Shitty iPhone Problems

Why the hell does this happen on Apple iPhones Sup Forums?

General iPhone degradation thread

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i want a Sup Forums app for my iphone like i had with my old samsung :/

you have to
>think different
now ;^)

Maybe you should turn on cellular data or use Wi-Fi to access data.

>when you can see cellular data is on in the topleft

Found your problem.

did you try paying the AT&T bill?

This drove me batshit crazy since I had an unlimited high speed data plan. It was one of the main reasons I switched to an android smartphone.

iPhones are the shittiest thing in existence.
>No Torrents
>Apps can only be downloaded from the appstore unless jailbreak and void warranty
>no file manager or explorer
>Shit multitasking
>No customization
>Shit battery life
>No special features at all
>Screan broke from a fucking meter height (dropped from my pocket)
>Shit screen resolution
I fell for the premium device meme and bought an iPhone 7 and i am going to sell it for half the price.
If all Apple products are like this. How are they selling it? they should have an hell of an advertisement team

>they should have an hell of an advertisement team
they don't need that, they have enough of those ppl following and worshipping their shit already.
must be the soap design that attracts these faggots

It doesn't help that they spread FUD about android smartphones while ignoring their own illegal user data mining and other bs.

My main problem with iPhones is Apple's retarded policy on not allowing 3rd party browsers. Every browser on iOS must be a wrapper around Safari.

I can kind of understand their policy of not wanting any kind of code running on their platform that they're not in control of. But it's really annoying that every single browser on iOS has to lack all the features that Apple is too lazy or stubborn or whatever to implement themselves.

Get the TheChan you pleb, it's on appstore.

>No Torrents
torrenting on your phone LOL
>Apps can only be downloaded from the appstore unless jailbreak and void warranty
Android apps are fucking awful. Warranty? Just restore phone. No problem.
>no file manager or explorer
Not necessary, unless you're autistic.
>Shit multitasking
Works on my machine.
>No customization
You'll have to just use your phone, with a consistent and clean UI, rather than ricing it like a weeb faggot. Oh no.
>Shit battery life
Works on my machine.
>No special features at all
lol, what
>Screan broke from a fucking meter height (dropped from my pocket)
Clumsy autism babby can't take care of his stuff.
>Shit screen resolution
I'll give you that, it's lagging behind other phones, but it's not shit.

>torrenting on your phone LOL
u jelly?

>Android apps are fucking awful.
Maybe but iPhone apps are worse.

>Warranty? Just restore phone. No problem.
That's not how it works you retard. They can tell of you jailbroke your phone now.

>Not necessary, unless you're autistic.
>"I can't have thing therefore only autists need it"

>Works on my machine.
lolnope, reloading will constantly happen as your iPhone runs out of RAM.

You'll have to just use your phone, with a consistent and clean UI, rather than ricing it like a weeb faggot. Oh no.
Stock iOS UI and launcher is absolute dogshit. Why do you think people jailbreak their iPhones so much?

>Works on my machine.
lolnope, an android phone will outlast your iPhone by a factor of 1.5-2 in terms of battery life. Enjoy going to a wall charger twice a day.

>lol, what
dash charching, wireless charging, wifi-direct, ect

>Clumsy autism babby can't take care of his stuff.
iPhones have very cheap glass screens, it's a known fact.

>I'll give you that, it's lagging behind other phones, but it's not shit.
4u. You probably can't tell because of all the cumshots you received on your eyeballs. Normal (ie non-gay) people cab easily tell the difference between a low res 720p screen and a high res 1440p screen.

>torrenting on your phone LOL
Wanting movies or tv shows to watch when you're out and about is a reason.
>Android apps are fucking awful. Warranty? Just restore phone. No problem.
No, most Android apps are actually decent. Frankly I don't mind some bugs. Helps me learn to fix them if the app is FOSS.
>Not necessary, unless you're autistic.
Not even remotely true. Downloading a file and it goes somewhere you don't want it? Move it. Oh, you have an iPhone? Too bad.
>Works on my machine.
>You'll have to just use your phone, with a consistent and clean UI, rather than ricing it like a weeb faggot. Oh no.
>weeb faggot
Can honestly say I don't enjoy anime, but my phone is riced. Almost no icons. Gestures for most things. Phone is loads faster than any iPhone could dream, and I paid $150 for it. Without a contract discount.
>lol, what
iPhones only have "special features" for other Apple products. Everything is pushed to you by Apple rather than being made by another end-user, who makes what THEY want.
>Clumsy autism babby can't take care of his stuff.
Dropping most phones from about a meter is going to fuck them up. People drop things. That's why people make "rugged" versions of things, is so people can be safer.
>I'll give you that, it's lagging behind other phones, but it's not shit.
But it is shit. 1080x1920 minimum, otherwise everything looks shitty. Nothing fits on smaller screens anymore.
Also, OLED is king.


samefag shill

Nobody wants to have their data mine by boris that badly. Fuck off with that spyware app.

>you're retarded because I dont have the same expectations of a device that has less options than a phone from 7 years ago

>That's not how it works you retard. They can tell of you jailbroke your phone now.
How. Restore should wipe everything.

