Ditching Windows

How do i ditch the windows botnet?
I want to change to a more secure OS but i'm not sure which one to choose
I've heard that Qubes, Tails and Debian are pretty secure although i don't know the process of switching OS's since i've only ever used windows

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install gentoo

Well if you have never Linux in your entire life, you're probably better off installing a retard-proof os like Ubuntu

Choose the only distro where thumbnail preview in Firefox's file picker works from the start


Linux, particularly distros that use systemd, is still considered harmful. I would suggest OpenBSD as a less harmful alternative

How would i go about installing a new OS? Is it just running an exe and going from there or downloading it onto a flash drive and doing it that way

>neo Sup Forums

I'm a wintard i've never used any other OS

Obviously, do you even know how to install windows?

Insert the CD or a flash drive with windows and select it in the boot menu

Congrats, you can install most noob friendly linux distros.

I'll dick about in a virtual machine and see which one i prefer

I want to get rid of my shitty Windows 8 OS but I am a gamer and I don't want to end up unable to play games because of it. Do games and other applications work in Linux as well?

Which ones?

working on my fresh ubuntu install?

dual boot

I would say ubuntu or mint are your best options.

step 1: insert the DVD. install gentoo.

>OP asks for a more secure OS
>everyone suggests mainstream and semi-mainstream Linux distributions
Yeah, because grsecurity is totally unnecessary. Linux is not meant to be safe by default.

Alright I'll check out Ubuntu. My main problem with Win 8 is that the disk usage shoots up to 100% all of a sudden and the whole thing becomes damn near unusable. I would really like a way to solve that problem and I hope Linux does it.

no it doesn't.

feel free to post a screen if you want though

OP wasnt even sure how to install other OS's. Baby steps

Xubuntu is what you really want.

Stable, efficient, sane. Fuck Unity, and fuck Gnome, and fuck KDE! All of 'em are bloated and silly. XFCE for life!

Go back to Facebook, normie.

If i was a normie i wouldn't be caring about my security

Start with ubuntu, then learn about the univ environment. You can distrohop and rice away after a week or so.

>free software
that's not what stallman taught you

Linux is fine if you can make compromises, for example no web browser son Linux have hardware video decoding. Chromium should be recieving support for it soon on Linux but only with the vaapi accel that causes people video corruption.

There are lots of little things like this that add up, I just try debotnet my Windows 10 as much as possible with github.com/Disassembler0/Win10-Initial-Setup-Script and just suck it up, I like my computer and hardware I paid good money for to perform as good as possible rather than be crippled.

But nsa played a large part in Ubuntu so its a botnet VS backdoors

Guys, there are backdoors hardwired into the processor. There is no evading the NSA unless you have entirely open hardware.

upgrade to windows 7

wtf does this even mean

No operating systems today are secure. They are inherently limited by the ISA and the way IOMMU works.

If we want something secure that's what needs to change, and only then can we actually change operating systems to use it.

That said, any OS will do, it just depends on your needs, but going to Linux because it's somehow inherently more secure than Windows is stupid. What you might want to do is go there because you don't have processes running in the background transmitting metadata, and that's called privacy. For that, any FOSS operating system should do, be it Linux, a BSD or some kind of illumos. Make your pick. Qubes is nice only in the sense that you get out of the box and on demand various Linux distros and BSDs because you're essentially just running a hypervisor, but it is not in any way more secure.

Seems like a lot of people want Moar Security without actually thinking about what adversaries they actually have. Advertisers? Crypto ransom? War drivers? Physical intruders? State level actors? Cat on the keyboard?

It means that there are circuits within the CPU that are storing and sending information to the NSA, regardless of what software you're running on it. It's baked into the chip.

God forbid the NSA knows what arithmetic operations are going on :o

>Hey, feds, he incremented 0x00REEEEEE

How would that even be useful? gimme document/evidence or obvious troll

And how do they do that? Does each and every CPU have its own satellite uplink?

No, it just uses the network connection, but without reporting that use to the OS.

So you're saying thousands of security experts and people running firewalls across the globe (especially data centers and governments) never noticed suspicious packets going to the NSA? Or any packets they couldn't account for?

All the chips along the way have hardcoded backdoors that allow for secret packets to be sent without it being recorded.

Sounds reasonable.

You gotta lay of the weed man

It's built into the remote management feayures of the processor. Hit the nic with a magic packet sequence and you get a remote execution channel.
This is in theory, because nobody can audit these "secure" processors and bin blobs. In reality, well fuck, it's probably true. The NSA has done worse.

I second this, plus it's the best looking XFCE distro out of the box. I've been using it stock for years now and I don't plan on switching.


>camel case


slackware is the most secure linux distro

don't believe the distro hype bruh, all linux is the same damn thing except for how packages are handled. so decide by which package manager you'd like to use then do a minimal install and build what you wan

just go on youtube they show how to install any os you want

>not bloated
lol surely you mean lxqt unless you're like dumb or something

lts or regular if i want shit to just werk?


Parabola GNU/Linux-libre is the only factually correct answer.

>they're after my memes
I understand you've got very valuable things to protect, but maybe you should just start with a more accessible distro, like Mint. I'm sure the NSA won't steal all your frogs just yet.

that's absolutely retarded though
if you have any actual evidence this is close to viable i'd love to see it

if you're that confused, get a mac

at least they respect your privacy

Is ArchLinux a good option?

I had the same issue under windows. Moments of 100% cpu and disk, as well as overall high memory usage (2GB just to show the desktop).
I have had none of these issues on linux