>watching Terry Davis videos and browsing Sup Forums at work
>get a call from HR
Watching Terry Davis videos and browsing Sup Forums at work
>browsing Sup Forums at work
Well what the fuck did you think was going to happen? Rule numero uno faggot.
>Sup Forumscuck gets what's coming to him
fuck you
>watching Terry Davis videos at work
Well what the fuck did you think was going to happen?
raise and promotion
>he's angry because he's dumb
this bait is so horrendous, it made me reply. Have a Watanabe (You)
>browsing Sup Forums at work
>in private browsing mode so they wont catch me
>open loli thread
>deskphone rings, caller ID says HR
>as I reach for the phone I feel a penis ram itself into my ass for just a second then disappear into the chair
>browse /hr/ at work
>get a call from hr
>browsing work at Sup Forums
>get a call from /hr/
>browse Sup Forums at work
>nothing happens because im the sysadmin
>Google why niggers smell at work
>immediately get called to hr and fired.
>have IBS
>take my phone with to browse Sup Forums, /c/, or Sup Forums
>nothing happens, aside of me shitting my insides out
At least I get my daily fill of gpu threads, and general shitposting!
>browsing /biz/ at work
>100 ways to have more success at your career thread
>boss calls me into his office
>i like the cut of your jib son, you're promoted!
>everything went better than expected.file
If you use your company's cell phone, can they track your activity, aside from getting police to help them officially?
>play agar.io for 3 hours today at work
>don't get fired
Small business feels
agar.io sux
y not play some quake and osu!, or even 2hu
>work for company that probably already installs backdoors to their work machine
>wonders if they'd do the same to company owned phones
It's *company owned* for a reason
Can you play those in browser? I don't wanna install shit. I've also been playing freeciv when I get bored
Good riddance.
Patrician detected.
Americans and their monitored internet and HRs, lel
This also happened to me
Where do you work?
Do not talk about Sup Forums?
>playing an ironic weeb game that actually sucks hard
>browse /gif/ at work
>show my boss because I don't have a cuck job
Working in nightlife I'm pretty sure the only rules are "show up on time, do your job, no needle drugs"
God fucking damnit Nigel, you almost got fired for that post-it pepe already.
What's wrong with OSU?
I downloaded it as a joke and now I spend wayy too much time playing it
>Use my phones internet for everything when not at home
>Never have to worry about this shit
Not when CIA niggers are in control