/csg/ Chink Shit General

In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

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• user finally has a mini crossbow arrive • user shows off a lot of pens • user rates his KZ ZS5's the best he ever had • Get your 1:1 NES Classic copies here • user got his Benjie X1 today, doesn't like the UI • user gets a AliExpress dispute handler fired • user takes a picture of the Milky Way with his Mi 5S using a tripod, 32s exposure time and 3200 ISO • user reviews the Redmi Note 4 Global edition >Old News
• user lists some Chinese metal and rock bands
• Infographic maker Windatica returns with an update on a nearly finished infographic
• Comfy updates the pastebin once more
• 50cent fidget spinner
• user finds a AliExpress store selling Tesla coils and magnetic levitation kits
• user reviews the TeckNet Pro 2.4G Wireless Mouse, it freezes every 15seconds and doesn't recommend it
• user gets some Ugreen gear
• Chinky screws are of shit quality
• user gets a "Serge Bean" knife • user gets a RUIZU and other chinky items
• user bought iPod parts that don't fit
• Comfy's last coupons for the weekend
• user got some stuff and a Xduoo X3
• user gets some csgmousepads

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Found this website, but can't find an english version. Some prices are pretty good but it looks fishy.

Any of you know about it?

HELP me Sup Forums
How do I buy from taobao?
My needs: C2D cpu + DDR3 sodimm 2 x4gb + SSD to upgrade a thinkpad.
I found the cpu, but don't know how to order, also cheap ssd, and any other parts to pimp my thinkpad reccomedations welcome. I'm a poor tardo, so spoonfeed me please.

Do they ship elsewhere but Spain?

Bumping this.

Any input is welcome.

Looks like they do.

I might order some cheap knife just to test it.

Anything USB most likely, I use my headphones with one of the cheap somake USB sound cards, as soon as I plug it in, it takes over from the speakers. And it swaps right back to the speakers once I unplug it.



Ali has cheap c2d CPUs.


Are there any coupons for this one?Sanrenmu LAND 9103 Folding Knife gearbest.app.link/qv3le8Ff1E

Say fidget spinner one more goddamn time

Why not just buy a xeon?

Are there xeon laptop CPUs?


yes, the current thinkpad workstations got them
unfortunately there are no cheap chink ones yet

Fuck off cancer

I had one of these lying around, tried it, it fits all of my needs.

Except for the part where it sounds like absolute shit.

he did say thinkpad user...

not sure why you're bothering with taobao when all of that can be found on aliexpress/ebay pretty easily for about the same cost
to buy from taobao you either need to get gud at chinese or use an agent
i think theres a couple agents listed on the wiki if not just search taobao agent and find one with low fee
you might be able to save even more money by buying a used non-chink brand ssd, they're rarely used anywhere near spec and usually have a lot of life left in them.
ram is stupid right now, my thinkpad came with 4gb and i had a spare 2gb stick laying around so im doing ok
ali and ebay both have sellers with laptop c2ds, just search whatever the name of your socket is (socket p if x200/t400/t500)

So did mine until I added capacitors to it, wasn't my Idea, some other user did it first, the difference was quite remarkable.
There was zero bass before the caps were added.

This looks ridiculous but if it works, nice.

Ordered a body pillow, any idea what I'm looking at quality wise?

i bought a shitty 2$ mp3 player that has no base, i wonder if soldering on some caps would make that give big BOOMs

Did you check the feedback section

Well, that's a pretty nice job then.

I guess I'll buy the one I posted here Unless someone has a better suggestion.


Taken from the google spreadsheet.

It looks like you can get a discount purchasing with the mobile app too.

I got some Chink magic stuff last week
Here's another trick (posted 4 other tricks so far if you go back).

This time: Magically changing banknotes

I had a magic box set when I was a kid that included ever trick you posted so far.

Fun times.

Well to realize my current audio setup I bought this fucker here.

It takes all my HDMI signals and has two audio outputs (digital and analog). My PS4 and my PC are connected to it and I can change channels on a whim.

You could then split the audio signal with a Y cable to headphones and speakers.


Did I go too far now?

also got a package yesterday with something else than magic tricks

what was in there?


babby ham ghost

3 flashlight holders for the bicycle (31cent/pcs)

I laughed

Are there any decent super cheap tablets that are 10+ inches, at least average battery life, and can run stock Android or custom roms?

