>OS used by Sony, Apple, etc
Linux Mint, (((Majaro))) and Ubuntu
>used by Sup Forums fags like pic
Yes yes, Linux is for mentally ill toothless crackheads, Windows is for professionals with jobs, and MacOS is for intelligent people who want the benefits of both systems with none of the negatives.
OP's wife
>Used by BBC bulls.
>intelligent people
you wasted an almost funny comment
panasonic, nintendo, yandex, netflix
Companies that use linux: xvideos, and
Sony, Apple, etc.: Oh look. Free code. We can just take whatever bits we want and call it our proprietary property.
BSD: Oh thank you for using us, master. Slurp slurp. It validates us as worthy cucks. Slurp, suck.
>We can just take whatever bits we want and call it our proprietary property.
>implying you can't do with gnu/linux
Yes, there's been lawsuits over that.
GPL successfully defended.
This. BSD faggots are cucks that just let big companies close off the source and make money off of it, completely defeating the purpose of open source software. And by the way, you're allowed to sell GPL software in binary format (or compiled software). But you also have to give the customer the source code if they ask for it either by mailing it to them or letting them download it.
>implying the world cares about shit GPL
>purpose of open source software
Stallmann has like 300 people working for him and a lot of fans
have they wrote something worth? yeah like 20 years ago
Gnome for instance is almost 100% funded by big companies
They release the source code or else the FSF takes them to court. What's your point?
>FSF takes them to court
that's why the future is linux without GPL license and with GNU shit removed
Wow, this is the most practical usage of Linux I've seen.
The GPL is why linux is everywhere and BSD is nowhere.
>wikipedia operating system % adoption by market segment.
>The GPL is why linux is everywhere
tell me 1 benefit of GPL and why Linus should completely cut off his ties with FSF
Stop making an ass of yourself.
Can we stop making fun of the Arch Linux userbase now, or does OP still need to start more of these threads?
>for him
You know shit about fsf.
tell me 1 benefit of GPL and why Linus shouldn't completely cut off his ties with FSF
You are one god damn clueless fuck.
Give me one reason anyone with a functioning brain cell should debate you, and not cut of ties completely.
Forked firefox os and used limo on their phones. Nintendo and netflix use linux too. Well, android contains some bsd code, but it doesn't affect the downstream development.
I've actually used BSD as a desktop OS btw.
It's fucking garbage, and I won't be bothering with it again. You might say I've cut off ties completely.
Life is too short.
>implying OP even has a wife
Android is worse than windows 7 and slightly better than windows 10
The GPL keeps the legalese to a minimum. A pretty easy read, really. If you can't read it and grasp the intent and implications, you're kind of a dumb ass.
Only some drivers. Allwinner based shit runs linux. Idc what you think of android.
Daily reminder next election white traitors will elect Bernie Sanders or any other socialist jew, use taxpayer money to fund their gender studies 4 year program and you'll be thankful when this next socialist jew create a state health agency run by big pharma companies claiming it is necessary because they have to offer ''free public health''.
Why should I as a normie install bsd on my personal computer over my comfy arch?
what is wrong with spatry?
I can see how Trump might seem like a reasonable choice as president to someone like you.
Good luck with your mental issues.
Nice tits.
Installed gentoo.
>one of the biggest porn sites in the world
>porn is one of the worlds biggest industries
Seems practical enough
Take your shitty pasta back to your containment board
i want to buy that man a drink
Linux will die without GPL licence.
It will be on the same obscure level as BSDs because active open-source development will stop and companies will just use it as a base for their proprietory projects
>Linux will die without GPL licence.
the opposite is true
Linus said himself this new GPL will kill Linux