Robot please

Just turn on the Legacy CAPTCHA.

Or buy a Sup Forums pass.


Fucking hiroshima nagasaki and his shit web mastering skills

calle nigger

>Select all that apply, if none choose skip
>Try again
>Try again
>Try again
Fuck google

Switch to Legacy captcha

i have legacy captcha enabled and i still get the regular captcha

>not supporting Sup Forums

non-js captcah or gtfo

>giving bank account or Paypal to Hiro

What could go wrong?

> supporting reddit 2.0
this place is only getting worse as time passes it's not worth supporting anymore

They use an intermediary service.

Then don't complain about captcha.

> if you think the site is going to shit don't complain about the stuff that makes it shit

You didn't complain about the captcha. You complained about something completely unrelated.

Legacy captcha doesn't work if you create threads or use the reply box on the top of the page instead of the quick reply box.

>not having bitcoin

> i can tell who is who on an anonymous imageboard
> i can tell what people's opinions are based on nothing besides the specific posts they've made on a specific thread


>use the reply box on the top of the page instead of the quick reply box

Why would anyone do that

Not an argument.

thanks. will have to get used to it from now on

buy a Sup Forums pass, you use this website all the time.

I'd rather buy chinkshit with that money.

>4cucks will defend this

captchca or spam?