I'm installing Hackintosh, what should I expect?
Also, recommended programs?
I'm installing Hackintosh, what should I expect?
Also, recommended programs?
>what should I expect?
It depends.
>compatible hardware?
a gay OS.
>non compatible hardware?
a broken gay OS that might not even boot.
Are you homosexual by any chance?
>recommended programs?
what do you usually use? I could suggest alternatives
Expect it to not boot after you reboot
You'll see what macOS really is. Nothing special.
>what should I expect?
It's okay buddy, it gets better.
>le Macs are for gays joke
>popcorn kernel
lol no
I spent about 3 weeks on a Hackintosh.
Two weeks trying to get basic drivers installed, 2 days getting audio to work, and a the rest of the time just browsing Sup Forums because nothing else would work.
It's a ton of work for not that much payoff.
A bit of a nightmare of tweaking at first, until you learn the details and find the right config.
Eventually, a stable and reliable system superior to desktop Linux or Windows.
Some update anxiety that lessens over time but never quite goes away.
An urge to eventually switch to real apple hardware for the justwerks factor, followed by frustration at their overpriced and underpowered desktop machines.
best fucking screenfetch in this board
To elaborate a bit... I use mine every day for work (freelance app dev). I'm happy with it now, but it was frustrating to find the right setup, and I've been pressing "Remind Me Tomorrow" on the update notification for quite a while because I know there's a risk of it breaking something.
I game under Windows on the same machine, so I don't want an iMac or a 2013 Pro. I might consider the 2018 Pro, if it doesn't cost the earth.
I encourage you to do it if you
a) need to be productive and
b) can't afford Mac hardware and
c) have some initial time to set everything up
If you can easily afford the official hardware, skip the headache and get it. If it's just for consumption-related tasks, stick with Windows.
Don't click this, it's one of those stupid "X will happen unless you Y" shitposts.
Homebrew in terminal
>Want to buy new macbook pro
>1800 for decent
>realize I'm only looking at 13 inch
>select 15 inch
>over 2k
>for a 15 inch laptop with a decent graphics card
what the fuck is their problem? im getting an imac for the same price, because it has a fucking 27 inch screen. no way im gonna pay over 2k for a laptop with a 15 inch screen, are you fucking kidding me? that thing better be the most powerful laptop on the market with a 17 inch screen for over 2k, and frankly, you should suck my dick as well for that money.
I'm gonna need you to share that wallpaper, boss.
Lilyview for viewing picture
Simple Comic for reading manga
Swinsian for music
PixivDeck for browsing pixiv
Bartender 2 for fixing menubar icon
IINA for movie
Booru-chan for browsing *booru.
>what should I expect?
a dildo in your asshole
use macfeh instead of lilyview
OPie here, I just tweaked everything on my hackintosh and everything seems to be working just fine, including my Arduino which I weren't able to get working before.
Pretty much everything I use seems to be on Mac (Opera, youtube-dl, mpsyt, etc), however I was looking for Mac specific shit.
So far I've only installed home-brew and I'm downloading Office atm.
What's the best mpv player Mac build? I see multiple binaries.
Also, any Sublime Text alternatives? so far I'm loving TextEdit but it doesn't seem to be dev-friendly.
don't use stock mpv, use iina. it's a really nice frontend for it
also sublime text has a mac version
>don't use stock mpv, use iina
Is there any reason? I don't mind not using a frontend, indeed I kind of prefer it this way, but if inna is better then...
>also sublime text has a mac version
Ya I know, but last time I used I weren't comfortable with it, the fact that the "close" button closes the project I'm working on and not the program triggers my inner autist.
Random pic, just because.
iina has more features, looks much nicer, the ability to configure literally everything through the gui instead of a config file, and you can still load the text config if you want
>the fact that the "close" button closes the project I'm working on and not the program triggers my inner autist
lmao you're going to have a fun time with macOS
stop trying to think of everything like windows and just learn how the OS works, you'll probably end up preferring it instead of doing like most of Sup Forums and complaining that it isn't identical to windows
>that awkward fucking dock
how can macfags live with it?
Good song, disgusting wallpaper.
>iina has more features, looks much nicer, the ability to configure literally everything through the gui instead of a config file
Got it, will download after I'm done with Xcode and VS, thanks.
>stop trying to think of everything like windows and just learn how the OS works
Im trying, that's why I'm looking for Mac alternatives.
Any text editor you'd recommend? no atom pls
Also, how to fix pic related? it's a PIP package if that helps.
what even is that?
mpsyt, it's a program to browse through youtube using the terminal.
Anyways, I guess ill upload an issue to their GitHub, even tho I'm pretty sure its a Python problem.
VS Code. It's like atom but actually stable and with good performance.
I also tried macos recently. It's nothing special and I don't understand why people act like it's the best thing ever. There's literally no reason to use this over Linux with Gnome or KDE if you aren't dependant on Mac-exclusive software.
Its just another major OS no more, no less.
Ironically the ones who tend to make a big deal about it are usually the haters.
Not a fanboy tho, i find it meh, not super good, not super bad.
no way this is real, what the shit
Steve jobs was gay too? or he got it fucking whores?
is there a way to make this save full res images on posts with more than one picture?
Apple is infected with gays.
What you think current ceo was? Probably fuck jobs in the ass
>uhh i used chrome on it to search for something for 5 minutes and i conclude its the same as my loonex with my pajeet DWM stuff
You're fucking retarded.
Just downloaded inna and you weren't wrong, it seems pretty dope.
Any torrent client? I've been a fan of Aria2 for quite a while now, but maybe theres something better for Mac, who knows.
that's why you get compatible hardware. Then it would only take an hour.
Any way to get Netflix to work on Safari? I know it works on chrome and Firefox, but muh 1080P.
Found your problem.
>mouth controlled joystick
Netflix on loonix is limited to 720p, so you kind of chose the wrong topic to shitpost about.