None of this has anything to do with computer engineers. You would know this if you actually went to school like you're implying.
>b-but our job is h-harder!
Really, cuck? All you do is write an equivalent of a novel on a laptop. Big fucking deal. We extract liquified plants miles underground at high pressure hundreds of miles out from civilization. One false move and people die.
Take for example an oil rig. It employs probably 150 people. About as much as Niantic employed for this entire event. Every fucking thing has to work or else. Multiple points of redundancy are placed just about everywhere. There is no room for mistakes.
Now imagine this oil rig had 1 year to plan and prepare drilling for oil for just 1 day.
The oil rig with a crew of 150 men, had a year to do this. They even had 2 years prior of testing and actually performing oil drilling. But now they have almost unlimited money to do it.
The day has come.
The oil rig explodes, killing 30 people
The engineers blame it on the rig, and call that normal
That's Pokemon Go Fest in Chicago
sorry, computer "software" engineer.
it doesn't deserve the term engineer. Do we give screen writers engineering degrees because they know how to write proper scripts?
What does a cringy Pokemon go festival have to do with computer science?
software engineers can't get a very simple application running despite having near limitless funding.
>that booing
ten out of ten
you are completely retarded if you assume whoever writes that garbage is at fault for allowing such things to happen on a regular basis
let me enlighten you, seeing how a Petroleum engineer is obviously not intelligent enough to understand this concept.
other people
like customers
they are the ones holding your company accountable
if the other people don´t care if your company fucks up all the time then you will not change it because changing it requires an investment in better employees or other more expensive things
you obviously don´t understand the problem here
seeing how you assume that people allow pajeets to take over jobs
i don´t know if you ever had that i doubt it since you are not an engineer just some faggot pretending
but if a job offers me a shit pay i will not take it because i don´t want to earn shit beeing an engineer so go to a different company and pajeet takes the shitty paid job
that´s how the work-market works
and lastly
a normal software engineer != indian software engineer
there is a clear difference in the qualification standards
"you" don´t do shit
and i don´t know if you considred this
but with pokemon go no one died
like i know
this is incredible but there was nothing killing 30 people
there is literally no reason to even have remotely the same standards as a company that could kill a bunch of people and pollute the ocean
>make a bunch of neckbeards and manchildren have a terrible time
>kill thousands of endangered animals
Gee I wonder which group would get more backlash?
> no room for fuck up
> Valdez
> deep water horizon supported by British pipeline
> hundreds of oil spills and pipeline failures a year
> entire ecosystems destoryed
> entire independent business destoryed
Petroleum industry is a fucking joke and millions of dollars are spent doing PR for their failures instead of helping out destroyed communities
>there is a clear difference in the qualification standards
There isn't, otherwise the quality of software everywhere wouldn't be degrading and instead competitive and higher quality competition would emerge.
But there isn't any, because faggots like you are as good as pajeets.
>Petroleum engineer here. If this happened in our industry, we'd be hung from a tree.
That's your problem, dumbo. People got paid anyway. If you're some masochist who wants more responsibility and be accountable for any minor/major hiccup, then that's your problem.
yeah there is no difference absolutely not and that´s why pajeets are cheaper and worse then western equivalents
>fuck up like you tards always do
>destroy the environment and costs millions upon millions to clean up and you probably get tax breaks just for fucking up so bad
>Pokemon guys fuck up
>some teens are upset for a week and nothing happens
They are cheaper but they aren't worse.
The quality of software produced by the average Poojeet is about as good as the quality a dumb faggot like you produces, or the Clover dev.
You are all shit.
The day of talented Western programmers died off when they stopped being talented and instead became money grubbers who spend more time tweeting and posting on random imageboards and forums instead of practicing their skills autismally like some did in the past.
I can believe that a Chemfag can be good and still post on Sup Forums because their skills are fixed and static after being learned.
But you faggots who are programmers have a job that requires daily and hourly review, recollection, and practice, otherwise you rust away, which is why all of you that involve yourselves in posting on image boards or social justice programs or doing anything other than coding can safely be said to be dumb incompetent faggots who are a bigger part of the problem than poojeets.
Niantic is run by retards
They have too much money, but still manage to fuck up everything
Both in Ingress and PoGo
It could have been such a fun game, but 95% of the game mechanics in the mainline games aren't implemented and instead they added stupid stuff they can profit off
This. Niantic had it good when they were under google. They actualy had good staff,engineers and pr department. Then they left google when the were restructure for alphabet happened the ceo of niantoc left in a hissy fit with only 2 engineers on thier side. Since then every fuck up theve hd is due to that event. Pogo fest would have been a success if the brought in cell boost trucks. They would know to do this if they researched the event that requires good cell service is in a park notorious for bad cell service. Tldr niantic sucks becuase of incompetence on the top level not the engineers.
>mess up oil
>ruin the earth
>mess up a game
>falling for the STEM meme
The company is run by a software engineer. How he got to that position still baffles me.
The term "fake it till you make" literally applies to the real world.
>He moved across the country to attend the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley.
He's a businessman. But still, even Steve Jobs was able to make a working product despite not being a software engineer.
dood the software industry is still young compared to the venerable ancient art of oil drilling, whole qa process basically gets reinvented every 3 years or so
also i'm sure this game company isn't the best example of professionalism in the software industry
I really don't know how you can compare a stupid server error on a kiddy pokemon app game with an giant environmental disaster that actually killed people.
My sides.
Oil Rig: 150 people with almost unlimited budget and only less than a year to prepare
Pokemon Go event: 300+ employees with an unlimited budget, conceptualized in 2010, released working demo 2012, contract with Nintendo 2014 or 2015, beta release 2016 with millions of paying "testers", 2017, still doesn't fucking work despite making $1 million A DAY
There's no excuse for this. Wait and see a large number of resignations of key people at Niantic.