Right-wing software developers

>BS1770gain author literally turned NatSoc


What other software projects have turned against the leftist tide, Sup Forums?

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Modern computers are invented by a degenerate faggot, CS is a leftist propaganda. Uncucked White men do not need software development.

>degenerate faggot
Read Turing's diaries. He's anything but degenerate.
He's a homosex of the Pure kind.

I see the communist lefties have brainwashed you, literal cuck.

Actually kill yourself



ill just leave this here

goddamn only the 17trillionth time i've seen this retarded graphic that mad liberals post making baseless connections

t. newfag from Sup Forums

that site still shows the number of sessions growing. what's driving it?

Yesterday I saw my a dog my neighbours recently adopted. It was a nigger dog and I was outraged by this blatant jewish race mixing propaganda.

I killed the nigger dog with my shotgun and uncucked the family and the whole neighbourhood.

The march started and none of them are going to wonder about this and keep marching.

National Socialism, isn't really socialism.
It is also right-wing.
It also worked.
Wait, why is it baseless? When I have shit to do, I get on Sup Forums through my phone. Although I was also doing that back in 2010 too. So it does look a bit inaccurate.

Good, libtards are a fucking cancer. I'm so over the leftwing holding the tech. It's why that commie, stallman (stalin) hasn't had his face punched in yet. You pussy ass libtards can't eject a bitch.

you don't need to be a liberal to be fucking sick of Sup Forumstards on Sup Forums

You can't be a fag and also pure.
Smell the gas, degenerate.

Sup Forumstards are Sup Forums now, loser.

You do have to be leftwing though, like a commie, you damn commie.

Wasn't even that other poster, I just think you are annoying and self-righteous as fuck.

No, Sup Forums is a containment board

Look up William Shockley, he invented the junction transistor that made the computer revolution possible.


It worked because of the war machine, dumbass. And then Germany was a MESS. Did you forget the rest of the 20th century??

What's with sisterfucking rednecks that call any others who are not into inbreeding commies?

He was only born in 15 years ago

I'm not any 'wing' you partisan retard

Sup Forums existed before Sup Forums and will exist after it
donald trump did not make anime real
he's just another oligarch and you're still a loser

Computers are a left wing black magic. It's made by a homosexual, used by the left wing to spread globalism

Internet promotes globalism

>And then Germany was a MESS. Did you forget the rest of the 20th century??
That's not when national socialism was practised, though.
That was either puppet-state capitalism or puppet-state communism.
During national socialism Germany thrived like mad and was miraculous able to fight against and win momentarily against like 20 countries.

Parallel ports are electronic marxism

Inb4 this thread geta banned cause Sup Forums is suffering from anal leakage again.

When the left itself turned against my leftist side, i kinda left it.

You are right

If Sup Forums was a containment board, then they wouldn't make it so miserable by letting shills spam post in it.
They clearly are BEGGING to be taken over.
I wouldn't mine Sup Forums being Sup Forums2
Because commies are pure evil
Rednecks don't ACTUALLY inbreed, stop listening to your daddy while he whispers dumb shit in your ear, faggot.
No I wasn't.
Of course Germany was a mess. Any country would be a mess when the world listened to the Jew and betrayed whites by attacking Germany. Especially when a country is swarmed with the shitty russians. No wonder it turned into a dirty mess.
No one who is even serious in Sup Forums like Trump anyway. They're national socialists. They hate Jew lovers. Trump is only a tool.
Yeah, okay, cuck.


Read a book anytime, young friend.

>Germany thrived like mad and was miraculous able to fight against and win momentarily against like 20 countries.
only because they took them by surprise

>No I wasn't.
Sure, ready for school shooting tomorrow?

>containment board
Your daily reminder that "Le Containment Board" was a /meta/ meme that refused to die when the board died.

A bit to the right, a bit to the left but mostly up and down.

Stop guzzling your father's semen and get an education

>Rednecks don't ACTUALLY inbreed,

"You failed my purity test, thus you're my enemy".
This is how both you and the SJWs will get steamrolled by the normies that will not want either of you telling em what to do.

No, I have work.
I'm a national socialist, I have a job, commie.

>Rednecks don't ACTUALLY inbreed
Is that an """"alternative fact""""?

Slurping at your dad's dick does not count as a job no matter how much he pays you.

>I'm a national socialist, I have a job, commie.

