>be "software developer/engineer/programmer" a.k.a. code monkey or ITfaggot
>sit in the same area all day
>work & read on a screen all day
How does this sound enjoyable besides the inflated pay & benefits?
Honestly doing high-pay blue collar work sounds better desu
Be "software developer/engineer/programmer" a.k.a. code monkey or ITfaggot
I enjoy building things. Programming is fun because I get to build cool things with it.
>work & read on a screen all day
>all day
Sounds like a personal problem.
>Honestly doing high-pay blue collar work sounds better desu
desu~ it is. Good luck finding it.
OP, I don't think you've ever worked blue collar in your life.
>Dad owns multi-disciplinary contracting business, lots of money
>Lets me work for him on occasion
>Set out to do a job at a submarine manufacturing facility
>Small job, he doesn't need to take any of his other employees
>90+ degrees out in the summer, entire facility is locked, just the two of us
>Job is to cut off a massive amount of iron beams off the ceiling in a rotomolding area
>The room is like 110 degrees because they melt plastic and shit in there
>Spend 8 hours indoors wearing a fucking full-body protective garment
>Cutting multiple 150 lb+ iron beams and bring them down slowly without killing yourself
>It actually hurts to do this
>By the end of it my body is covered in soot, I'm sweaty and exhausted
I don't know man you fucking tell me. You realize that as you get older, the body can't maintain doing such intensive work? I know guys that work in construction that have outright committed suicide, because they were old and they were stuck doing it, their body couldn't maintain it any longer.
Should have brought some jet fuel.
>tfw writing software for industrial machines
I get to write code and have have a high wage, and I get to work the machines when testing, debugging, running samples for customers etc.
Lol I always see this question in one form or another and I can always tell they've never worked a manual labor or retail job. Labor jobs FUCKING BREAK YOU, thr majority of which is just the environment/heat/cold. And working with the general public is a quick trip to suicideville if you are even slightly intelligent as you can see just how pointless your existance and work is.
Kids nowadays just don't know how to appreciate, do they?
>work 6 hours 4 day a week
>higher pay
>don't even do work on the computer most of the time
stay mad, engineer monkey plebeian.
You do/learn new stuff every day, that keeps it interesting.
Most blue collar work is very repetitive.
underrated post
This. I've worked in both a warehouse and factory.
OP doesn't understand that 99% of the people that work these jobs are incredibly unintelligent because they've done drugs almost their entire lives or they're just stupid because they're stupid. EVERY single person that I've talked to at these jobs have been in prison at one time or another in their lives as well.
That's my problem. I have been working blue-collar jobs since I dropped out of college because I was too poor to even think of going. Because of my autism, I'll never be anything more than a grunt doing grunt work getting grunt pay.
Student loans exist for a reason. Are you retarded?
There's pros and cons to both
I current do "high pay" blue collar work (I make good money, relatively speaking, but it still never feels like its enough) and there's definitely a long list of cons. Sure I get to travel around the country side, seeing really cool shit and taking part in cool jobs like nuclear reactors, hydro dams, northern research bases, military bases, etc, but its insanely hard on my knees/back, everything I work with gives you cancer and I think my job is like 4th or 5th in the world for most deadly, just ahead of being a pilot.
Some days I long to be in a contained environment in a climate controlled office, it seems a lot more comfortable and a lot easier. Not coming home absolutely filthy every day would be nice
>tfw all my posts are underrated
>done drugs almost their entire lives
>Student loans exist for a reason. Are you retarded?
Student loans exist to create a debt so that the future employer can effectively coerce the employee. Are you retarded for taking on debnt speculatively for someone else's benefit?
>Sup Forums
The fuck does that have to do with anything? Fuck off you druggie degenerate.
tfw control engineering
I paid for my college almost entirely through grants and loans...then I realized that I was stealing from the American tax payer because my parents were too lazy to find good jobs and save up for me to go to college. I shouldn't have gone in the first place.
Hey I get it. I'm right wing as fuck. HOWEVER, that is nothing compared to the amount of taxpayer theft that comes with providing lazy people (like your parents) with welfare and social security and disability pay. Go to college to make something of yourself and then pay it forward like a respectably human being.
All of you summer young republifags, back to your containment board.
This user found the sweet spot.
See, I would like a job where you travel to cool places like this but without the backbreaking labor and carcinogen exposure. Maybe a network tech or similar?
Quit being a cuck and FUCK OFF.
ya that's possible, every major jobsite in a remote location needs guys to come in and set up the networks/phonelines/etc.
Electricians doing new construction dont really work that hard either. same with surveyors. Although they both require you to go to school, their employment rates are insanely high (like 98 or 99% or something like that)
My parents weren't on welfare, never even collected food stamps. Just always never had money...and I spent my teens living in a motel room because we had nowhere to go after the house we were renting burned down.
I have been in the workforce for 12 years, moving from job to job and I am convinced that no matter what skills I learn, because of my mental inferiority, I have to be a grunt or be on SSI.