You have one post to prove you are not a pajeet

You have one post to prove you are not a pajeet

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Caм ты пaджит.

My hand

I can say desktop and virus instead of dextop and wirus.

I'm white

The only chance India has of becoming a superpower is if the entire planet is razed and one Poojeet survives thanks to the layers of shit he was trapped under.

I bought intel

i don't use windows or macos

I-I can't

i use the toilet


Please Sir I Need Extend Deadline For My Hand Is Dirty So I No Longer Type Good.

And a faggot

Boku wa manko daisuki~

me too :D

i use the toilet

I can write a decent program without a thousand warnings and bugs.

>implying Intel aren't the poos

>black lives matter
Pick one

rape is not funny

who is this little anime character? I want to touch it with my poo fingers.

You don't have to fact check everything I say.

it is a white phrase

My favorite thing to do is to turn a normal function that takes in more than one argument, into a function that takes in a single argument that returns another function that takes in the next argument
What this is referred to as also happens to be the name of my favorite food

Wasn't that a synonymous of "cop lives don't matter" so blacks could kill cops as well?

I hate win10 and i dont have a YouTube channel

You have the jews and poos mixed up user

It's the jewpoos (Intel) and the poo (Raja).

"Please do the needful"

I'm a pajeet and I'm not even gonna try to disprove it

go away curry pajeet

I do my poo in a loo and my pee as well



Yeah intel users use a toilet GAYMD users dont. I dont see your point

Fair enough

what the fuck? no. Can't tell if you are trolling.

but i am

Hands of a H1B

I don't curl in the squat rack

This is a beautiful artifact of status signaling.

My goal is to make enough money that my kids can be this level of oblivious.

You love pussy?
Did I read that right?

I love Pakistan and Pakistani people.

I care about software freedom.

I am not pajeet am advik please to met you which one are woman please [email protected]

Umaru-chan, be careful user.


please to not tell me my own email

butt fucker

If I was born an Indian I would immediately killed myself and just let life resets itself

It would just make you go down a notch in the hierarchy of life, which of course given the circumstances might make you fall off the edge of existence

very simple and easy.

mods. this thing is Sup Forums stuff and should not be in here, please delete this thread thank you

how can she slap

I work in tech support...

>900d stuff.
Who the fuck even knows what that is ?

I don't ask cashiers for coupons .

I know PHP

I think I'll buy an iPhone.

i poo in my loo

Seriously what is it with Indians and their ultra-nationalist / hindu-nationalist bullshit all the time?!

This is very apparent on YouTube when you go to watch some news story from Indian space program ot Indian military videos. You can see how comment section is full of ultra-nationalists praising how great India is at the same time there's still people dying to hunger in India and don't have enough clean drinking water.

Yeah, establishment leftist groups like soros stopped funding blm because it was quickly devolving into a terrorist organization, especially after the dallas terror attack on police by that blm nigger. Now you never hear anything about thme because they get no money from jews anymore.

Why are Indians so ultra-nationalists? Don't you guys think you go little over the top sometimes?

>Why are Indians so ultra-nationalists?
All non-whites are, hell, even Eastern-European "whites" (aka slavs) are ultra-nationalists.

In the west, however, we've been duped by (((them))) into believing that nationalism and ethno-centrist views are somehow inherently racist.

Video very much related:

Holy shit, my sides. What's up with this jealousy towards whites?

This is so accurate I couldn't help but laugh. The pause really made it

>It would just make you go down a notch in the hierarchy of life
On the contrary, karma would reward you for spearing the world from yet another indian.

>Today open defecation is on the decline worldwide, but nearly 950 million people still routinely practice it. Some 569 million of them live in India

60% of street shitters come from India.

85% of BLM movement is white. Which is funny as that's how white the republican party is, which they hate so much for consisting of white people.


Did they get ruined by wh*te people or were they always this bad?

If you read the article, it's clear that white people actually have alleviated the problem by building toilets and plumbing, but some Indians still refuse to use toilets.

What's up with the obsession over WHITE SERVANTS? It's mentioned like 14 times during the first 5 minutes.

Hello sir. I'm from Microsoft India. You have virus on PC..

IS this tec suport?
DO the needful please


ok rape u next week

They got ruined by Mughal and British rule.


As you can see, there's nobody using it, Rajeshlomo, but you may get your Intel® RAID Unlock Key™ today after all.

What the fuck is Ghee? I'm not sure but its clear that its terrible.

So basically you're a javascript developer?

Purified butter, it's pretty nice, actually.

t. Not a Pajeet

I hate shitposting just as much as I hate people shitting int the street. I wish we had mods here.

Very convincing!

It is.


Mai bhi shauchalay istemal karta hu :^)

How is love trumps hate a slogan against him? Isn't it implying Trump overcame hate with love?

Looking pretty brown there friend..


clean your fucking toes faggot


Sir, I kindly ask you to take down this thread as it undermines India international view.

Regard, Mike Smith

But you know how use it?

Mix race to black.

Ich gehe zum Scheiße aufs Klo und nicht auf die Straße.

Remember kids, if you're a typelet, you may as well end your life now

Shut fuck up, Mohammad.

It's telling you to love Trump's hate

This. Please do the needful and remove the offense post.

Please pay attention to this gentleman, sirs, he stands for the diversity in STEM fields