I made this Sup Forums browser to replace my web browser experience for this site. Is anyone interested?

I made this Sup Forums browser to replace my web browser experience for this site. Is anyone interested?

Other urls found in this thread:


Only if it runs on linux.

it's written in qt, and i only use linux, so yes, it does. My WM is i3. I have a windows release built, too.


Yes looks cool.


it's open source; i hate telemetry

okay, here it is on github: github.com/siavash119/qtchan . Sorry no themes just yet, you can open it in qtcreator and change the stylesheets if you want. I'll put themes settings soon.

showing a few features

can you make it mine buttcoins in the background while the computer has been idle over 5 minutes?

pass or no pass

i don't want to; i just want to get rid of general web browsers all together

Nice. I'm sure it should be a smoother/lighter usability than using Firefox to browse and post on Sup Forums. Similar to the reason why Clover or OverChan were used over just using the web browser on mobile.

What about a macOS release?

a few keyboard commands and instructions:
-ctrl+l opens up the nav bar; you can type g or g/boardnum or Sup Forums or board.Sup Forums... etc
-ctrl+w (ctrl+f4 on windows) or delete to close tab
-ctrl+p opens settings
-ctrl+tab ctrl+shift+tab, ctrl+1-4 to switch tabs.
-q opens up post form, shift+enter to post from there
-e expands all images and auto expands future posts on current tab

need to restart qtchan if changing to use Sup Forums pass or not. signals/slots still not finished for that.

sorry Kevin, no Solus specific release either. Build it yourself; the source was posted earlier

yeah it's certainly replaced my web browser experience for this site. i also like that it auto saves the json and thumbs/images with original names, like your own archive.

cool, ill download your botnet, op. thanks!

I might be able to package it for Solus, but idk about macOS.

why are you switching to macos ?
why not install solus on mcbook pro ?

What about adding the Sup Forums-x script?

where can i find the windows release, siavashson?

holy fuck thats cool!
where's the github?

no javascript; this program just parses JSON from Sup Forums, downloads images, and puts everything in views/folders.

please let me know if it works; I'm not sure if there are other dependencies I missed.


Someone get this in AUR please.

that file browser is just pcmanfm, but qtchan does save it in the folders like that

github.com/siavash119/qtchan/releases/download/v0.7/qtchan.zip is a direct link i think

could you link me if someone does it? i built with qtcreator using qt5, but it uses shared libraries. I'm looking into a static build as well.

>i just want to get rid of general web browsers all together

macOS is actually super /comfy/

for normies


so... am i just supposed to run the exe and the boards pop up? cuz nothing happens. the program runs, but its blank.

that MBP is godtier. I'm getting one in August.

ok Kevin

normies use Windows.

and also macos

browsers have completely overstepped their boundaries and have tried to become full blown OS's. My first impression of this was when browsers could play videos: I thought, why does my browser need to play a video? I already have a dedicated player that's better! anyway this is another discussion.

maybe next i'll do the stack sites (stackoverflow, servervault, etc.) or maybe youtube/vimeo.

okay good, now press ctrl+l and the nav bar will pop up, type in your search for example (g, g/csg, pol, Sup Forums) and hit enter

Dude it really is. I got a refurbed 13 inch with the touch bar and touch id with 8gb ram and 250gb flash storage. This thing is amazing and I think it's definitely worth the money. Also the keyboard and trackpad is really nice, and this battery lasts for-fucking-ever.

Heys guys, got room for another in your circle-jerk? :^)

for fucks sake, you have macOS now and have Safari. it's by far the fastest browser I've ever tried and it uses the least amount of battery. it's also smooth as butter and has PiP etc. quit using chromeshit.

thx. it is working. pretty qt, if i do say so myself.

