Speccy rating general

Speccy thread?
Speccy thread.

Bonus points for Ryzen, Intel Atoms and enterprise hardware

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R8, m80s!

> Кoмп зa 180К дepeвянных.jpg
> i7 6700K
You are loh.

This poor bastard is PORVALSYA, bring a new one!

>gaymen build
>32GB of shitty 2133MHz RAM

For what purpose?


>tor browser
>media player next to it
I wonder what are you watching


For playing games, sitting on imageboards, watching movies.
Old square monitor.
No CP or drugs!
I use Tor, but for another purposes.

Okay, goyim.


>inb4 115 °C

Bug on speccy.





whats the point of these threads lol

The point was to rate and receive rating. Too bad nobody gives a fuck and everyone just posts their shit.

X5660 upgrade?

R8 my system, boys

Is your CPU serving you well? Does it do what it has to do?
Then the answer is no.
Be careful with this 2TB seashit drive. It's know to shit the bed after 1-2 years of use.

>Be an AMDfag

Hey I'm looking for a good mouse with replacable switches. I mainly play dota 2 and the witcher 3. Nothing serious, I just want something that won't take me the whole mouse to replace. Thanks for yourhelp.

Jesus christ fix your fucking memory, its stupid loose

It's not a review board and it's not a gayming hardware thread. Fuck off

>Be careful with this 2TB seashit drive. It's know to shit the bed after 1-2 years of use.
Just want to add to this, i have a 2TB seagate drive and 90% sure its died as every windows install i do on it it just ends up crashing. Same goes for linux. Rest in peace ;_; I think its about 4 maybe 5 years old tho.

>TLC system SSD

I dont know where to go with this


No bully pls, its a cute little PC

>locked CPU

>muh overclocking meme! XD
not everyone is an autistic gaymur kid.

Yet you a gayming graphics card and w10

you all suck so hard

Buying locked shit is literal cuckoldry.

Very nice :0 How cute \/_\/

Might as well lock your dick in a cage too.

This wasn't me who posted it btw, also I got it for free and it was going to be a shoe in until I got what ever was the best i7 for the socket, but I didn't find my self needed it as badly as I thought it would.

I'd rather just get a new socket and new CPU together seeing as it's a little dated as of now.

The GPU is the weakest link in the chain IMO

I said autistic gaymur kid, not casual gamer.
Not everyone gives a fuck about 144FPS meme, ultra extreme MEMES XD graphics settings and other shit. Normal people just want to play the damn game. That's why consoles are so popular.
Nice logic. Again: not everyone cares about muh niggerhertz.
don't upgrade unless your current setup doesn't do what it's supposed to do. Don't fall for Sup Forums consumerism.

I have a 144hz because i dont give a shit about le extreme graphics XDDD get it right nerd

Quit posting

Fuck off back to your beanbag with your lenovo and apple cider you gay nerd shitter

I like building PC's and upgrading, just like I spending thousands to get my car to make 20 more horsepower, but thanks for looking out for me.

Any suggestions on a GPU that will play nice with ITX cases and keeps good temps under load? my R9 doesn't do so hot with KF2 on max settings

I don't use lenovo products. I've never owned apple products in my life.
Try again kid

show us your speccy then

>I like wasting money like a good goy on stupid things. Fuck the priorities, fuck saving money. Lets spend it on $9000 gayming machine I'm going to shitpost on for the next 1 whole year before I spend another $9000 or some similar shit. LMAO XDDD
I think this is the perfect place for you.

already posted it.

>i like not pursuing my hobbies and living a sad shitter life when i only have 1 chance at this just because some guy on pol told me everything economy is controlled by jews and i hate jews!

Is buying expensive computer parts just to use them later to shitpost on Sup Forums considered a hobby these days?
Wew lad, what a strange world to live in.

>strawmanning the post

end of discussion

Out of argument so early?
I know people can come up with extremely retarded explanations and justifications on why they waste money instead of buying something that WORKS and SERVES IT PURPOSE, but come one dude (dude? are you even an adult?).
Sup Forums statistics are clear and simple. Most posters are FUCKING UNDERAGE. Which implies that their gayming battlestations are bought by their parents.
And this is how most of you (((gayming hobbists))) look like.


Are you happy with it?
Don't you think small cheap SSD for system only would be a good idea?

tips hand fedora

Nice gpu



Most things run fine but games like PUBG or other big world games don't run that well so I think something is bottle necking somewhere, pretty sure it's the CPU. And I have been considering buying a cheap SSD maybe that even could be the problem for those games.



All of you should kill yourselves.

But user, thats what HyperV is for.

Why? Because I use OS you don't like?
Sounds like you need to take your pills and seek more psychiatric help than you usually do.

>take your pills

That's the best comeback you can think of?
Pathetic. Linux will never be a thing for a normal person because of toxic *tips fedora* community and commie cancer like you and GNU people. Keep yourself contained in your and stop infesting other threads with your shit.

I really hope your entire post was ironic.

Nice anime response. Such a valuable and intelligent person you are.


Fucking blows my mind how people will buy ryzen and pair it with shitter memory

it's even more mind blowing when you realize these people buy 16 core cpus to shitpost on Sup Forums and watch movies.
The magic of numbers is stunning.

I cant think of anyone who buys 16 core xeons, and threadripper isnt out.

New system, not even a week old yet. My previous system was an FX-8350.

Waiting on a Vega RX GPU to replace this R7 260X.


Best laptop "APU" reporting in.
> 4c/8t
> boost up to 3.4GHz on all cores
> Iris Pro 5200 Graphics
> 128MB L4 cache
> 45W TDP
This CPU is 3 years old and still the king for laptops.

How will Raven Ridge perform against this?

cool compo

Happy i got the cpu for free.


@ 3.78ghz 1.3125v
ram @ 2933mhz 16-18-18-38

media center

I have the new version Samsung's 2TB drive, so I'm not worried about it

>Be an Intelfag

Processor OC'd to 3.8 Ghz

Holy shit i'm a fucking retard, forgot pic.

r8 me pls

What should I do with my old prebuilt?

Nice trips. What do you do on your PC?

Besides shitposting I'm not sure what to do with this Dell it's dual booting XP and Xubuntu.

I found your monitor

Jesus christ man why not just use integrated graphics

>Bentium 4
Not much you can do with it, user

want to build a decent desktop but the prices now are shit



I'm thinking about adding a extra SSD to my machine as a dedicated game install drive. What size do you think I should go for?

minimum of 500GB SSD

I found a M.2 500gb for $150. Is that worth it?

probably, depends on the brand too, I believe

Its a WD Blue.

So, I'm sure it needs improvement, but I'm a poorfag. What could I upgrade that would be the most cost effective, that would last me the longest until I could make another improvement/just make a new build.


What about Northwood Celerons?

Atom reporting in!