How far did you get into programming before you realized you were too retarded to learn enough to ever do anything...

How far did you get into programming before you realized you were too retarded to learn enough to ever do anything useful?

It's been a year and I'm still just printing shit to the screen, I'm done with this shit.

Should've listened when I was told autism is a necessary requirement.

Other urls found in this thread:

You're actually retarded if you've been programming for a year and can't do anything.

Some people just don't seem to get it. I tried tutoring some guy at college but none of the concepts ever sunk in. He ended up switching to a business major and did fine there.

I know but for fucks sake, A YEAR and then you realize? Chill.

Points for perseverance, I guess?

senpai I started programming with python about 5 days ago I can create a complete text based RPG with choices that means something

ALSO if someone can help me out here
as I am still new to programming I do not know how to install modules
I've tried looking at tutorials but for some reason I remain unable to install modules can someone clarify this for me

open cmd

change directory to your python folder/scripts

pip install whatever module it is you want.

Writing code and good code is different
T. Shit coder

pip install

my result

I agree writing code and good code are two different things
that's why I've started to make all my code more efficient
trying to reduce it as much as possible and make it cleaner

>make all my code more efficient
>trying to reduce it as much as possible
But that's wrong

You can literally have a below average IQ and at least make simple programs.

What are you having trouble with, exactly? Python is probably the easiest "real world" language ever made.


I guess I have a below below average IQ

Do you mean importing modules or installing them?

nah man you just need the proper education on it

this guy was helpful to me

well I want to import a module
but I'm pretty sure I have to install the module first
so I guess I need help installing the module

it's been a year and the hardest part of any of this for me is web development
javascript is just a terrible storm of anonymous functions and scoping issues

>shorter is better
>what is efficiency?
>b..but that means less lines in assembly right?
I hate new programmers because they are overconfident niggers. 5 days and you right good code in python ... kek. At least you chose a pajeet language.

I'm not the most experienced but what people more experience than me have told me is that when starting my whole programming journey I was to specifically avoid JavaScript they told me to learn Python first then learn HTML5 and then after that if I truly want it to I was to learn some C # C ++ or any other C thing

inb4 write

never said I was writing that program that get your granny wet
I just said I was able to complete a little text-based RPG where the choice meant something
as for what does more efficient mean just another way of saying reducing the amount of lines used to make your program work

Science (chemist) here. This is true.

I was taught some programming in undergrad. We were assigned the B-teachers from CS, mostly, with truncated syllabi. Good programming practices weren't emphasizes and it was much more directed towards us being able to churn out results as quickly as possible.

After grad, I went back to take some programming classes again online (with cert). Makes a world of difference.

>reducing the amount of lines
Obvious b8, not even a new pajeet is this stupid.

i started with C#/java, i'm confident enough to not write complete spaghetti in those. python i just use for shit that's not worth opening up the ide
spending the summer learning some webdev and holy balls i want to murder whoever came up with javascript. the functions literally pass themselves

1st try
def is_even(number):
>if number % 2 == 0:
>>return True
>>return False

2nd try
def is_even(number):
>return number % 2 == 0

both do the exact same thing except one is far more efficient than the other

do you see what I mean or is insulting people just your thing

you need to do pip.exe install modulename

you need to open admin cmd and you don't need to go to any directory.

Speak for yourself brainlet im implementing language interpreters in harder languages

And I can do a mean fizzbuzz

you really want to know why? because you haven't really tried to do anything. Stop reading books and tutorials. Say you want to develop a simple text editor. You know nothing how to do that. you try different retarded shit until you have a slight clue what to do next. And so forth, every great software you see on github was started with one small file and then complexities were slowly added as needed

I tried it three different ways still not working

>Start with python
That's what you get for using idiosyncratic trash

Install WSL so you have access to a native Bash terminal, everything will become about 1000% easier

Install linux

I think random is included by default

open up IDLE and type import random if no errors come up it's already installed.

if that doesn't work download the python installer from the python site and run the setup again, you might have accidentally unticked pip and the add to PATH option.

Any idiot can do fine in a business major

Ok I am going to reach here and assume you are not b8ing and are instead underage (which is obvious).

Let me start by saying I see new programmers all the time who think they know anything about programming, it is insulting. The faster you can admit you don't know shit, the smarter you will become and the better you will be. The example you just gave is laughable, stop arguing, you have been programming for not even a year. Usually people don't get too confident until at least then, you must be self taught or learning online.

I know I am being insulting but just don't argue about programming. If you think efficiency is in number of lines, you are mistaken. Your example is irrelevant. Sure you can make a program more efficient by doing so but it is not a way to test efficiency. I'm glad you're passionate, you will be humbled someday.

Also see this, python teaches bad habits

okay now I can't tell if you're b8ting me or not
>new programmers all the time who think they know anything about programming, it is insulting. The faster you can admit you don't know shit, the smarter you will become and the better you will be.

me: I'm not the most experienced, as I am still new to programming, ****I do not know how to install modules****

m8 from the beginning I said I was shit it at programming

>The example you just gave is laughable... If you think efficiency is in number of lines, you are mistaken... Sure you can make a program more efficient by doing so... be humbled
I'm sorry I triggered you but damn no need to be an ass

It's not any more or less 'efficient' though.

I meant more of time efficiency in readability but yeah in terms of under the hood stuff it should be the exact same

Should have started with C#.

The forms designer would really make the learning curve a lot more palatable.

Also Visual Studio helps by generating shit for you.

Yeah, but there is really no reason to go back and change it if you did the other one first for some reason. If you type decently fast your time is better spent doing something else other than doing the same thing in less lines.

you sir are a gentleman and a scholar you have solved my blight I thank you

>I know nothing about programming
>Proceeds to argue over what efficiency means
But you do think you know programming, if you didn't you'd stfu and study more.


