I really like Linux and would like to make my final switch from Windows. The only thing that is treating me is the lack of MusicBee on Linux. Unfortunately with Wine it works like shit. I would like to obtain the same result of pic related which is MusicBee where I can list all albums with their cover without having to sort them by artists.
Tried Amarok, gmusicbrowser, Clementine, Lollypop but none of these satisfied me.
Linux Music Players
Other urls found in this thread:
ncmpcpp + mpd
Lollypop can list all albums w/ covers. Try Sayonara though.
Nigger if you're on a POSIX compliant Unix-like, don't you think it's about time to ditch the UI?
MPlayer is all you need
I grew out of album covers when I was like 22 or so. you could just wait a couple of years and then switch and use cmus
absolute best player on linux no exception (but its not free after the trial )
i am not on my nix machine but here is a screenshot and here have a .deb
Why do you need this useless feature?
musicbee is awesome
Rhythmbox is good if you like something simple. But I also like
the way his looks as well.
what window manager is this?
DeaDBeef? I specifically use MOC because I wanted to escape album cover but I guess you can find yourself at home with DeaDBeef.
If not, you can always use MusicBee with WINE.
Why say goodbye?
The developer is still active and even starting to write its own web browser afaik
Use mpv via the terminal and forget about bloated GUIs.
you can have it fetch thumbnails from jewtube
would recommend if you want pure functionality, but it's not as good for setting up ricing pics because it's not meant to leave any free screen real estate
that looks like shit
Tó, un linux user che é anche un giappominchia, chi l'avrebbe mai detto eh?
audiophile music player
>looks like shit
go neck yourself faggot
smplayer works for me
>audiophile music player
What the fuck does this even mean? What can it do that another possibly cant?
Seconded. A basic config with some terminal color changes can go a long way.
> 64bit internal volume, loudness and dsp processing
> seamless DSD to PCM and vis versa crossfades at any bit rate
>seamless conversion tools
>class leading dithering and downsampling tools
>best libtrary management period
linux mac and win
now go fuck off
Go back to school, retard
>OP asks for media players with said look
> post media player with shit look
> gets called out
> who cares about looks, it's got all these features that no-one cares about!
Well clearly OP cares about the looks. Also, isn't it gapless? Audio doesn't have seams.
i personally like deadbeef, which is fairly similar to foobar, which is what i switch from (i have a windows and linux machine with the music hosted on a network drive). i found most other players to either be too demanding for resources or buggy/lacking in features.
What didn't you like about Lollypop? I've been very happy with it.