Calls himself smart

>calls himself smart
>own smartphone

>complains about Sup Forums
>floods with low effort shitposts


>doesn't own a smartphone
>claims to not be a autist

>is a drug dealer
>sniffs his own product

>claims he's an adult
>uses Windows because muh games
>watches cartoons

>calls himself smart
>chooses inferior technology because the superior one is liked by normies

>calls himself smart
>posts on Sup Forums

>is pajeet
>programs in C

>claims isn’t manchild
>still a virgin

>thinks he's smart because he crippled his lifestyle due to his paranoid delusions

Pajeets program in Java

define smart

They also program in C and Haskell.


>has hd800's
>use's onboard sound

why are the captcha's harder now?

>all the western retards in this thread can't realize smartphones are made for japanese/asians because they actually have to work like slaves while we have a more advanced civilization which we don't need to be slaves of Android or iOS

>not buying the phone jew meme
>crippled lifestyle

now we double smart nigga

>he calls him self "free"
>uses propietary firmware

>own taiwanese wifi opensource card
>blocking proprietary software to access internet
>b-but stallman told me it's not free! xD

>mom buys an android
>doesn't know how to use it
>boostmobile sucks
>get her talkatone instead(so she doesn't have to pay money every month)
>still buys a new phone(one of those flip phones)
>pays 20 dollars a month
>always leaves it at home(which basically makes it a home phone)

what a fucking retarded bitch! she might as well have kept the talkatone

Looks like it's hereditary.
Genetics. You get insanity from your kids.