Firefoxfags will defend this

Firefoxfags will defend this.

Are you retarded? Or do you honestly have no idea how the internet works?

Wget does this too

>wget fags will defend this

wtf i hate firefox now.


>all network software leak your IP address to the entire Internet
Whoa, talk about security.

It's even worse - your ISP leaks routes to the entire internet that tell them exactly how to get to your IP.

*configure a proxy*
You are wrong, kiddo.

My Google Chrome browser by Google would never do this!

Leave this site immediately


They also cucked Brendan Eich, the founder, and forced him to resign over political donations.

Fuck Mozilla. That's why I use Brave.

>he went straight for the bait

Are you retarded? Or do you honestly have no idea how jokes work?

What's a good browser that will protect me then?

I give my IP to websites I don't visit

What's the point of threads like this?
It's suppose to be fun? Is all Sup Forums just a joke?
Really, this place is a fucking 9/g/ag...


the actually competent people left
they can be found on the freebsd forums now

>Is all Sup Forums just a joke?
Now you're starting to get it

>Speccy says my ip is 192......
>Ask google what my ip is

Your actual IP is

that's what vpns are for.


i think not

It's like they're trying to connect directly to your computer.
Why is this acceptable?

just disable all anti malware lists mozilla reporting things and ssl botnets

creamy log of shit