If somebody gave you $50 to lick your keyboard, would you do it?

if somebody gave you $50 to lick your keyboard, would you do it?
Think about it.

It's filthy and yes.

I can just use antibacterial mouthwash afterwards.

What exactly do you mean lick my keyboard

I do not touch my keyboard if I don't wash my hands before so thanks for the fifty dollah mato.
Also I wash the keycaps once every two weeks.

this also.

Always wash my hands before touching keyboard and no eating at my computer desk.

This but only with a cloth and iso alcohol, probably enough to remove most dirt

I type with my dick

I would even lick his keyboard

There's nothing on it I haven't already put in my mouth anyways. Some sucker just lost $50.

who is the one doing the licking?
Either way, yes

I keep my keyboard clean so yes.

I don't really want someone else licking my keyboard desu...

lmao these ocd fucks who think they're going to get suck cause of muh bacteria

$50 is $50

I think I wouldn't lick someone else's tho

pal I main /out/ - If I drink my own piss when I can't be arsed going to a river then fuck yes I'd do that

If someone put a legit $50 USD bill under my keyboard and all I had to do was lick my keyboard to pocket it, easiest $50 I've ever made.

of course, only degenerates have filthy keyboards. I don't even need to clean it because i'm not a degenerate fucktard who eats cheetos infront of my computer

50$ is 50$

Yes, the filth is my own

Well, I clean it once a month so probably yes.

They'd probably clean my keyboard.

Sure. I clean it daily with alcohol.
I mean, you put your dirty hands and fingers on it all the time, who would clean it.

would you lick between Stallmans toes for $50

I would pay $50 for that.

I'd do it for free...


>tfw cant find that gif of a /tpg/ user smearing his dick over his chinkpad with an umaru wallpaper

sauce god damn sauce

sounds hot as HECK, but hella gay

Yeah. But, if he blows a load of cum while I'm doing so, that's an extra $5000.

Ofc. What a stupid question. I'd do it for $2.

Of course.
I got it like a month ago so it's pretty clean.

>not cleaning your keyboard every week
fucking plebs. you faggots probably don't even reassemble your computers to clean them every week.

My own keyboard? Sure, I don't touch my nice keyboard with filthy hands.

Somebody elses or a woke keyboard? Probably not.

Yes, I wipe it down very often.

I would and I would wipe my keyboard afterwards not my mouth

you faggots don't put sheets over your keyboards?

I lick my keyboard after every snack.

I want to cum on that cat's fur just because I know it would lick it clean

That's a very cute kitty

i got a new one yesterday so yes

show us a picture of it user ^_^

Sure, it's not that old

I just got my Wooting One Saturday, so that sounds like a good deal

I cleaned it with medical grade wipes few days ago so yes.

muh ((medical grade))

Isn't that to learn mecanography?

tastes salty

Perhaps like salty milk?