Hey Sup Forums so i need some help. i have no money and recently got a mostly unused 32 bit XP laptop that I'm trying to make work. Anyone know any resources or anybody still updating?
XP Poorfagging
nigger i run 98
you'll be fine
install xubuntu
Do you have time to discuss about our Lord and Saviour Gentoo and how one would go about installing it?
But seriously, why not install some flavor of Linux on those clunkers?
Because W98 nostalgiabox, it's an old piece of shit with 1gb of storage and 128mb of memory.
I already tripleboot W7, Arch and macOS on my memepad T420.
Gentoo is free
install mint xfce
like, right now
POSReady 2009
install gentoo faggot.
There's a registry hack too that'll let you get POSReady updates on retail XP too
for family members who ONLY use a web browser, i install linux mint and install flash and configure it to make netflix work properly.
yeah whatever, there are still lots of shitty sites that only allow flash to view their videos.
Okay so how do you keep it running at a good pace? Like is it slow, i just wanna run youtube skype and some good ol' games on it. maybe some steam?
those things will make it explode with how bloated they are nowadays
isometric games man, isometric games, like dungeon siege.
like Jotun or Rouge Legend?
interplay fallout
Any resources for what? Just run it. XP is still fine. You might find some modern programs no longer work (did Chrome kill XP support?) but you can find alternatives.
Put linux on the damned thing unless you enjoy lack of support, no updates, no software, and exploit overload.
yeah chrome killed it but firefox still is good.
>no software
Every piece of software his hardware can handle was written for XP.
Okay but I don't want to have to write some code for every single update on every single program
tha fuck you even talking about? this isn't the nineties
This is windows xp. its always the 90's to me
Hey does anyone know a good antivirus that still updates for windows xp?
Install TinyXP (or better, Tiny2003)
Install Firefox, upgrade to a modern wireless adapter (older XP era ones tend to die out over time), max your machine if you can afford it, then sit back and play old games.
This thing is for 50% shitposting, 50% Halo: Combat Evolved
Install Xubuntu. If you really want, Windows 7 should work just fine on it as well. Enable the basic or classic theme if the normal interface is too much for it to handle.
Are you that guy who recently got released from prison and windows 98 was the latest thing when he got sent down?
No but here's my cancerous desktop
enjoy your wannacry