Is he /ourguy/ ?

Is he /ourguy/ ?

Channel for the uninitiated:

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Go home Luke

He is. I like his content.

>has a job
>uses Arch and Void Linux unironically

/ourguy/ 200%

>is going for a masters
>has gf
>still an autist

Sup Forumsentooman like us

I really like this video.
Is there a windows version of that function?

The only way to know if he is / ourguy / is with a question: Do you have a thinkpad?


He's a really good goy I like his content

>uses CLI for near everything/no mouse
>rices everything
>Arch/Void/Parabola with i3-gaps
>Dank memes
>hates apple and windows
>Thinkpad with libreboot
how could he NOT be /ourguy/

I used to be subbed but the guy posts every 100 years.

But those are nice content. Better if someone uploads once in 2 month a really good vid than every day/week a shitty one.

I just need my memes,and they sound so good coming from him.

His content is fine and pretty nice, but the meme frog and clickb8 thumbnails are literally meant only to attract newniggers to his channel. Unless he actually likes the shitty frog, he's alright in my book.

100 out of 10 for his dank memes and videos :3

Does that total to 300%, or did you lower it to 100%?

>implying this isn't just a viral marketing campaign to appeal to /nu-g/

How do newfags fall for this e-celeb bullshit?


>frog thumbnails
He is neo-Sup Forums's guy for sure.


Post your favourite Luke quotes


This guy is a living meme.

His loonix related videos are insightful and helpful. That being said, I refuse to idolize him or any person by calling him /ourguy/.

He's also a self professed right wing extremist. He may be lying or telling the truth, but I don't appreciate the intrusion of politics in his gnu/Linux vids

Calm down cuck, the left started injecting politics first; we cant let tech become politically correct

yea the frog ruins it


Yeah and we don't like Richard Stallman interjecting with his ass-backwards liberal bullshit but you don't see us complaining.

is this the OpenPEPE guy?

Luke brought me to Sup Forums, so yes

>mentions he's not a leftist cuck off the cuff in random video

"oy vey why is he bwinging pawlitics into this!"

"E-Celebrities" can fuck off.

no, too many shitty memes

Hey Luke you fucking retard! When are the new videos coming out? Why did you remove the season 2 trailer?

He's great. officially /ourguy/.

>not using gentoo unironically

But I too like pepe.

Dude his keybinds in i3 are the fucking best. I have tweaked the look, but I leave his keybinds in place because they are so fucking good.


subscribed his youtube rss feed a week ago, very big guy

I didn't even know he existed and now I love him thank you for blessing my day OP