Big Brother is watching you

Big Brother is watching you.

Other urls found in this thread:

Then I will move to the mountains, which lacks telescreens.

>implying your safe from clouds on mountains

>Big Brother is watching you.
Apparently they're cops because they failed their English A-levels.

They are getting more disturbing with each tweet.


computer terminology is getting way too fucking abstract


Why is it illegal to make racist jokes in the UK?
This is so foreign to me, I don't even know why anyone would be in favor of it.

Translation: Americans were insulting us.

Thank god I live in America where we can say what we want unless it incites violence.

>call an African American a violent nigger
>he assaults you with an illegally concealed weapon
>you shoot him nonfatally with your legal conceal carry handgun
>attempted murder, go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200
>shitpost about land of the free from your jail cell

Live in a state that's at least marginally pro-2A like Texas, Vermont, Alaska, Arizona but not Florida (too many methheads) and has some version of stand your ground/castle doctrine. Problem solved.

They'll just redefine anything they don't like as inciting violence.

Reporting bad words to the police is a serious business. If some text makes you feel raped please report it.

Imagine having it so good that you're now afraid of mean posts on the internet.

>Melanin gifted gentleman steals my S8
>S8 is above the monetary limit for felony theft
>Castle doctrines allows me to use deadly force to stop a felony in progress, regardless of threat to my life, AND grants me immunity from civil suits
>Pop pop pop watching niggas drop

You started that fight. If I were on a jury I'd throw your ass in jail too.

actually end your life

What? I'd be one thing if you were minding your own business and some random nigger pulled a gun on you, legal or not. Then yeah, of course you'd be within your right to defend yourself by any means necessary but when you instigate the confrontation? No you're not in the right, you committed a crime`. Whether the other guy's weapon is legal or not is irrelevant.

>calling a nigger a nigger is a crime
again, kys

How is this a legal thing for the police to do? If I make a racist joke on social media could I be arrested?

yes, and you will be charged with a hate crime

No you fucking moron. Calling a nigger a nigger and then shooting him when he attacks you because you called him a nigger is a crime.

talk about mental gymnastics

>committing hate crimes

Wewlad. And I thought america was getting totalitarian.

It basically boils down to you don't have the right to claim self-defense when you started the fight.

UK speech laws were always shit. The term "libel tourism" was even coined because of it.


>things that never happened: the post

Minnesota, stand your ground law, man calls BLM protestors coons, gets chased two blocks by aforementioned coons wielding baseballs bats and knives, magdumps 1911 in self defense, wounds 3, gets 15 years.

no, the nigger attacking you is a crime

"You're a violent nigger" is not inciting violence and therefore covered by the first amendment, thus you didn't start the fight.
It'd be different if you said "I'm going to kill you, you violent nigger."

You forgot had online accounts connected to him related to calling them coons and lives in a state with no Stand Your Ground.

>yuropoor being spied on
Nothing new here, move along citizen

>A state that just passed stand your ground in their House
>An event that happened 2 years ago

How's that mental gymnastics? Insulting someone is protected by the 1st Amendment, actually attacking them because they assaulted you is illegal though

*because they insulted you is illegal

That's an old flag mate


Allowing niggers to become policemen was a mistake

The Wiltshire police typing this is a fucking idiot for not using your correctly. It's "you're", dumb ass.