Tfw CS degree

>tfw CS degree
>first job is PHP

Just hire a pajeet to do it for half your salary

what do you have against PHP? its popular

Experience is what counts. Bide your time and move on.

Seriously, how much of an entitled faggot can you be? You're a fresh grad, you're fucking useless. Pay your dues, faggot.

>it's popular

That degree didn't buy you much, did it?

what version of php? php 7.1 and the upcoming 7.2 have some incredible improvements, making it actually wonderful.

>tfw CS degree
>first job is Google SWE

>no degree
>first job is node & react


>tfw CE degree
>first job is php

>didnt even finish high school 1st class
>still making good money due to my obsession with computers as a child

i got saved by my autism

>tfw no degree
>tfw no high school diploma
>ifw first job is industrial controls tech

clearly you should have reimplemented their site in VHDL

>tfw CS degree
>first job is at Goldman Sachs
everything went better than expected

>tfw CE degree
>cant find first job
How long did it take you guys to find jobs?
If this goes on too long, im just gonna join the chairforce.

there is your problem

>hurr durr
>what is a programming language
>dude I just want to play my gaymes xDDd

Summerfag detected.

>tfw IT degree
>unemployed ever since I graduated

I've been out of work for a solid year after the first internet bust.

I assure you, reddit, I am the last person interested in gaymes. GPUs are much better spent on cracking your password.

> he fell for the embedded meme

>cs degree
>first job is is qbasic
>goto 20
>20 shoot face with rifle using your toe to pull the trigger

>tfw CE degree
>first job is php

Pay is pretty good and the office is a 10min walk from home is can't complain.

4 years and counting


What were you expecting retarded OP? A LISP or Haskell job?

>tfw no degree
>spend most time freelancing C++/C#/Java online for the last 2 years in high school
>after HS one former client says he's starting a new company and wants me to work for him
>offers good pay
>sure thing, boss
>after a while we expand and now I'm the 'director of software division'
>my job literally consists of showing up for an hour and telling everyone to keep up the good work
>spend most free time shitposting on Sup Forums and watching anime
life's good, too bad you fell for the "higher education" meme

>I assure you, reddit, I am the last person interested in gaymes. GPUs are much better spent on cracking your password.

I am glad we agree on something.

PHP can actually be pretty comfy, unless you are working with shit like Laravel

Must be very fulfilling work

you should get me a job in your company

>get a CE/CS degree
>become a code monkey
How often does this really happen?

But its free and I get paid for it by the gov

>tfw CS degree
>first job is Burger King

>using reddit as a derogatory word
way to out yourself as a redditor. not that there is anything wrong with that :)

From what Ive heard, its not very common.
Most end up working at restaurants or going neet.

Adding type checking is a huge step in the right direction.

>tfw cs & math degree
>unemployed since graduating in May

it was the same for me. don't worry if you work hard you might become a C# programmer with your own crack pajeet team.

>reposting stupid threads
>not doing it correctly

the meme was with java not with PHP

>study CS
>wonder why no/bad job

The problem is every retard (without a graduation) can "learn" a computer language and work like a cheap pajeet.

Firstly i wanted study Cs as well, but there are too much pajeet and every year there is a new meme language.

Engineering is so superior.

>Studying CS in 2017
Enjoy your no jobs. CS majors are the most popular majors at some schools now, your degree value is about to tank. You can't compete with minimum wage in India. Sorry.

As long as you don't quit the job, user. Make that cash, look somewhere else in the mean time.