Are there any good wooden mice and keyboards...

Are there any good wooden mice and keyboards? I sometimes find them on amazon but they have 0 reviews and they look kinda shitty. Also the better ones are wireless and I dont want to get wireless because of the cancer radiation.

The reason why I want a wooden mouse and keyboard is because the plastics from the keyboard and mouse probably dissolve under my fingers and seep into my bloodstream, making me gay.

Can anyone recommend a good keyboard/mouse combo that is certified toxin free? Preferably made from wood I guess. I would also be fine with coatings of some kind. I could put wooden chips on top of my keyboard? Idk.
Also post your experiences with wood keyboards and mice.

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Take your pills, goy.

I found a good wooden mouse on amazon, finally. Also this keyboard looks good but it is wireless only...

You want your keycaps to be made up of endgrain. This makes it somewhat antimicrobial. Microbes have a harder time surviving in endgrain than along the grain.

That mouse has the right idea.
At least, this is the way to go in order to not be gross as fuck. Plastic keycaps and mice can have antimicrobial surfaces as well.

Also, with properly finished wood, there is no such thing as "toxin free". Any wood that is finished contains toxins. Look at wooden toys safe for children. They are made up of plain wood--not painted or oiled or anything.

If you want wood that is toxin free, it will have to be unfinished, which you probably aren't going to find.

for that mouse it just says that it's polished finished. I hope that means no coating for real.
They keyboard, on their website they say that it has "food safe coating".... UGH.
I guess that might be okay..

>Polish finish
I don't see anything suspicious

Thought about this too before except aluminum

Shellac is food safe that could be it

ok, I'm almost ready to buy it but the only thing that still scares me is the fucking FN key placement. I need a german keyboard but I'm sure they didnt change that there... I had a small keyboard with the FN key on the left side before and it sucked ass, I never much used it because of that.

I mean look at that. Wtf, who wants this shit where your control key is supposed to be?
cmon man

You're fucking retarded

>>> reddit

You know you could just say you like the aesthetics of a wooden keyboard and it would be a lot less retarded. Wood is nice, lots of people like wood, it's not like it's a shitty opinion.

Why would I lie? I dont give a shit about the aesthetics.

Aluminum--any metal really--is a much better choice.

aluminum is corroded by human sweat

Because your excuse was the most retarded one I've ever heard. There aren't any chemicals that turn you gay. Where'd you learn that shit? Bible class?

Even if there were you should bear in mind that wood for use in a commercial product is usually stained and treated with magical mystery chemicals too. Might do something crazy like turn you into a walrus or a retard, not that you need help with that.

This must be why my rifle and computer cases are covered in corrosion--no wait there is no corrosion.

You know you can anodize aluminum right?

Just get the wireless and make sure you dont sit between the transmitter and receiver so the radiation doesnt pass through you

So that's why every iPhone corrodes when you use it

Go be a retard somewhere else

I think user is referring to BPA:
> BPA is a xenoestrogen, exhibiting estrogen-mimicking, hormone-like properties that raise concern about its suitability in some consumer products and food containers.
Of course it wouldn't be dissolving and seeping into their bloodstream even if it was in mouses. How often do mouses disolve under your hand?

>How often do mouses disolve under your hand?
Steelseries mouse?

>How often do mouses disolve under your hand
Shit, my hand leaves deposites on my HIDs, not the other way around!
I mean, OP, do you get black stains on your fingers after clicking on things? No? Then no residue.

Even still that's a ridiculous level of paranoia. Has there even been one case where BPA has been definitively linked to any kind of changes in sexuality or anything else or did we just remove it from products out of an "abundance of caution," you know, the same reason we removed lead from solder?

>2017 not having keyboard made from ivory
can't stop laughing at you poorfags

You don't rest a sweat-exuding flesh lump on a case, or even a phone, for several hours a day. Also, you don't understand the structure of anodizing.

> There aren't any chemicals that turn you gay. Where'd you learn that shit? Bible class?


lol ok, so if you cant see it then it doesnt exist!

> atheism: the story

>2017 baiting si obviously
can't stop jizzing on your face

I'm sorry to disturb you mate, but the mouse and the keyboard on the left is not made out of wood but made out of bamboo. Bamboo is no wood, it's a very hygroscopic grass.

Now you are smarter! And off you go


That's a fucking pesticide. Of course that shit is going to have mutagenic effects. Also if that's what you're worried about shouldn't you, you know, stop eating since they spray pesticide on crops? Even meat isn't safe because animals eat the pesticide soaked crops. Why are you concerned with plastics? Do you slather a bunch of atrazine all over your keyboard or something?

Come back with a real source.

I've been using one single mouse for next to ten years on a Sup Forums poster schedule and the outermost layer of plastic on the palm spot is partially dissolved, as well as a little bit on the right click.

>Come back with a real source.

how about you go fuck yourself and then we end the convo, faggot

>if you cant see it then it doesnt exist!
No, I was saying every part of the plastic is dyed and if it were dissolving, at all, the dye would be on you fingers along with any other stuff.

Vice does not constitute a good source of scientific information, it's not even a good source of general news. Why the fuck would I even waste my time with that. If you aren't going to link an article from a reputable scientific journal or a peer reviewed paper then fuck the hell off and kill yourself for being such a retard.

muh people in lab coats

It's not really a question of disolving, but of degradation over time, which literally everything experiences on a molecular, and even atomic level. That is to say, that yes, in fact the mouse is dissolving very slowly with every use.

