Current state of the web of normies

Sup Forums is the only "social media" I used for some years. I never had facebook, twitter or whatever and few weeks ago I decided to give the web for normies a try.
I always heard Sup Forums had a trash community, was filled with retards and that nothing good could come out from it but when I started to spend time on mainstream websites and social medias, all I found was trash.
People thinking they know better than others, people that don't give a fuck about articles they post, only read titles, if someone have a different opinion they immediately trash talk the guy and threaten them for whatever reason, Facebook is like a board filled with tripcode fags trying to get some attention when we just don't give a fuck about them.
Whenever a "serious" discussions start, it last 2 comments before going to shit.
And they are crazy about some forced meme that aren't that funny.
At least Sup Forums have some boards filled with retards, but some talks can still happen and you can have fun, whereas I feel the web should be nuked once and for all

How the hell we ended like that ? No wonder all Sup Forums boards are turning to shit with those retards coming

Internet was a mistake.

kill yourself. you are never going to make it.

It all began with the raid from the stormfront forum and then the "shills". Is combination of marketing with proselytism. In the old days you got shitposting, but it was more fun than nothing.

facebook is swallowing the entire web.
think about it for a second, a single website that is UNINDEXABLE will eventually contain MOST of the web.

iirc they are opening a new "offer" for news website so they can makes money from facebook directly or something ?
In the past facebook already did some censorship. What a bright future we're gonna have.

I don't remember who said something like
>the internet is something well done and beautiful, you never think about it whereas the web looks like it was made by amateurs.
If the web was entirely anonymous and people cared about their privacy like they should, we would have idiots trying to get attention, trying to do money with forced meme it would be a better place.


>No wonder all Sup Forums boards are turning to shit with those retards coming

Remember to keep posting as much anime as you can to keep them out.
And yes, the "normal" peoples were always the most insane, unintelligent peoples.

>ITT: wahhhh! le nurmos! >:^(
meanwhile you faggots
>can't read sheet music
>can't solve a system of differential equations
>can't drive stick
>have never been paid to write code
you peasant virgins are not 'better' than facebook users. You're all pathetic losers in my eyes.

Christ, you fucks can't even run a six minute mile.

specifically and don't hesitate to escalate to lolicon/guro/futa
this is the only way Sup Forums can protect itself

Nahhh that shit is gay as fuck as well as anime. nazi posting is much more effective and fun considering how angry it makes normal people

brainlets are also honorary normies and targets

Then rejoice peoples are starting to think anime is a neo-nazi thing now.

people are not annoyed for the reasons you think. _nobody_ likes Sup Forums crossposters coming to their board.

pol is bringing in the overwhelming majority of the facebookers these days in fact

Speak for yourself, friend.

That Sup Forums is almost completely anonymous is what makes it great.
No one posts in order to create a profile that puts him in a positive light. Everyone writes about what genuinely interests them and usually in a way that actually reflects what they think (as there is no real reward for having popular opinions, and no lasting punishment for writing against the flow).
And we may throw bad words at each other, but those words are not directed at persons, so it's trivial to read past them.
Every post is assessed based on its content and not the person behind it.

The anti-social web is far less asocial than the social web.

How about Nazi anime?


What a moronic claim.

only other Sup Forums crossposters like seeing Sup Forums.
I am not your friend.

insert pic of literal facebook groups telling people to go to Sup Forums

I don't actually post there. Stay mad that people differ than you. And agreed, I actually would be friends with such a little bitch.

Gross, dude. You can see her genitals.

Half of the boards /g included should be deleted. I have been visiting /g regularly and in the past month there hasnt been a single good thread even worth reading past first three replies, its same shit apple vs android, amd vs intel, java vs c++ recycled over and over again. It has been happening for much longer than a month but I never much paid attention to it.

I'm sure there are no other Facebook groups telling people to come to Sup Forums. Not one.

nothing on this scale, no.

I know that we complain about it a lot, and I've never actually been there for any length of time, but is Reddit any better? Lots of interesting things seem to come out of there so there must be some redeeming factor

Look at Sup Forums It's a degenerate place used as a containment board for all those alt right / nazi / whatever you want that attract even more normies.
Anime is too degenerate and japanese won't come here to post.
>projecting yourself this hard.
I'm pretty sure most people here are students or a have a job in a Sup Forums related field.

to elaborate, Sup Forums redditors have been actively recruiting normies and redneck idiots since before the election. if you haven't witnessed the effects diffusing throughout the site in the past 2 years then I'm certain you're among those newshits, or brought in by gamergate at best

Nazi posting will just attract edgy 12 year-olds


Sup Forums has ruined Sup Forums.

