What do you guys think is the "best" AV for Windows 10 assuming that the user isn't completely retarded and why ?
Best AV for Windows 10
Common Sense 2018
install gentoo
The easiest way to protect yourself while using windows 10 is:
1) Be updated - windows updates are always important and a top priority
2) Use Windows Defender - that thing is the best way to protect yourself because it does a better job than all FREE AVs on the market.
3) Install DWS for W10 so your computer will be less bloated and the NSA won't spy your ass, also less ads
1: Download any GNU+Linux installation image and write to usb flash drive.
2: Install said distro
3: ????
>windows 10
>user isn't completely retarded
what did op mean by this?
If "user isn't completely retarded" they should know focus on firewall.
>..."best" AV for Windows 10...
> ..user isn't completely retarded...
: ^ )
meaning that 95 - 99% protection is enough, no need to push it to 99%
> user isn't completely retarded
OP, (you) are both retarded and a faggot.
hating windows that much?
I run it once a week and I'm virus free considering I do fuck all but pirate games
Microsoft security essentials and commonsesnse 2018
Ublock Origin, noscript (you can enable all global scripts but use common sense), make a local regular user account to use and enter admin password when prompted so you don't do so many dumb things.
Remove any and all Windows bloatware, tracking, the so-called malware preventing program that's just a way of tracking you, etc.
No question. Next!
No way. Not that buggy crap.
This + common sense will protect you from 99% of the shit on the internet.
Assuming you aren't a retard, your biggest "threat" is stuff like drive-by malvertisements and other junk that can occur automatically in a browser window. NoScript and Ublock Origin take care of most of that.
You may want to download something like MalwareBytes or some other free AV to scan torrents and other downloaded archives though.
Yeah, Norton. As if Windows 10 is slow and bloated enough.
The built in one.
First post best post.
I don't use any anti virus, it's been over a year and all i caught were minor adwares because i pieated too many games.
>user not retarded
>win 10
top kek