This kills the Sup Forumsentooman



>mom, I made a shit """meme""" and posted it on Sup Forums xD

t. big boys


dumb idiot

But in all seriousness linux is a joke, it went from a great concept to a clusterfuck of special snowflake distros with each being broken in their own unique way. The only people left using it at pedophiles who jack off to cartoon images of children with lanky bodies and huge eyes/heads. Fucking pathetic.

That guy even posts on Sup Forums. Shit image.

for you


this projecting.

Found the manchild


>Sup Forumstards actually believe this

I laughed op

OP is right

most games are shit anyway
who PS4/3DS here?

>the amount of butthurt ITT

Fuck off pajeet, I'll rekt you to the loo

Get a fucking job with your Steam account then we'll talk.

>implying that sports are important

my butt is offended