Live in rural 'murica

>Live in rural 'murica
>Work shitty $9/hr factory job
>Rent around here is $700+/month for studio apartment. So I'm stuck in parents basement indefinitely.

NO internet available of any kind, no fiber, no cable, no DSL, no dial-up, no radio tower, no satellite (due to extremely dense tree cover), no cell (due to elevation relative to nearest tower and trees).

Comcast has a line less than a mile down the road but wants $800,000 to run the line into my neighborhood.

What hobbies would Sup Forums recommend that require no internet?

[spoiler] inb4 kill yourself [/spoiler]
[spoiler] inb4 install gentoo [/spoiler]


lower your standards and rent a cheaper apartement

When I see posts like this I become somewhat proud of my 3rd world shithole. 100 mbps no data cap internet for $9,99 a month so I can shitpost with no regard for human life.
To answer your question, OP, I recommend learning to program. Try C language.

Find a govt job user. Great benefits, and you get pension so when you retire you'll have indefinite neetbux until you die.

It's your fault for not working hard in school, and getting a scholarship.
Reap what you sow

that's as cheap as they get here, $700-800/month for ghetto dilapidated crap hole.

Have an associates degree in Computer Sciences.

Only jobs here are factory

tell me your address and work location and I literally find you something cheaper within 5 minutes.
that's how stupid I know you are

>tell me your address and work location
>that's how stupid I know you are

almost got me user.

Become homeless and use 4g prepaid internet.

Well I'm living in a rural shithole as well but in the EU. I have around 5mbp/s on a good day but mostly just around 2-3mbp/s. it's enough for 720p stream and no problem with gaymen either because at least no data cap.

Still, downloading anything is such a fucking pain these days. Games taking up 50GB and streams at 1080p are almost impossible.

Radio. Shitpost truckers on CB, talk to pajeet with a ham setup. Lots of fun to be had with no internet connection.

jesus christ, ur an actual imbecilie. Just tell me the city you live in or whatever. dumb fuck

>associates degree
So you did high school twice. Congrats.

Having this much spare time on a weekday

This actually sound fun, but... trees, lots and lots of really tall tress. Would need one hell of a tower for the antenna.

>Rent around here is $700+/month for studio apartment.
>Rural America
Want to know how I know you're lying?


With ham you can use such low frequencies it is not really a problem. You can bounce your signal off the ionosphere and talk to somebody half way around the world. Line of sight is for pussies.

Leave murca then, wtf.

>live in Moscow's area Russia
>Work shitty $2.2/hr storage management job
>Internet is fast and cheap
>My own 1 room place is something like $65/month at max

New Jersey.

>make $9 per hour
>work 8 hours per day
>work 5 days per week (20 days per month)
>that's $1440 per month

I'm not seeing the problem OP, why can't you rent the $700/month apartment?

OP just bought a fresh new 8x1060 3GiB rig, that's why.

That's before taxes, isn't it? Then you still have utilities and other bills, food, gas and other car payments, and potentially other costly shit.

OP, why don't you rent out a single bedroom somewhere? Houseshares aren't too bad I guess.

Learn to programme, find a job online, get enough money to move into a state where it's cheap af to live while also having good cheap internet.
Then live out your days in your own basement racking up more money than you know what to do with.

>OP lives in his mother's basement.
I bet he has the social anxiety of a tribal nigger with aids.

>got an associates instead of using that money to get the fuck out of wherever you are

2 good books on programming and a thinkpad. Prepare all necessary software ahead of time.

Recommend these two good books user.

Why'd you forget to mention the abundance of 9s and 10s qts?


I'd read long old books, like Hobbes and Aristotle and shit. Hobbes is fucking great. I'd work on my drawing skills. I'd stock up on graduate-level textbooks to seriously study CS. I'd start an open source project in Idris and travel weekly to push updates and read the mailing list.

Moscow's 9s and 10s are out of your league unless you're a billionaire.

a russian billionare, which translates to middle class american

Have you tried moving? You might be in the shittiest "rural" spot. Pic related is a town 50 miles away from me. Rent out 2 rooms to girls, make your own personal harem, and your monthly bill ends up being $200. Or rent out the third room and you're making money on this deal just sitting on your ass in the free room.

I am expat Russian bullionare. I was a quant in New York until I learned I could dine with the Putin's in Moscow and own a nuclear reactor here that does not need inspection. Your silly Slav girls get their holes rawed out by me and my associates regular. We have fast internet too

If you're wanting to move out you could try getting a job at a prison. I'm currently in the process of becoming a CO, pays $20 an hour.

>no satellite (due to extremely dense tree cover)

Wouldn't affect the satellite signal to any significant degrees, whoever told you it would or you can't use satellite Internet was fucking lying to you.

>no dialup

Now that I find pretty much impossible to believe as there are POPs in every fucking exchange in the US and have been for the past 10 years, if you can't honestly locate an ISP with a POP in your exchange then you shouldn't fucking be online in the first place.

>no cellular

Kill yourself now, or just fucking move, you whining motherfucker.

>$9/hr job
So that's typical money, deal with it.

>$700/month studio apartment
That's what I have and I live in downtown Las Vegas so fuck you, you whining motherfucker

>adult living in parents basement when that's not actually necessary
Fuck you, you whining motherfucker, get the fuck outta your parents basement and live like an adult or shut the fuck up once and for all.

Now get the fuck out.

get the fuck out your shithole



>Live in rural 'murica (Town of 6k)
>Work decent $17/hr factory job
>no rent because I own a 2 bedroom trailer and own the land it's on
>pretty good 10/100mbps internet
You're literally doing everything wrong.

Get a bicycle

how are you posting you little nigger

>tfw live 20 miles out of the capital city of Montana
>tfw 60mbps internet with no caps
>tfw 800$ a month rent for 2 bedroom trailer with a garage
>tfw big yard and back yard
>tfw paid 11$ an hour to drive

load data from library and take it to your house via sneakernet. I did that for like two years when I was like you, user.

Read this:

oh hey it's Hegel Boy from hackernews

But you live in a trailer.