Not because of its content, but because of the people that have been attracted to it due to its exposure.

>I'm pretty sure most people here are students or a have a job in a Sup Forums related field.
if only

really boggles the mind to think that basement NEETs feel that they are above othera despite not having basic skills that everyone should have, like reading sheet music or performing a heel-toe downshift

Can't talk about reddit, but I was on digg in its early days, when it was Sup Forums-only.

It literally turned shit the moment it opened itself to other topics, so reddit is probably the same.

For anyone curious...

the source mage linux thread of the other day was quite interesting, with people compiling their stuff talking about how they would have 32 bits packages working via quemu and all those stuff. For the first time in weeks I felt like some technology was discussed other than
>hurr systemd
>hurr linux vs windows vs os x
>amd/nvidia/intel btfo"

she has even better nudes out there if you search hard enough

Pick one


Facebook expanded beyond college students and the iPhone released. Both things happening in the same year (2007) caused a massive influx of normies that really have no business being on the internet at all.

Didn't tried reddit, I hear a little bit too much about redditors coming from there. I have occasionally browsed a few threads from there because of interview / whatever.
The thing is that if someone post shit in Sup Forums you can just ignore him, and he won't annoy you anymore, and if people tell him something they don't feel the need to prove anything so they won't argue much with a retard.
Likes and upvotes system and the fact you're not anonymous makes people feels they have to show the world how right they are and try to argue with retards, trolls or whatever. And when ever they post, I'm pretty sure they modify ( thoughtlessly) what they actually want to say, or their point of view or whatever to get some internet points.

I can do all of those things except run a six minute mile.

>if only
Well, I'm a programmer, paid for it on a company, I started browsing Sup Forums when I was a student and back then had some fun helping people doing some bash scripts and all.
Nowadays I'm less active in this board cause I got my life going on, but yeah, I do have some hope for this board. I just think whenever a nice discussion can appears it's hidden by the quantity of shitposting.

>search hard enough
She is literally a camwhore.
You don't need to search hard.

Oh those old good days when spending time on a computer of video games was being a freak, geek, nerd or whatever... People not on the internet, you had to go on forums, had small and nice communities, chatting on some irc chanels...
Nowadays normies are being "geek" or "nerdz" by spending time on facebook or playing whatever video game that was overly simplified and that's the fucking norm.


you must be so angry right now. kek, can you do any of those things?

>Google Asuka lana rain nude
Wow such hard
Very sherlock
Much vagin



Ye I So mad :^(


>Sup Forums is new reddit
Fucking when???


end of 2015

very little people on reddit went to Sup Forums and the majority thought Sup Forums was a spook up until this time frame. now every 3rd comment is some Sup Forums meme reference

Many mods are secret reddit mods. At least one is a reddit SRS mod. This place is basically reddit now without the voting. It's become too mainstream. Try posting a negative Star Citizen thread in Sup Forums, it will get deleted. Then try posting a positive one, they stay up for ever. /bants/ was just an excuse to get rid of topics that goes against the mods narrative. Whatever the case I hardly post much now as it takes me an age to get past google cancer captha.

reddit has always been stealing our memes and making dumbed down versions of them.

>social media

I don't buy this shit for a second, never did.

If you want to be social talk to people in-person. The internet is a horrible way of having conversations. At least mostly text-based methods are.

If you are not there and then, looking into the eyes of the person you are talking to, it is much easier to:

a) be an insensitive asshole
b) perceive others as insensitive assholes

It's okay for meme magic and getting headshots on noob scrubs, but if you want to be social, go outside.

Goybook, Twatter, and other types of cancer are nothing but machines for mass producing egoism, narcissism, and cynicism.

Come on guys !!! Normies are not that bad !!!

>have a job in a Sup Forums related field.
there's a BIG difference between someone who has a job as a software engineer and someone who has a job fixing computers or on IT helpdesk.

It's like comparing a screenwriter to a television repairman. Most people here who have jobs in Sup Forums related fields are just normans in disguise. Everyone posting in the "AMD vs Intel" threads, threads about private trackers, phones, graphics cards and other irrelevant. Look at the fucking state of /dpt/ and /wdg/; 99% of posts are basically "how do i accomplish this mind numbingly simple task!?!? i'm new to programming like everyone in this thread/board"

literally had a mega with a good amount of her shit the other week

Futa is a miracle of the universe.

