Please help me, im stuck and i dont know what to do...
Please help me, im stuck and i dont know what to do
Other urls found in this thread:
you need to inject drivers into the .iso that you use for installation
you should GNU/Linux, as it has doesn't suffer from this problem
I dont get it?
I reinstalled a lot of computers with this flash and this is the first one to give me this error, problem is that its not my pc and im affraid of fucking something up...
Like idunno tell me if i did something wrong...
Common issues:
>Your USB port is in a USB3 port, switch to USB2
>You're trying to install Windows 7 on a PCIE SSD, just stop what you're doing and install 8 or 10 at that point
Faggot, you need to make a windows USB install with MSI smart tools or get a PS/2 keyboard AND THEN install the USB 3.0 drivers. Manufacturers are complying with Microsoft to make installing windows 7 a chore so faggots with no brain cells go to windows 10.
> >You're trying to install Windows 7 on a PCIE SSD, just stop what you're doing
Why? It's possible if drivers from a manufacturer are available.
In addition to that post, try to reformat your USB stick and copy Windows files to it again.
Ok thanks
no usb 3.0 support out of box
injecting drivers is a pita.
Create a windows 10 install USB flash drive then copy install.wim from the windows 7 iso onto it replacing the win 10 one.
Just dont try to install drivers you don't have right now.
Use asus ez install.
You will get usb 3 support and nvme ssd
just get a floppy disk with the drivers???
Fcking 7 tards
You can say fuck, you know.
nvm fix'd it
I just solved that a few days ago. As it's been said, the USB 3.0 drivers are probably missing, so you need to patch the windows install iso with them. There's probably a utility/instructions from your motherboard vendor, and in the worst case there are definitely manual instructions. Just google it, you'll find it.
Does this actually work?
How? I want to know too.
inb4 I'll PM you
It does, however the installer looks ugly as fuck and it will create a 300MB partition for system files instead of 100MB one.
It's not that hard to make an NVMe-compatible USB3.0-capable version of W7, especially there's a tool from Intel that injects the usb3.0 drivers automatically
DM'd you the solution
Got the same problem a few times. On some forum people were saying the iso was downloaded/written on the usb stick with errors.
Download the iso again, check the md5 this time, write it on the stick and it will work.
Sometimes it's the front USB 3.0 that causes the issue. Disable it on the bios and try again.
tl;dr windows fucking sucks
This is super weird shit and it seems that it happens when you burn image at maximum speed.
Try burning same image at a fraction of maximum speed.
incorrect, using NVM does not fix that
You can't install from a USB3.0 port user
1. You are trying to install W7 from a USB stick on a USB3.0 port. Switch to USB2.0 port or get a tool to inject USB3.0 drivers into the installation image.
2. You are trying to install W7 on a Skylake CPU. Get a tool to inject USB3.0 drivers into the installation image, this does not work on all boards.
3. You are trying to install W7 on a Kaby Lake or Ryzen CPU. This will not work.
>Create a windows 10 install USB flash drive then copy install.wim from the windows 7 iso onto it replacing the win 10 one.
That's fucking bullshit but I believe it
burn verification exists
set usb to legacy mode in bios,