Never forget

Never forget



>the French being fags

Wow who knew?

What is FN? Is this the french version of drumpf cucks?

They're alt-left niggers. The worst kind of black '''people'''

That kind of petty shit won't won em many favors.

Front National, aut right meme of a party

FN is the right wing party though

>memes are so wide spread now that even political parties copy them


So looks like the FN are the based ones. NoteFag++ confirmed cuckboys.

no FN is the extreme right party that is anti-immigration

Maybe a company that makes products or provides services should focus on that, instead of dabbling in politics.

It is unprofessional.

>Hi, welcome to McD, may I take your order? Wait, did you vote for [party x]? We only serve [party y] voters now!

>Maxime ruining his own country

There's a suprise.

>windows users
not like they aren't used to being told what to do at what time by master anyway.

The french are always the first to fall for the german world domination attempts.

But Falcon-sama, isn't unwarranted soapboxing an important part of being given any opportunity to speak to the masses?
Also why is there no political commentary on your site? Shouldn't you be shoving your hot opinions down our throats? What the heck?


Based. I truly wish npp was ported to Linux

Pretty sure Notepad++ is one dude, and he's advertised his political views on the notepad++ website many times.

Why are you retards paying attention to twitter to begin with? It's beyond retarded to try and force his political views via his software, but it's more retarded of you to care what he thinks about this.

It's GPL code, he can't stop you doing shit. If the author is here- stop being a faggot. To everyone else here- stop being faggots and stirring the pot.

>"maybe we should use borders"
>extreme right

Just uninstalled it. Reminder to not support cuckolds in anyway.

Literally a CIA backdoor, uninstalled anyway

It used to be that people who are politically polar opposites could still be friends, colleagues, partners.

Nowadays it is
>Either you are my clone and think EXACTLY like me, or you are HITLER!

sysadmin here. Our company had Notepad++ on every PC we administered, so about 400 or so machines. Our setup is fairly streamlined and automated to an extent, so we can push software updates more or less as they become available.

So one day the author of Notepad++ decides to release an updated version that starts typing by itself when you open it because of the Charlie Hebdo thing. Cue dozens panicked calls from staff who are screaming virus at the top of their lungs.

My manager at the time had to explain to the somewhat tech-savvy CEO what happened and why. The "software author had a political agenda" excuse didn't fly, so NPP had to go. Then we had a twenty minute lecture on why free software has no liability or responsibility compared to proprietary software and can't be trusted.

We ended up switching to Geany because the CEO is a cheapskate.

Wish I could go back to a Sup Forums where being an actual nazi wasn't vogue. What happened?

How can we disrupt politics?

It's because every political faction noticed that demonizing your enemy is a great way to rally the troops.

>What happened?
You started calling everyone you disagreed with a nazi.

The relatively normal people who also liked anime that used to populate this board grew up. The demographic that used to lurk here moved to more organized social media platforms like Reddit. Those who come here now are truly outcasts of their society, like literal nazis.

You have to accept every political opinion no matter how ridiculous it is because otherwise you have an agenda and are probably a libtard sheeple. I do like how OP is still butthurt from this even though Le Pen lost and was never going to win from the perspective of an actual french person. He's probably an American. Americans are always the ones talking about "muslim invasion" this, "white genocide" that, despite the fact they all have blood from a dozen nations mixed in with native and African blood.

Politics has its place, and there is no need to disrupt it. I just wish people understood that "politics has its place", and not "politics should be everywhere or else your are HITLER!".

>if you say that this party that modeled itself directly after the Italian neo-fascist movement and is supported by holocaust deniers, fascists, and neo-nazis online might be a little bit fascist you're the one in the wrong

>Let us be professional.

>Let us have companies that focus on their products and services, not politics

>It used to be that people with differing opinions could still be friends.

I give up. Going to go have lunch.


I really wish I could find a good community that doesn't ostracize people for not holding extremist beliefs but also doesn't promote an agenda of its own. I just want to talk about computers and stuff not sift through anti-semetism, spergy people bitching about "SJWs", lefties saying I'm not tolerant enough because I don't have enough minorities on my project, people actually trying to convince me moon landings never happened, etc. When did people become so goddamn dumb?

You can light that strawman on fire and parade him through the streets of Paris but it won't make you right.

This is a really dumb argument. No one's saying FN is fascist because they eat food, they're saying they're fascist because they promote themselves as a fascist party that upholds fascist ideals. When did it become some big thing to call a spade a spade?

Define fascist

You're mom

Anything further libertarian or further right than Stalin, duh.

>using libre software, with literally communist ideals

>national socialism is not real socialism meme

Jean Marie Le Pen supported the nazis and his daighter has been recorded making openly racist statements dozens of times. Recent populist opportunism doesn't change these facts mon ami

>national socailism has anything to do with actual socialism meme

I don't think nazis can use libre software.
They're kinda too old, and hiding in brazil, so unless someone brings em a raspi or something, the only software they will be using is the cable tv menu.

>I-Im not a nazi, mom
>it's totally different

Yes yes, there are the "neo nazi", but they're a bunch of retarded edgy kids that are actually scared as fuck of the jews, and check under their beds every night for em.
Actual natsoc is dead and buried where sincerely it belongs, along with any other sort of radical retarded movement that puts ideals over rationality.

French Niggers

They need to go back

I'm surprised that people label all anti-immigration parties as right wing. Ours was pretty neutral then sided with the right more than the left, but they're all very far left. And they're certainly not the most right wing on any scale here.

Fascism and communism are intimately related though. No doubt.

>Jean Marie Le Pen supported the nazis
He was removed from the party for it.
>and his daighter has been recorded making openly racist statements dozens of times
Then she's racist and still less to the right than the republicans. I don't know why you'd find that hard to get. It's certainly possible to hate foreigners, love the welfare state. It's also possible to want to fund that larger welfare state through increased taxation or large corporations.

Frankly, the only thing in the public sector she wanted to cut was the number of parliamentarians.

>Fork Notepad++
>Only change is the name and branding
>literally only exist to troll him
>he can't stop it
GPL is good for fucking with people

I had a burger for lunch.

>NAZI HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Telling people who voted for [x] or [y] not to use your products/services is unprofessional. The "freedom" part of modern life should mean that you are ACTUALLY free to vote for whoever you please, without people trying to punish you for it. Taking actions against people for not voting how you want them to... now THAT is an easy road towards actual fascism.

>why are you not taking me serious? All I did was call you a Nazi!


We do not allow voting for ISIS any more than for nazis or fascists or parties with such views.

And that is actually also helping with freedom because these are groups that want to remove freedoms from various groups of people. Can't let them organize and actually do it. And before the law gets involved it is best to have social pressure first.