What is Sup Forums's average IQ?

What is Sup Forums's average IQ?


Should be around a hundred and a bit, but it's probably more like 60.
>Sup Forums infiltration.

>SD: 15



Not enough to understand PriPri that's for sure.

Where do you even find your IQ out? I don't trust any of the ones you find from google

Дa, anybody that thinks their IQ from an online test automatically gets 60

My psychiatrist made me answer APM, WAIS III and WASI.

The average IQ is 100 by definition, retard

whoa, you are dumb

>inb4 150+ IQ claims from NEETs who never accomplished anything in their life

0 due to Sup Forums

156 iq here

iq clearly doesn't mean shit

what does it mean to go on the internet and claim your IQ is 156 on a dead internet forum that is completely anonymous and full of bull shitters?

I'm certain my iq is over 100. Thats about all I know.

Well, actually, IQs over 140 are typically indicative of autistic savant syndrome so I would believe it. Most of those guys just draw insanely intricate geometric stuff or play WoW and can't really apply their abilities.

Your you cause made reply

it's a forum retard. It's also an image board.

I did these things or something like it with some kind of government psycheologist while I was trying to get a job.

I gots me an IQ of 125 and I'm either INTJ or INTP I don't remember which the guy said.
I don't think I'm gonna make it though. Feels like I should've been where I am now, but 10 years ago.

If we count only Sup Forums, probably around 120.
If we we include Sup Forums and Sup Forums crossboarders, in the 90s.

can't be arsed to go through a test
it don't matter anyway

142 and 143 here, tested twice.
Too bad I'm getting dumber every day. Testing was done a long time ago, probably mid 80s now

You go to any psychologist's office and ask to be tested. they won't even question why.

Aso for the topic, I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of 110-120


I've never taken an IQ test before.

IQ isn't really important. I've known plenty of smart fuckers who aren't worth shit because of how lazy they are.

Last official IQ test I took was when I was like 15, at school, and my score was "135+", because apparently the test couldn't accurately score any higher than that.

Im sure all the brainlets ITT will tell you how IQ isn't real or it doesn't matter.

I've just realised how pure of an elitist image that is. Good job, user!

Took some online test once for shits and giggles, told me I was 104. No idea how accurate that is though, I feel dumber.

>can barely use microsoft words
>microsoft words


for every me there's ten 80 iq Sup Forumstards so I'd say the average is about 85

>Sup Forumstards
go back to

People believing IQ is a good way to measure intelligence are as stupid as this system.

Over 90% of online IQ results state the user has 130+ iq. That's impossible given the supposed distribution of IQ.

If you base your IQ off of anonlibe test, you're retarded.

Go away rusgie haxooor :^()

you are assuming that 100% of population has access to the internet?

I'd wager somewhere in between 95 and 105


learn into inglish suka blyat

nobody gives a fuck about english anymore

When I was in HS I was tested and it was 121.

Judging from all the pointless shitposting and the amount of proper skilled people, it's around 90.
Of course they would say "130" if you asked them.