Prepaid data sim from the vending machine at KIX almost ended my marriage. Trying to talk wifey thru apn conf when apple won't fucking let you....

nigger maybe you should go into your settings and allow your safari botnet to be able to use your pissant AT&T data plan, fucking mobileposter

>>Android apps are fucking awful.
>Maybe but iPhone apps are worse.
he says as his browser crashes

>>Works on my machine.
>lolnope, reloading will constantly happen as your iPhone runs out of RAM.
Not on my phone, which has the smallest battery ever (iPhone SE)

>>torrenting on your phone LOL
>u jelly?
>>I'll give you that, it's lagging behind other phones, but it's not shit.
>4u. You probably can't tell because of all the cumshots you received on your eyeballs. Normal (ie non-gay) people cab easily tell the difference between a low res 720p screen and a high res 1440p screen.
t. poor nigger babby mobileposter who uses a """smart"""phone for anything other than calling and texting, making it his personal computer because hes too poor

>>Clumsy autism babby can't take care of his stuff.
>iPhones have very cheap glass screens, it's a known fact.
Still, if you drop your phone 5 times a day yours would break too. Why would you even drop your phone in the first place? The purpose pf screens is to be looked at, not dropped by some 12 year old babby

>being this mad

>macbabbys vote for communist: the sock
based faggot why do you insist on making your phone a """PC"""? torrenting and mobileposting on an android shitphone is pointless

>No Torrents
Torrenting is for retards and poorfags.
>Apps can only be downloaded from the appstore unless jailbreak and void warranty
And? Anything you need and more is offered by the app store, confirmed secure and optimized for your phone.
>no file manager or explorer
Yes there is, see iOS 11.
>Shit multitasking
Who the fuck actually multitasks on their phone?
>No customization
Only thing I can agree with you on.
>Shit battery life
Wrong again. iOS is much more lightweight than Android so even with smaller batteries iOS devices typically get more screen on time.
>No special features at all
3D touch?
>Screan broke from a fucking meter height (dropped from my pocket)
You dropped it? That would happen from any phone. Your fault for being a retard and not using a case/screen protector.
>Shit screen resolution
Doesn't matter on a phone.

Not him but ex-iPhone 6s user here.

>he says as his browser crashes
Safari has crashed and hanged more than Chrome has on my Active S7.

>Not on my phone, which has the smallest battery ever (iPhone SE)
Then you don't use your phone much because apps would have to constantly reload.

>>>I'll give you that, it's lagging behind other phones, but it's not shit.
Torrenting isn't a brand new alien technology we just discovered. Even Android gingerbread had torrent clients back in WW2. It's not just lagging behind, it's lagging decades behind.

>t. poor nigger babby mobileposter who uses a """smart"""phone for anything other than calling and texting, making it his personal computer because hes too poor
What? I paid for my Active S7 with cash, no lease or contract BS involved.

Also are actually implying people should blow hundreds of dollars on a phone and be satisfied if it only has the basic functions of a flip phone?

>Still, if you drop your phone 5 times a day yours would break too. Why would you even drop your phone in the first place? The purpose pf screens is to be looked at, not dropped by some 12 year old babby
Right but they should at least be able to sustain minor falls. I broke the screen on my iPhone 7 twice already, what tye fuck is apple doing, using 50% less glass to cheap out?

I've owned my Active S7 for about a year and dropped in like a dozen of times and all I got out of it was a tiny barely visible hairline crack running on a corner of my screen.

The worst part about owning iPhones is how long they take to charge, shitty battery life, having to use iTunes or airdrop (aka lagdrop), and the IPS eye cancer that can't even display the color black.

>pay $700+ for a phone
>don't expect more bells and whistles than a $100 phone

You don't even know how to torrent do you, lmao?

Then why was malware and spyware found on the app store a few years ago?

No there isn't. The one that exists is extremely gimped and only available for iPad "pros".

Is multi-tasking a bad thing? What if I want to watch a 4K video of your mom and do online banking at the same time?

No they don't. Why are all iPhone users reaching for the charger at lunch where I work?

But iPhones have this "feature" of super delicate glass. My cousin has broken her iPhone 6 screen TWICE just by dropping it on a fucking carpet from her bed.

Yes it does, images look less pixelated (assuming you have 20/20 which most people do).

>using mobile Sup Forums filled with hiro-approved malware ads
>not using superior The Chan from the App Store

Safari has Adblock now.