>Things that have never happened

I want to make a compiler, i heard its hard, i have no idea what i need ,gonna be doing alot of research wish me luck bros

It's python who the fuck cares
Go learn a more relevant language

>Things that happen every day
Go ahead. Show a pure pythonist any other language. They'll be completely unable to figure it out.

I am no master of programming but what I do know is that if something is shorter and more readable and there is an alternative version that is longer and more complex then the first example is more efficient at delivering that information

I am not arguing programming here I am arguing readability and you I have experience in that

Also since I have you here
I typically use
so how do I move to the next line without pressing enter

no I totally get you it's just a personal preference for me
I prefer to have my stuff as short and compact as possible

ctrl + j

you can doe File > New File to get an editor you can run from.

>if something is shorter and more readable [than the ] alternative version that is [longer..] then the first example is more efficient
That's literally incorrect. Computers do not interpret information on the fly like humans, they stack information along and computer it in the instructed sequence.
say "Fizz"x!($_%3)."Buzz"x!($_%5)||_ for 1..100
This is, according to your logic, the most efficient possible fizzbuzz in Perl5.
This is in fact one of the slowest implementations. This require a bunch of wizard magic bullshit at runtime to be a computable statement for the computer, and it makes it run a hell of a lot slower.

You are a gigantic fucking retard.

Good luck. I'd reccomend starting with some bullshit language first to practice the levels of analyzers that need to be written. Helped me a lot in uni, diving into a c compiler would be a nightmare.

But I write python as well. I just wouldn't reccomend starting with it.

>Proceeds to argue
Ok user, keep doing what you think is right. I'm sure you can land a decent job in India with the other hardheaded pajeets.

You are the mistaken one, he's programmed for a whole 5 days! He clearly knows efficiency user.

I've never met a pure pythonist, since that would be a very ridiculous kind of programmer. Any person that only knows a single language is a shitter really.

There's this thing called moving on.
A bunch of universities teach Python as first language and nobody has trouble learning other ones later.

It's not a bad starter language but it's not like you're going to get a nice future out of it.

>I've never met a pure pythonist
You've clever never been in a graduate program then.

>A bunch of universities teach Python as first language
Yeah and mine taught Data Structures in Java.
Just because some dipshit had to get a job and can only teach in Language X doesnt make it a good language to learn Concept Y in.
Python is shit for so many reasons if you're actually trying to learn. It is a language specifically designed for people who cannot program.

>You've clever never been in a graduate program then.
I'm just not surrounded by Pajeet tier shitters like it seems you are.

>Just because some dipshit had to get a job and can only teach in Language X doesnt make it a good language to learn Concept Y in.
Yes user, MIT professors are all dipshits that only teach Python because they are incompetent.
There's many reasons why Python is great as first language.
Pascal was the other usual option before Python was around, but it was never used as anything other than a learning language.

Copy paste and execute is not what most people understand as "writing code"

kek pure pythonist in a graduate program? At what nigger uni?

>not surrounded by Pajeet tier shitters
100% confirmed not even in college.
This roleplaying is sad.

>MIT professors are all dipshits
No they're quite brilliant, but they need to pay their research somehow, and the easiest way to do that is teaching.
Knowing shit doesnt qualify you to teach it.

>Python is great as first language
It fundamentally is not.

All of them.
3/4th of the graduate department here prefers to write shit in Python because it has lazy libraries, and most of the CS graduate departments everybody I know of is pretty much the same.

If you're a graduate student or above, go ahead. Ask around. It's all python.
If you're not, which I know you're not since you're acting incredulous, they enjoy pretending I'm wrong and experiencing the life of a made up person who has surpassed you.

share your program

Nice quads

>100% confirmed not even in college.
It's hilarious to me that you take your own personal experience of whichever shit college you went to and think it applies to every college.
A person that can't code anything but Python literally can't get past the second semester where I went.

>No, they are smart, but they are shit teacher, Python a shit!

>literally can't get past the second semester
Again, ask me how I know you're not actually in a higher institution?

>No, they are smart, but they are shit teacher, Python a shit!
Twisting my words. A well informed man is not inherently a well spoken man. If you can't grasp that then you're probably not even out of highschool.

My uni started with c++, the graduate programs don't use python in most cases.


>the graduate programs don't use python in most cases.
I'm talking research, which is what you primarily do in graduate programs.
Again confirmed for not being near graduate studies.



Do tell me how you know, because you're completely delusional.

Also choosing what language to teach in your course has nothing to do with being well spoken, so you're not making sense here either.

No you must be b8ing pajeet

I'm working on a master's degree.

I still can't bring myself to learn Latex.

>choosing what language to teach in your course has nothing to do with being well spoken
>I'm so retarded I don't understand a "well spoken teacher" vs a "well educated teacher"

>frontend guy
>today I will learn cee sharp (c#)
>but I also want to learn database stuff
>how do I make this work
>why do I need all this
>but wait, there's more
>it never ends
>send help
Give me another two months; I've got this shit.

How does that address what I said?
Ah, so you're retarded (or baiting), that clears things up.
Alright then.

it's HTML for non brainlets

It's b8, or user didn't develop the ability to comprehend a world outside his own.


>not even studying anything related to IT
>been fucking around with linux and the command line for a while
>decide to finally learn programming
>3 months of python later write a library for asyncio containing nifty tools such as thread-safe channels

Random is already 'installed' at the top of your python file just write
import random

And you can use the rand functions

For anything new, created by someone else, Google it, find a github page and it should say whether your can use pip to install, or you have to clone the repo and run `python` then you can import the module in the same way.


I want to learn, but I don't even know where to start or what is useful.

I also have no self-motivation or direction, I have no clue how to teach myself.

Please help.