But Chrome has all my extensions and the google account integration is nice. Why should I really use Safari over it?

op, pls

sorry it's not so user friendly yet.

glad to hear. there are a few instructions i just added here: github.com/siavash119/qtchan#a-few-keyboard-commands-and-instructions

a few more are
f10 saves tree state (it'll also save on exit)
f11 hides menubar
j and k scroll (opposite of standard vim)
o opens image in top of view
if you have mpv, g opens all the images/videos in the thread.

this happens when i try to click into a thread. specifically, clicking on post #

>Why should I really use Safari over it?
it has tons of extensions too. all the major ones are there. Safari's fast, uses least amount of battery, scrolls the best, supports gestures, and it's not a botnet.

ahh, how did it happen? i wanted to make sure there weren't any crashes or major problems before I shared it, but I guess there are still some.

okay thanks, i'll look right now. for now click the image to open the thread

dont be sorry, friend. i prefer it this way. will keep the normies out. reeeeee

clicking the image does nothing, sir

Chrome has the gesture support of using the 2 finger side scroll to go forward and back pages. Gonna try out Safari, thanks.

wait nevermind, i see now. clicking image opens thread in tree, but doesnt take you to it right away

maybe the arrow is difficult to see in windows, but there should be a little arrow you can click to the left of Sup Forums to expand the tree

This looks great. 4chanX compatibility would be nice.

can you post without a Sup Forums pass? if so, how does that work with captcha?

okay i pushed a quick fix, thanks a lot for telling me. it's not in the release, though.

oh in terms of importing settings? that's a really good idea. i'll do it.

in qtchan it's like

oops, 4chanx comment for

no problem. on windows, i am also having a problem with captcha not showing up when trying to post. it just doesnt appear in the comment box

yeah if you set not to use Sup Forums pass in settings (open settings with ctrl+p), you have to restart qtchan. i'll double check on windows now.


might have to restart twice, but it works and will continue to work after settings are saved and it loads correctly. I'll have it so you don't have to restart soon. Also you can click the captcha image to get a new one

>Sup Forums
kill yourself

this post was made from qtchan on windows 10. however i cannot get captcha to regenerate. clocking captcha shows a new captcha, but typing it does not work. also, now captcha stopped showimg up completely again. i have changed no settings

i'll stop using my pass and post with captcha to try to reproduce the problem.

remember it doesn't check if the captcha has timed out. i think it's 180 seconds once you get the image.

i have to go soon, but i'll make another thread tomorrow or so and fix the problems. I understand posting with captcha is essential for many to use this program.

I hope you are happy, because this is actually very nice. Thanks.

thx, op. i like qtchan, and plan on using future releases. ill check back tomorrow around this time to see if you are around

I've had similar thoughts after trying Sup Forums X with greasemonkey I was impressed by how much can be done by using the site's own api that the site's javascript would have used but without actually running their javascript.


Do you plan on adding support for other sites like 8ch and lain.jp?

This is pretty cool, OP, but please add the ability to scale things down a bit
It looks like 200% zoom

Thanks, my project requires parsing the API and this should come in handy since I am a fucking retard :^)

Windows version crashes.

I am a massive retard and have no idea how to build this on Linux, any help?


Does it work with passes?

Nice OP. I thought about doing this but now I don't have to

this is super comfy
thanks OP
stay cute

>Sup Forums user
>software is ugly, filled with bugs, and crashes constantly
Wouldn't have expected anything else. Sup Forums is the pajeet of Sup Forums.

>git clone github.com/siavash119/qtchan.git
>cd qtchan/
>qmake qtchan.pro

not him but something's fucky.

You press ctrl + L and type in g

Your statements are gonna fall through, user.

pretty sweet
gotta figure out the dependencies for freebsd

Oh, got it.

also its pretty funny how you got this all done by yourself yet we can't create netrunner

this is shit and I will make something better

shitposting on Sup Forums trhough terminal when?

Youtube will be a good idea !

have your browser call an external video player like mpv for youtube

>shitposting on Sup Forums trhough terminal when?

dammit kevin

lmfao OP nice try

this keeps happening :(

Welcome to the botnet, everyone

Safari Technology Preview if you want the bleeding edge.


yes it does; look at github for instructions how to make the pass file.

i do that, but think of the wasted resources implementing video playing into the browser

yeah, i haven't fixed it yet; it's under known issues in the release.

typing "Sup Forums" gives you the whole catalog; just type g to get the first page. it works fine, then

maybe, but in the meantime, I'll separate the links and parsing into another class which should make the code more modular. Right now it's tied into the board and thread tabs.

got it; i can easily set it up to scale everything, but you need to restart to change the scaling. I'll get that at least for now.

cmon bro

Holy fuck. You are the living embodiment of autism.


Oh yes. I have something similar build for a certain german imageboard.
Will make it 4chin compatible this weekend, although just in browsing mode. Need to find a good way to implement posting.