No, it's well known, and if you weren't such a indoctrinated faggot, you wouldn't believe such slander in the first place, no matter the side.

>I have work.
Where? At Alex jones' ?

Brendan Eich support Prop 8 so you can consider him right wing.

Download Brave if you hate Mozilla cucks.

>Rednecks don't ACTUALLY inbreed
What did he mean by this?

lml found 's twitter


Triggered uncle-fucking redneck detected.

ITT: tri/g/gered ni/g/gers


What is it with you and your fantasies with father-son sex?


I work in construction?
Kek isn't national socialism.
Kek is alt-lite now.
Be more specific, shithead
I grew up in Detroit, I can assure you, I'm not southern.

Rednecks can answer this better

>I work in construction?
Are you constructing that solar panel wall?

I'm not the one with my dad's dick up my ass...

No wonder you are poor and uneducated

Stop falling for the bait, you dumbass.

He's constructing a loose sphincter with the help of his father and brother.

No, I work in safety.
I grew up poor, yeah, shit on me all you want. I grew up in a leftwing city. No one could fuck up better.
Sorry, I feel bad not explaining things. These people are REALLY dumb. It's pitiful.

Why do conservatives like incest? AFAIK Hitler was a result of incest, did incest himeslf, trump is into his daughter.. I mean wtf eww


>construction worker
>acting like he knows anything at all
I'm in Detroit right now if you want to get your ass beat

Rednecks are dumb because they fuck their sisters and "keep in in the family". It's bad for your genes

Probably the result is Christian sexual abuse

>I grew up poor
yeah, we know, that's why you're a 'national socialist'
is there even a nazi party in detroit?

Churches promote pedophilia, if you are looking for something worse

that explains why everyone is falling for the oldest fucking bait every time. is there a cure for this cancer?

Sup Forums has become too mainstream, eventually this place will turn into 9gag


It's all the dumb fuck Trumptards

I feel like it should be called something else if it doesn't mean what it originally meant, as in an economic theory, but whatever.

It's better than not working, like you, nigger
I have no intention of fighting, what would it solve? I win, you call the cops, I lose, I got my ass beat and I'm still who I am.
WOW, you are so smart.
I wouldn't join one, so idk.
REAL national socialist, real white nationals, work and live their life.
Uhh, no, how do you think he got in? Tricking libtards is how you do it.

No seriously. I was coming home last week. I could hear a bunch of junkies talking about Sup Forums and dank keks etc etc, no joke.

how many times will you /qa/ueers keep posting this? you freaks are surprisingly the most obnoxious of them all

you're confusing national socialism with just being a racist retard


well, it was a good run while it lasted.

>talking about Sup Forums in public.

Fucking disgusting. Why?

Racism is a jew meme.
What else you think Sup Forums does?
They're probably all junkies at this point.
Idk why you place it on Sup Forums

IDK, I think it's where the cool kids chat. Now that I think about it, I am sure they were most probably Sup Forums fags too.

dumbposting goes in Sup Forums

Lol his defense is to call everyone a nigger and talk about how smart he is. Your viewpoint is really getting you places, huh? Going to be a permanent instead of temp worker by the end of the year?


white supremacist then
either way you think you're better than niggers when you're just a white version of a nigger

Good job, mods

>Sorry, I feel bad not explaining things. These people are REALLY dumb. It's pitiful.
You're not gonna instant redpill people by just suddenly dropping the JQ on them.

they all do that, there really isn't reasoning with dumbposters.

I never said I was smart. I'm no temp, I own property.
There is no such thing as white supremacists. White nationalists wouldn't want to live among other shitty races. There would be no supreme race, retard.
Mods would ban me and I would change IP, mods have always been useless.
I'm not going for a redpill

Lol talking about avoiding a ban is a ban worthy offence. Enjoy your ban racist trash

if you think other races are shittier than your race, and you're white, then you're a white supremacist, perhaps you should look it up in the dictionary

>I'm not going for a redpill
Then what the hell are you trying to do? You're just making our movement look bad by getting into petty arguments on a technology board.

kys, racist faggot

>implying he thinks

What does he mean by that?

i got to Sup Forums a lot but i never spout any stuff from there, simply because i am tired of politics and this place isn't about it, still it doesn't stop the retards from going all over the place shoving their politics all over the place, just as bad as the liberals and commies and whatever...

I'm a capitalist. I don't consider NatSoc as typical right wing.