What OP is failing to consider:
Does the type of plastic used in mice and keyboards actually contain any BPA or residue from possible recycling?

Skin is porous youd be suprised just how many chemicals our skin absorbs

Here faggot:

Bamboo deforms horribly over time.


We already know BPA is potentially harmful though And we knew it could leech out in small amounts when subject to stresses like heating/cooling and microwave radiation. That's why it was removed from plastic products that people typically eat from where it was possible to introduce the chemical into your bloodstream by ingestion. It should be noted that BPA is not generally considered to be terribly harmful unless you're an infant and even then it's disputed whether it has a significant effect or not but it seemed sensible to remove it just to be safe.

There risk of anyone turning gay by BPA getting absorbed through the skin by contact with your mouse and keyboard is zero. You'd have a greater chance of a high energy cosmic ray hitting you and turning you gay.

I fucking love Homeopathy!

ok so if I dont grow a vagina overnight, that means my keyboard is safe to use. Thanks reddit! Thanks science! Reason is power!

Whatever OP, go waste your money on wood keyboards. Your ignorance is someone else's gain at least.

KYS hipster garbage.

Don't ever walk past a bakery. Flour in the air can make a big bang!

The fact of the matter is that you're bound to consume BPA as well as numerous other active chemicals on a daily basis which has a high chance of hampering the whole body's capacity to metabolize them, furthermore the consecutive consumption and contact that we're exposed to on a daily basis with these chemicals over a lifetime is bound to have numerous, if subtle effects on the well-being and quality of life of every individual. So yeah, while BPA has been shown to be relatively benign in many adult cases what that conclusion fails to factor is the multitudinous number of different interactions within the body with other inert but potentially harmful chemicals.

For example grapefruit inhibits CYP3A4 a drug processing enzyme which can cause adverse drug reactions. Considering the number of chemicals we introduce orally, through inhalation, and topically it's well within the realm of possibility that many of them are concentrating or mutating in physiologically significant ways.


> high chance of hampering the whole body's capacity to metabolize them
> is bound to have numerous, if subtle effects on the well-being and quality of life of every individual
> while BPA has been shown to be relatively benign

pretty sure one of the first mice was made of wood. who's the real retard?


>im pretty sure the first wheel was square and made of sticks. whos the real retard huh?

just because you can use something like a wooden mouse doesn't mean you should, nor would it be good

>sweating while sitting down at the computer

Consider losing weight.

most people have sweaty palms apparently, to what extent that an individual basis.

That's why I wear a tinfoil hat to block the solar rays

for anything to happen you need human test subjects, however you would never get it passed any ethics board, and if any research is done with people who already were exposed, it cant be published.

Ethics boards and such for research is fucking awesome for protecting us from sociopaths or people who full believe in a greater good, but at the same point ethics boards are also the kind of people who if we knew for a fact being gay was a treatable illness they would never let any experiment to text a cure through.

I use al el cheapo mouse made from bamboo. Cool to the touch, smooth (gloss coating yo) and is highly resistant to acidic nerd sweat.

DAY 1 of my therapy and no real effect has been noticed so far...people are looking at me weird on the street but when i try to explain to them that i will live to be 100 easily by doing this they just laugh at me...those pathetic fools are still under the mind controlling grip of big pharma...i pity them
DAY 2: i took a huge shit today and it measured 1.2mm wider than usual...this can only be the result of the magnet therapy...heading to my internist now to see what she says (i hope she validates the $5000 i spent on this alternative treatment)
--i consulted my internist and she managed to prove that the upstreaming of the healing process or my iron-deficient blood had begun which to me justifies the $5000 i spent to get all these magnets velcroed to my arms and legs, hopefully with the help of these magnets (how do they work? lol) i can fight back any infections that fluoridated water might have caused
DAY 3: nothing to report, i have however placed a few of the magnets around my crotch...they should aid in upstreaming the growth of my penis
day 4: my stringy arms have developed what i believe is 5g of muscle mass thanks to hauling all those heavy magnets around...soon i will finally be able to lift 20lb weights with 1 hand...
DAY 6: i am beginning to feel ill effects... today when i went to the mall to yell @ people who drink fluoridated water to stop being slaves to the machine security escorted me off the premises...i believe big pharma has caught wind of my most recent quest for better health and is trying to silence me
DAY 7: i was very thirsty so i drank an extra 6 ounces of raw milk today...i think these magnets are making me thirsty for raw milk thus improving my overall i was also able to jerk off 6 times today a new record for september 11


ethics boards control what is researched and what is not

Kill yourself faggot. Spoiler alert- you're already gay as shit.

>posts a fagbook
I'm not even surprised anymore. Here comes his loud and proud response. Faggot.


>because of the cancer radiation
Literally kill yourself. Background radiation is more harmful than what a wireless mouse will put out.
There are lots of good reasons to reject wireless, like reliability, latency and unnecessary batteries, but radiation is not among them.

>he hasn't got a thinkpad


>wanting your keyboard to catch fire during intense hackering


>the plastics from the keyboard and mouse probably dissolve under my fingers and seep into my bloodstream, making me gay.
I'm afraid it's already too late to save you OP

Ivory would be great, even better than ABS plastic. OP is in for some disappointment with his wood keyboard, it's going to wear down faster than any plastic he's had before.