What mechanical keyboard should i get for 50€?
No amazon

I have been thinking about these:
>JamesDonkey 619
>Ajazz AK33 RGB
>3LUE k751
JamesDonkey has Gateron switches Ajazz has Zorros, K751 has Outemu

Hang yourself.


I'm looking for a new battery for my old phone. Yes, its one of those were you can still replace the battery! Isn't that awesome?

Aaaaanyway, what battery can be trusted? I doubt any of those "genuine samsung battery" listed on aliexpress are genuine? What about brand names such as Nohon, HSA and Konpson? Can anyone of these be trusted?

a u t i s m

Has it really been a fortnight already? Join Comfy (me) and Stickmakerman (him) in episode 5 of the /csg/ podcast at 9.30pm BST for more astounding, incredible, earth-shattering chink shit discussion! Our fifth episode; can we keep the good times rolling? Get in the YouTube chat tonight and join in the fun.


As a side note I've been away from making videos due to personal circumstances the last few months. These are resolving themselves this week so expect more normal video reviews and Comfy Hoardin'/Vintage Comfy to happen.

Speak to you all in about 2 hours!

Anyone know if there's a good deal or coupon on xiaomeme bands anywhere? I saw it one for $13.99 the other day, shoulda snapped it up

Advertising is against the rules.

Reposting this because aparently OP missed it on the past two threads.


I want a sanrenmu, but they want 5$ shipping on a 7$ knife

Find diffrent seller


Best price I can find since GB are being jews about shipping.

Why does this thing say that it's a 20k mAh powerbank but then it says "real capacity 14k mAh?

talking about Xiaomi Powerbank 2


best phone under 150€? Thanks /csg/

Nice referral link asshole

The linked spreadsheet contains referral links. They are not mine. They are internal Gearbest codes to judge the effectiveness of their in-house shilling program as can be seen from the following:

This is the super sekrit "internal system" referred to in pic related.

Shouldn't you be getting ready for your podcast?


It's 20k mah at 3.7V, when you charge your phone it first gets converted to 5V and then ~4.2V, there's some power loss with both conversion so the actual capacity is around 2/3 of the stated capacity.

>my link contains referral links, they are not mine
Nice try, shill.

any gud solar panels?

You're not fooling anyone shill

>They are internal Gearbest codes to judge the effectiveness of their in-house shilling program
How does your link prove that? That guy might as well be a regular shill who named his account "Gearbest". It could be you for all that we now.

are Xiaomi powerbanks good? Should I go for another brand?

nice try faggot, hiding your ref links in an google doc won't mean you escape your ban.

Look at their post history on that forum. If it's not Gearbest then they're playing one fuck of a long con.

They're great powerbanks actually

Thanks man, that's the same model I was looking at


my arrows arrived today; you goys wanna see?


ok, they carbon tho

Enjoy it.

I have one, it's a great knife for light using, and stylish as fuck.

My only complain is the edge retention.

post em

Zuk Z2.

Neither of those phones are under 150€ though


What did they mean by this?

where do you keep your god horses?

without coupon it cost $14
with coupon $18

I think you cannot use any coupons when this is already 40% off

p l s



I just want something to play emulators at bed from time to time.

I have it. The Dpad is shit, too stiff. Get the snes30 or wait for snes30 pro

Redmi Note 4 Global


As said, the d-pad is shit, the IPEGA pg-9025 seems way batter.


Kek that ending song on the podcast, who made that

5/5 podcast once again, GJ Comfy

the chat isn't lively enough that your question would be missed there, is it?

Where can i find pic related? the lighter, not the grill

Any schematics? does the sound improves a lot?
Im planning to get one for my RasPI Zero

It ended after that song


is there no offline chat on youtube?



I like you

That's not a lighter, it's an anti-pervert flamethrower menshealth.com/guy-wisdom/anti-pervert-flame-throwers-china-sexual-harassment

Thanks m8, replay will be up earlyish tomorrow.

>Men's Health
>Written like it's for teenage girls
Jesus what happened

Click bait for ad revenue

This is the post that started all the modding off.

Without the capacitors the sound is really flat with no warmth or bass.

Unfortunately the somake usb cards got 'cost reduced' and the design changed to use cheaper internals.

Although an user posted his mod of the newer somakes
>pic related