Fix it.
Fix it
im a techie, not a psychiatrist
Peg me and I will.
Fuck that shit there is nothing to fix it. Its born retarded
Cash, grass or ass
12 year old detected
- your containment board wants you back
Doomed from the womb
My lopsided ballsack against your mudcoloured eyes
Suck my dick.
Who is this semen d(a)emon?
God, I wish we had a mod team on this board
Shit you not.
I won't touch your proprietary garbage
Can't fix outbreeding depression
fix it and i will let you suck my sweaty feet
What the fuck is wrong with her face?
Oh dear fuck off to pol op this is g
you sir have won the internet for tonight im out peace brothers.
anyone have a link to the original pic showing her tits?
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