Post link


Facebook? What about twitter?

sexually repressed white knights led by a camwhore are bad people user.

Well I've been living a LONG time on this rock and I've seen a lot of shit (pretty sure I'm the oldest fuck around this site) and one thing is for certain. None of the things you listed make for an intelligent individual. You might think it do, but it don't.

Top fucking zozz you codemonkey's egos are insane. Do you really think anyone outside of IT can differentiate between pajeet typing code in his cubicle and the guy that comes and sets up their work station/ restarts their computer when it freezes? Stop pretending your superior to others, the only IT positions people respect are management anyways.

Are you like 30?

Fuck off pedo weeb Sup Forums is NOT an anime site

Oh boy.


>one thing is for certain. None of the things you listed make for an intelligent individual.
has nothing to do with intelligence, and more to do with OP's 'normie/autismo/enlighenedbymyownintelligence' dichotomy

that lastname :thinking:

Sup Forums is weird, and its fucking awesome

Kys degenerate

desu this place would improve a lot if the mods gave a shit and started enforcing global rules.

Does anyone remain unconvinced of the source of the problem?

I love that I can have an in-depth conversation about viability of swarms of military drones fighting for the resources being made available the the reduced amount of ice on the north pole, while at the same time calling people faggots and doing quick asides on the ultimate philosophical question: are traps gay?

It's such a weird place full of such weird lovely people.

I love you faggots.

Start logging IPs of Sup Forumsposters and ban them from other boards

This, do it not only on Sup Forums but on every other chan you use, years ago people autistically screeching at 2d girls would be unthinkable, today its the norm.

Reddit: the post

Leave Sup Forums alone. They are providing the crucial service of being crazy conspiracy theorists.

Granted, most things they come up with are not real, but some are. You always need that part of the population that questions the official story. Real conspiracies do exist, and sometimes people do find then and expose them.

>>can't drive stick
You're thinking of americans m8.


Love you too sweetie. I've been here pretty much since day 1. A month or two give or take.

Let them post whatever retarded shit they want on their own board, but we need to find a way to stop the newfag Sup Forums contamination of the other boards


normies will invade everything because businesses want to popularize shit by appealing to the lowest common denominator. abnormies have to migrate every time their niche is invaded. Sup Forums will only become more infested under hirojewki's successful strategy of going along with Sup Forums and Sup Forums's antics rather than suppressing them like moot.

itt summerfags complain about how polluted the web is

ive been here since 98

>Do you really think anyone outside of IT can differentiate between pajeet typing code in his cubicle and the guy that comes and sets up their work station/ restarts their computer when it freezes?

im pretty sure most people can tell the difference between someone working for upwards of $120,000 p/a and someone working for barely above minimum wage.

>If you want to be social talk to people in-person. The internet is a horrible way of having conversations. At least mostly text-based methods are.
I disagree, Look at those threads on Sup Forums where we can all discuss about something specific, or just even right now, We can still share ideas and discuss. I had a lot of good time talking with people I didn't knew on forums or irc.

>a) be an insensitive asshole
>b) perceive others as insensitive assholes

Some people use it this way, but that's where it's gone wrong.

Well I had a sysadmin job and now I'm a software engineer. I expect half the people of this board to have jobs of this level or studying for this or better. It's not that hard in the end.

>site full of weird hentai and stupid wars
>retards who spend their whole life whining about feminism

I guess it's easier to do that when you are talking about thinks that can be objectively, materialistically measured, like technology. It all goes horribly wrong when you talk about things the evoke more primal emotions in poeple.

But even in places where the main topic is something related to technology, like a mailing list for an open sourceproject, or a discussion thread on a ticket tracker for some projec tin some company, it still all inevitably goes horribly wrong when drama hits the fan.

I've been working in IT for quite a while, and the mail discussion threads I've seen you wouldn't believe. The amounts of bike shedding, dick comparing, and just personal spats, are silly. And most of the time I could get a decision from those people within 30 minute meeting/video conference, after they spent a week going back and forth without effect.

I'm not saying it's useless, but I am saying that personal communication is much better. Especially for making decisions.

Isn't that a man's arm directly in front of her? So she is actually following behind him?

>been here since day 1
>thats why I use reddit spacing and have no clue on how this culture works
neck yourself

>reddit spacing

I've seen this accusation and I really don't get it. How is spacing of paragraphs somehow a way to identify what kind o internet websites someone uses?