can you install windows on a libreboot laptop?
I need windows for running cygwin I dont have a feeling it will run nice in wine
Can you install windows on a libreboot laptop?
well its a bios/uefi replacement so i dont see why not
that kinda defeats the point of installing libreboot tho.
why would you want to use cygwin if you have GNU/Linux???
No, it won't. Windows is shit anyways. If you really need a free and open source BIOS replacement then use Coreboot with the SeaBIOS payload. That usually works with Windows.
>running cygwin in wine
for what purpose?
Well does linux have a cygwin alternative?
It's not supported but it should be possible to to write your own coreboot payload and flash that to the mobo.
But why the fuck would you want to run Windows atop Libreboot (or at all)?
The fuck is libreboot and why do you have so many thinkpads?
>cygwin in wine
next thing you're gonna tell me is you want to run Android x86 on a Windows VM inside an arm to x86 crossdev Gentoo chroot on Android in the emulator shipped with Android Studio
Libreboot is a free and open source BIOS replacement, you brainlet. Go back to Sup Forums
BIOS is free as well, nerd
Yeah, it's often called Linux but some think it should be called gnu/linux
>BIOS is free as well, nerd
holy shit I don't even do the whole FOSS meme but you're beyond brainlet status.
Depends on the BIOS. Not all of them are free. Go fuck yourself.
Explain, tough guy. How come I can go to Gigabyte's website and download BIOS update free of charge?
Inside every modern CPU, there is a coprocessor you can't control or disable, and this coprocessor can control your everything.
Libreboot disables it.
Just check Intel ME and AMD PSP for more details.
Oh, so another invention by paranoiacs.
Can you download source code of Gigabyte's BIOS?
Learn the difference between free beer and free speech.
>buys/creates a libreboot laptop
>installs windows on it
nigga you WHY
Libreboot does not support any systems that contain the IME.
There is currently a way to remove network access from (but not disable) the ME. If the people working on this come up with a way to disable the whole thing then Libreboot could be ported to the X220/T420 which would make those the first machines with IME that can be liberated.
Free as in frei, not free of cost. Of course this concept is far beyond you because you're literally retarded.
Just google it up.
Intel and AMD parades this shit around like a "major feature".
Is that all libreboot X220 is going to do? Remove internet access to the IME? I thought they were going to do more.
If Libreboot on the X220 comes to fruition then the IME will be removed completely. However that's not currently possible.
If it turns out that there's no way around the IME dead man's switch then it will at least still be possible to run an otherwise free coreboot with the denetworked IME.
>dead man switch
Why don't they just emulate a "hey here's a totally legit connection with the IME" signal every 30 minutes then?
The IME itself periodically checks that its ROM has not been tampered with, if there's any discrepancy it'll cut power in 30 minuets. The main processor and OS have no knowledge of this. I don't personally have the technical knowledge to say which workarounds are viable are which are not, but any solution has to be at the BIOS or hardware level.
>can you install windows on a libreboot laptop?
No you can't, it clearly says so on the FAQ
>wants to install windows to run cygwin
Cygwin is literally linux on windows.
So what you're trying to do is install Windows instead of Linux to use Linux on windows.
Needless to say, that's fucking retarded.
This whole thread smells like bait
Cygwin is GNU on Windows.