This the big hype reveal for today?
AMD Enhanced Sync
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What's wrong with it?
>Kyle releases his vega video with no graphs but "feels" about memesync
just a coincidence goyim
nothing to see here
>big reveal
for technology nvidiots have had for years? Oh, yes, hyped as fuck.
Why won't they simply make better cards. Occasional stutter is nothing at >100Hz.
because it's made by chinks and pajeets working for peanuts
What Nvidia innovates 1 year ago, AYYMD copies & steals
Anyone on Win7 with RX card can confirm the new driver/installer is broken?
>nvidia invented vsync
>what is fast sync
What the industry creates as an open standard, Nvidia copies and locks behind a $150 add-in box.
But is it gonna be as buggy and broken out of the ass as Nvidia's Fast Sync is?
triple buffering
what's the point of complaining about industry standards when nvidia is dominant in the gaming gpu market
>Let's allow Nvidia to make proprietary standards, force everyone else out of the market and fuck us in the arse on price.
Nope, can't see anything wrong with that. Sounds good to me.
>force everyone else out of the market
Not Jensen's fault that Raja is an incompetent idiot
>Not Raja's fault Nvidia is anti-competitive as fuck.
>Not Raja's fault Nvidia is anti-competitive as fuck.
>release shit product
>wonder why it doesn't sell
Which shit product are you referring to cause the 480s and 580s are sold out completely.
the Xbox 360 used the same technique in games like Alan Wake before Nvidia ever added the feature to their drivers
Fastsync does not stop stuttering
>falling for the classic jewish nintendo trick of limiting supply to imply there's high demand
did I go back in time? Is this different from freesync?
>AMD locks the ability to change brightness/contrast behind new generation 400 and 500 series
We've always been able to change all this on any nvidia card
Are you actually this retarded? AMD didn't release the 580 until they had a stockpile of fabbed chips.
How will this affect gsync monitors?
I'd still believe that asshole over the billion Nvidia teenagers.
He is right tho...
Nah. The hype was for gpu profiler
amd cares about open standards
freesync is the future and works with linux
nvidia wants to just control the market
just like they did with EGL instead of OGL
just like they are doing with vulkan
just like they are doing with wayland
This is why I buy secondhand Nvidia but new AMD.
You've always been able to do this on AMD cards, and still can. The Crimson drivers didn't have the option yet, you could do it with a third party program on any AMD card. Now the driver has the option, just like CCC did, for every card, not just 400/500s. My 390 has the option and it works.
Don't make up shit you don't know anything about, it's pathetic.
>Lying this hard
Just come clean, pajeet