the late 70s.

>So, no technical advantage
if you have to ask you wouldnt understand there are advantages from one to the other. like security etc

>You people are a joke

why? I havent suggested anything to you

>"oh it *just isn't for you*"
>"I'm fucking better than you"
issues much? if you can't stand that something is just not for you, go back to tumblr and add it to your extensive list of trigger-warnings

Ill just reply forwarding you

>Wouldn't understand
Who the fuck are you actually making this dumb fucking BSD thread for then, you asinine cunt?
I'm asking because I don't know, if you think I wouldn't understand and just want to have a fucking BSD circlejerk then kys back to red it anytime.
Because you haven't come up with one (1) good reason for Linux people to switch to FreeBSD. Try harder, dipshit.

It was a fucking joke, use whatever you want. As long as you use what you feel is the best tool for the job thats fine.

If you wanted a serious answer (I don't know why you expected one) BSD and its derivatives are considered by some to be more secure in certain applications, and are a popular choice in the server environment. It also has some benefits where storage is concerned because of zfs.

But they deleted all the AT&T source in the 90s because of the lawsuit. BSD has no source code connection to the original Unix and both Linux and FreeBSD differ significantly from it architecturally. At the same time, BSD still use their own userland which doesn't support a lot of SystemV options, something GNU userland does.

ZFS is on Linux now.
Security, the vector is larger on Linux because there are more users, but conversely more people to deal with security problems and maybe to notice them before they arise. When you get the same market share as Linux, come back and talk about security.

I already do, OpenBSD.

well this is obvious baiting now, you got me. I'll continue with taking the bait.

first off, I didnt make this thread. second, I havent given a reason because I have no reason to. I use GuixSD over *BSD and as said before dont put a "distro" to a kernel. I'm not jerking BSD too where did I even do this?

why are you so angry? You truly are one of those Sup Forums kids that tries to be cool. I bet you use the word "normie" too while browsing the web on your smartphone

> are considered by some to be more secure
Is this a joke? FreeBSD still has no ASLR, the only reason it's "more secure" it's because no one uses it so no one is interested in breaking it. You might as well call HaikuOS or FreeDOS "secure".

>You might as well call HaikuOS or FreeDOS "secure".

sure zfs is "on" linux, but that doesn't mean it isn't way more mature on bsd

I dont want to get into an argument about whatever is more secure, I was talking about more than just FreeBSD in my post. Also you can hardly argue the default behaviour in many bundled software is better handled in something like openBSD with its handling of ssh root access and such.

> I dont want to get into an argument about whatever is more secure
You were asked specifically what technical advantages FreeBSD has over Linux, you implied it's somehow "more secure", but now you're not so sure? Ok.
> Also you can hardly argue the default behaviour in many bundled software is better handled in something like openBSD with its handling of ssh root access and such.
I find "pledge" at somewhat interesting, but I'm not sure it's that significant. Besides, if you want to do something useful with openBSD you still have to use the same third-party software as you would on Linux. I understand openBSD folks want to reimplement everything for some bizarre reason, see their httpd, but no one would use it over nginx so what's the point.

This doesn't get said enough. Theo is basically Terry for BSD, less retarded and entertaining, sure. But just as redundant and pointless, except for OpenSSH.

>shitty hardware support only an issue on PPC Macs

Have you tried using integrated graphics on a recent (Broadwell+) Intel CPU?

I implied that other people say its more secure never once did I claim that to be my opinion.

Thank you for convincing me to stay away from this garbage. I owe you one

>Literally no different from Portage or AUR or whatever it is that Void uses.
it is different because there's no retarded dependency on python for example


Doesn't work with my current hardware. No desire to install a Linux compat layer to use the drivers when I could actually just install Linux/GNU. Next time I buy a laptop, I plan on buying compatible hardware to get away from the whole GPL meme l as much as possible.

There are plenty of gui wifi managers.
You can port them over from pc-bsd and various DEs come with them.
>no trackpad
Mine works fine
>automatic mounting
i'd rather manually mount something like a usb incase i plan on burning an image to it

>but none will distribute whatever the fuck FreeBSD uses
what is a .pbi?
is it really so hard to just use pkg install?

The installer is easier to use than that of most linux distros
>installing pkg yourself
you literally just type pkg then hit yes you fucking idiot
>i'll just use windows
get off Sup Forums

>pretending to use for computer science
if that's what freebsd for then that's what linux is for
yeah wine-staging works i suggest you go with the 32 bit version of freebsd11/12 if you are going to be playing games
werks for me

so your pc is so shit that you need to use integrated graphics yet despite this vesa is not suitable?