>be in a country with good mobile connections
>have 150Mbps unlimited LTE
>want to install app
>oh no its too big u cant install it until you connect to wifi
>have no wired connection because LTE works so well that i just tether it from the phone
t-thanks apple.. god thank i have a great chinkphone instead

>paying money to use Sup Forums
how much dick do you suck

>being so poor that you don't have $1.99 to blow on an app

Wew. Also I'm pretty sure I used iTunes credit to buy it anyway


found your fucking problem

>torrenting on your phone LOL
very handy feature if your not a normie. downloaded torrents several times on the go for business and pleasure

>Android apps are fucking awful. Warranty? Just restore phone. No problem.
Apple is locked down and only allows apps that 'pass' their requirments stifling any creativity and the fact that you have to PAY A YEARLY FEE AS A DEVELOPER vs googles one time developer license... obvious whats better here, and you SHOULDNT HAVE TO VOID YOUR WARRANTY BY BEING ABLE TO USE YOUR PHONE HOW YOU WANT

> File manager Not necessary, unless you're autistic.
Again super handy feature to have for searching files

>No customization, You'll have to just use your phone, with a consistent and clean UI, rather than ricing it like a weeb faggot. Oh no.
If you like being an isheep and falling in with everyone else and enjoying such features as changing a background and having a 'one button' phone for back, home, app switching as having volume, power, AND a single button must be so confusing

Oh shit!
Features on a $700+ device is a bad thing!

>>no file manager or explorer
>Not necessary, unless you're autistic.
>Who the fuck actually multitasks on their phone?

Look at this shit. This is why Apple can be lagging two years behind in every generation. They have people eating out of their hands.

I'm new to iOS and thought Sup Forums apps were banned on the App Store, but this one looks nice

This happened to me because I had an unlocked phone with an AT&T SIM card. I had to download a thing from It's super weird and it might be stealing my data, but it works now at least. I can't send photos over normal text, but I'm planning on fixing that tomorrow by trying this
Good luck OP, if this is your problem.

the fappening

I like how you autistic faggots think that you're some kind of important subset of smartphone users. Face it, your opinion is worth shit. You are the minority.
You're just as unimportant as you have been your whole life, the weird nerdy cunts that nobody really cares much about.


>paid apps

Found your problem

I think it's hilarious that IOSfag pretend that viable and essential features like file manger which allows to do basic shit like managing images, videos, document to attach a email isn't useful.

Are you guys going to continue saying that shit after IOS 11

nice indian english

holy shit thx

The android shill comes out, it seems.
>No Torrents
>torrenting anywhere that isn't on PC

>Apps can only be downloaded from the appstore
Oh maybe just maybe on Android outside of google play(not even reliable lol) and F-Droid you can download apps in total safety, without any malware !

>no file explorer
Explain me in your own words what would be the point, especially when you take into consideration that the OS does everything well by itself. No need for the user to interfer and endanger his premium experience

>Shit multitasking
Apple products are fabricated upon the following logic : you have to be efficient in one given task. To the contrary of lagdroid users who are losing their time in "ricing", customizing or typing letters in a terminal just to install a fucking package. Except for music running in the background, multitasking is useless in any way or form.

>No customization
I hope you're not a fully grown man with a job or other responsabilities to waste your time on such pointless details.

>No special features at all
hmm then why are every smartphone company out there ( oneplus ) is trying to imitate what Apple does ? Really activate the synapses, in my opinion.

>Screan broke from a fucking meter height (dropped from my pocket)
Of course. What else was I expecting from a lagdroid toddler ? Not even able to keep a fucking cellphone his parents paid for safe.

The only valid point in your post is the battery life. Apple is currently found everything in order to satisfy their customers. Remind me how Google spying on you and literally using you as a telemetry guinea pig can be good for the android userbase ? Yeah it cannot. It's why you have to count on fucking custom pajeet roms filled with bloatware and security breachs.

Android users are at best 17 years old. It's a fact.
The phoneposters ruining Sup Forums ? Cloverfags.

Today I fell for the old bait & switch. Bought an New IPhone 5S for $50 on craigslist.

>Be me
>Meet handsome seller
>Guy shows me it works
>Shiggy diggy.mp4
>Goes to his car to get the box
>Takes phone with him
>Swaps working phone with ICloud locked
>I drive home already knowing he swapped
>Turn on phone and what a surprise.mkv

Why was I too much of a bitch to call him out on it.

why? just bookmark to homepage, has icon and everything..job done. apps that u want

2.sure it would say it is over 100MB... click ok & apps appears on your home screen waiting...

3.restart your phone as soon as it comes back,it starts downloading

>using scamlist

it is disabled in the settings for safari moron

>uses fagOS
>calls someone else moron

>using a file explorer endangers the applel's premium experience

>no file manager
>"it's for the autismos, you dont need it user"
>apple adds an actual file manager in iOS14
>"apple AGAIN invented the file managing through iFiles™ , you android fags are just poorfags pajoots xD"

Man, I fixed this problem fucking ages ago

Shitty AT&T cellular service people neglected to even switch the IMEI of my old phone to my new one. And just for clarification, everything was paid for, cell data was on (you could see it in the topleft you knobs), and it was only the IMEI switcharoo problem.

And yes, Android is a lot better. I just have to settle with a shit iPhone for now. The worst thing that completely ruins it for me is how much security they put on their products. I get that their users might be paranoid because of viruses and whatnot, but you can't even see important system files, only photos and videos when you hook it up to a PC. Fucking ridiculous. Jailbreaking is the only way you could even make it work how you want it to, but even then it's stupidly tedious. The best thing for you to do is to get an Android instead of an iPhone.

See if your IMEI is set to another phone instead of the one you're using, that could be your problem.