IRC takeover

ok, i've got kali linux, EPIC irc shell client, LiCe irc scripts

how do i take over a rizon IRC room? i want to irrevocably own it, or at least be able to 'nuke' certain people off of it without them knowing who it is.

i'm not a linux nerd btw. i don't really know anything about linux.

Goooooooooo fuck yourself Tyrone.

Do you know anything about IRC either? It's really not as simple as you think it is

You are a nerd, and you don't know IRC manners. I'd tell you to go fuck yourself but I doubt it could reach, you rude little fag. Saged. Never come back.

i'd ask you to help but i doubt you could.

i thought the idea was to infiltrate with bots that will spoof the names of the ops so that when a netsplit happens or is made to happen, the server sees conflicting names when they rejoin the servers, causing both to be kicked, until i remain as the sole op. i would also have to disable the room bot, and possibly set up failsafe nuke attacks to go off if an op tries to get on or gets opped without me, before i can completely take over.

fuck off, you retarded nigger. go babble incoherently elsewhere.

Fuck off GNAA wannabe

fuck off noob

You're the nigger because you aren't welcome in these parts, boy. Now fuck off.

I doubt you could even crapflood a channel properly

Riding the split doesn't work anymore on 99% of networks. You're about 20 years too late for these sorts of IRC wars.

seek medical assistance for your homosexuality. last i checked, you're a rando fag who can't do shit, and i don't need your welcome. so suck my fat cock, or have your mother do it, either way.

i had feared as much

so what is necessary?

do i have to compromise the entire network?

If you want to take over a channel on a modern network you'll need to gain access to the chanop's nickserv password or the channel's chanserv password. Even if you manage to do that he just needs to bitch at some oper and you'll get glined, IRC wars are dead.

>you're a rando fag who can't do shit
Says the nigger asking Sup Forums for help using basic pentesting tools. Jesus fucking Christ you are the biggest faggot I've ever seen. Go back to Sup Forums.

WHAT'S THAT? YOU SUCK MAD DICK? ok, why did you tell me this?

is the nickserv and chanserv system, is that channel specific, or is that network wide? meaning, even if i pull a channel takeover off, would they just cry to rizon and get it reversed?

so i'd have to take over ALL of rizon to take over a channel, and then, they'd just turn the servers off.

All servers on a network use the same services, yes. If you break into someone else's account and they whine at some opers you'll get pwned.

You even talk like a nigger, you fucking nigger. Cry more for me, you all caps bitch boy.

ok, so if i can't take over the channel, how do i identify, dox, and hack the people i don't like? can i just make their computer turn the fans off repeatedly or something?

Fuck off we're full.

Literally just do this.

Install funtoo

You have to be 18 or older to visit this site

Fuck off queer if you can't do this yourself

i thought kali was the distro that comes with a bunch of tools for 'security testing' and stuff.

>I need to know Linux in order to give a takeover in a IRC channel
End yourself.

anyone that isn't actively helping me is retarded and probably can't even turn their computer on

>how do i identify, dox, and hack the people i don't like?
You grow the fuck up, little bitch. Grow a big enough pair of balls to shield yourself from the mean words, you dickless woman.

>i'm not a linux nerd btw. i don't really know anything about linux.

You don't fucking say...

But in all seriousness watch Mr. Robot, season 2, episode 6. He actually goes over nuking IRC in surprising detail. Good enough that it should have you well on your way.

what part of install funtoo you don't get?

no, i want to mess with them, and prevent them from using that IRC channel. i'm in the right here. not that it matters.

seriously, mr robot? i dunno maybe i'll try that.

>i'm in the right here
No you aren't. That server isn't your property and you need to fuck off. Your feelings don't matter. You don't matter. Leave this website now. You're polluting this board with your script kiddie garbage and you need to die in a hole.


no, not gonna happen. in fact, the channel IS my property if i'm the head op of it.

possession is 9/10ths of the law :^)

that niggers dead

>the channel IS my property if i'm the head op
If it isn't running on a computer that you own, it's not your property. Deal with it faggot.

wrong, if i have the passwords, and power over it, it's mine.

>skiddie gets kicked out of chat
>proceeds to whine on the internet until someone makes a script for him

there are plenty of tools out there already.

>I have the keys to someone else's car, therefore the car is mine
This is nigger logic. You are a nigger.

wrong, if the server is not running on something that you legally own, then it's not yours.

Just sage and make fun of him.

really? then why are you asking other people about it?

Because he's too stupid to use the tools on his own or read the docs and needs to spoon fed like a baby.

top quality bait