Which one should I use?
Django vs Nodejs
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Stop being a computer nerd and get a real job
Note that my only background is the following from college:
Python, Java, C, HTML/CSS and SQL.
Django is for learning and doing unimportant/small projects only, never use it for serious modern projects
NodeJS because JS.
Well maybe since you already know Python... use node anyway.
Planning on using this, is it a meme?
Flask was made by a Dutch student as a joke.
If you really have to use Python, consider Pyramid then Flask but stay away from Django
>consider Pyramid then Flask but stay away from Django
node was made by hipstercuck as a joke.
Django Unchained
It's a fork of Django that changes the leader/follower terminology to master/nigger.
Ruby on Rails
Flask with gunicorn.
Use python.
Python is used by websites like: YouTube, dropbox, quora etc. And of course, one of the best places on modern internet, THE front page of the internet: Reddit.
JS is for Yankees and sjw
You can't really compare those two.
Django is a full-fledged MVC-framework. You simply put a database behind it and it spits out html code for the user.
Node.JS is only a JS backend. Therefore you don't use only Node, but you use it with something like Express and React or Vue.
>Which one should I use?
Do you like Python?
Do you want one "big machine" that controls everything?
Are you scared of JavaScript?
--> Django
Do you like JavaScript?
Do you want a couple of pieces interacting with each other (each one doing only one job)?
Do you want to be able to adapt your technology for the problem you are solving?
--> Node
Also honourable mentions: NASA and reddit gifts
Actually it's the other way arround..
>Django is a full-fledged MVC-framework. You simply put a database behind it and it spits out html code for the user.
>Node.JS is only a JS backend. Therefore you don't use only Node, but you use it with something like Express and React or Vue.
This is wrong or at least incredibly misleading. Django does nothing towards generating HTML on its own, but it does support templated HTML files. If you want a website that looks a 'modern' site, you are still going to need to learn how to use react. Django definitely doesn't 'spit out html code'.
none, web development is terrible nowadays. I recommend you focus on desktop programming, you'll be happier and you won't need to learn a new language/framework every year.
Django is better to work with... Use node
How can I make their life miserable?
Talking about idiots who associates master/slave to slavery.
I can't stand idiots like these, god damnit...
It's them who made association.
We just have to accept that today every major project gets "attacked" by SJWs, trying to put politics into software. Projects don't really want the shitstorm of enraged SJWs, so pretty muhc the only option is to discuss with them.
Redis was clever by taking this crap into consideration. They have a "SLAVE TO NO ONE" command, so they could get away with not chainging it.
Ruby got attacked a lot and they could get away with a vague "code of conduct" that is somehow "be nice to everyone!", but not as SLW-esque as those stupid gurrls wanted it to be. Read about this stupid SJW here:
Others (Django, CouchDB, Drupal) didn't haave the nerves to have endless dicussions, gave in and called it a day. Personally I think that's perfectly acceptable, why should be care about non-technical nonsense? Let the SJWs jerk off to their nitpicking and political correctness - if it makes them happy... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