Rotate matrix outer elements using JUST 2 loops

>rotate matrix outer elements using JUST 2 loops
it's fucking impossible

kill you are self

>dude in CS you learn more than math majors!
>can't grasp basic linear algebra

who are you quoting?


Kill yourself Canadian scum.

for row in rows:
for column in columns:
if element is outer then copy to a new matrix at the new rotated location
else if element is not then copy to a new matrix at the same location


>if element is outer
Good luck implementing this.

>if element is outer

If the element is in the first or last row and/or in the first or last column

>t. never worked with matrices in his life but decides to opine

>two loops and over 9000 ifs

>t. not happy that other people can answer the question while you cant

I was saying that implementing that is easy, i was not saying that the original solution was efficient

Can do it in one loop.

Let's see the code pajeet.

This. You just need a "next" method to handle the maneuvering.

let pair = (1,1)
let prev = matrix[pair]
while(next(pair) != (1,1)){
let temp = matrix[pair]
matrix[pair] = prev
prev = temp
pair = next(pair)
matrix[1,1] = prev

method next(pair){
//Left as an exercise left to the reader
//Hint: Go right, then down, then left, then up.


>Sup Forums

>Go right, then down, then left, then up.

>Go right, then down, then left, then up
>t. the guy who hasn't worked with matrices once in his life

>I am going to insult you despite not knowing how to approach the problem myself

I bet you guys can't even solve it with 4 loops

One loop.
def rotate(A):
n,m = len(A),len(A[0])
if 1 in (n,m): return
r,c,dr,dc = 0,0,0,1
v = A[r][c]
for i in range(2*(n+m-2)):
if dc and i+1 == m: dr,dc = 1,0
if dr and i+1 == m+n-1: dr,dc = 0,-1
if dc and i+1 == 2*m+n-2: dr,dc = -1,0
r,c =r+dr,c+dc
A[r][c],v = v,A[r][c]

public class RotateOuter {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[][] matrix = {{1,2,3,4},{12,0,0,5},{11,0,0,6},{10,9,8,7},};
int c1 = matrix[0][0], c2 = matrix[matrix.length-1][matrix[0].length-1];

for(int i = 1;i

Is Intel putting chewing gum under their chips now???

int size, tempA, tempB, tempC, tempD;
size = matrix.size() - 1;
tempA = tempB = tempC = tempD = 0;

for(int i = 0; i

Oops didn't need those checks.
def rotate(A):
n,m = len(A),len(A[0])
if 1 in (n,m): return
d = {m-1:(1,0), m+n-2:(0,-1), 2*m+n-3: (-1,0)}
r,c,dr,dc = 0,0,0,1
v = A[r][c]
for i in range(2*(n+m-2)):
dr,dc = d[i] if i in d else (dr,dc)
r,c =r+dr,c+dc
A[r][c],v = v,A[r][c]

Doesn't work with non-square matrices.

sorry those are 3 loops

we're reaching new levels of grammar

Yeah I just realized that it might not be square, easily adaptable to two loops though. or maybe inefficiently still to one.

Normally someone would pass in the dimensions...

Depends on the implementation retard

All you're doing is basically a linked-list traversal but with 1 additional dimension (hence the second loop).

Haven't you ever done array maps before?

len() is O(1) in Cpython

Judging by number of loops is stupid since you just convert any number of loops into one big loop with some added control logic.
Better metric is your rotation should be done in time O(n+m) not O(nm).

>lets write the loop and leave the actual problem as an exercise
Nice solution, user.

Only works for square matricies because I'm a brainlet, also I used 's solution

def rotate(mat):
newmat = copy.deepcopy(mat);
for i in range(len(mat)):
for j in range(len(mat[i])):
if i == 0:
newmat[j][len(mat) - 1] = mat[i][j]
elif i == len(mat) - 1:
newmat[j][0] = mat[i][j]
elif j == 0:
newmat[0][len(mat[i]) - 1 - i] = mat[i][j]
elif j == len(mat[i]) - 1:
newmat[len(mat) - 1][len(mat[i]) - 1 - i] = mat[i][j]
return newmat

>unnecessarily making the algorithm n^2 because for some reason you're unable to recognize the boundaries that define "outer" before runtime

Worked on my shitty solution a bit more.
public class RotateOuter {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[][] matrix = {{1,2,3,4},{12,0,0,5},{11,0,0,6},{10,9,8,7},};
int c1 = matrix[0][0], c2 = matrix[matrix.length-1][matrix[0].length-1];
int c3 = matrix[0][matrix[0].length-1], c4 = matrix[matrix.length-1][0];

for(int i = 1;i

this pajeet, damn

Even if I only looped once I would still have to copy an entire row to a column in newmat, would have to be a second loop using that method

You're a brainlet.

In what application you need to do such operation?

using namespace std;
#define x 5 //number of rows
#define y 6 //numer of collumns
void fillR(int a[][y]){
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < y; j++){

void print(int a[][y]){
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < y; j++){

give your constants proper FULLY CAPITALIZED longer than 1 letter names

Haskell, zero """loops"""
rotate :: [[Integer]] -> [[Integer]]
rotate (x:xs) = let tl = head x
tr = last . head $ xs
bl = last . last . init $ xs
br = last . last $ xs
mid y = transpose $ apply_chunks (rshift tl) id (shift br) $ transpose y
in apply_chunks (shift tr) mid (rshift bl) (x:xs)

apply_chunks :: ([Integer] -> [Integer]) -> ([[Integer]] -> [[Integer]]) -> ([Integer] -> [Integer]) -> [[Integer]] -> [[Integer]]
apply_chunks top mid bot (x:xs) = (top x):((mid (init xs)) ++ [(bot (last xs))])

transpose :: [[Integer]] -> [[Integer]]
transpose ([]:_) = []
transpose x = (map head x) : transpose (map tail x)

shift :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
shift x (_:xs) = xs ++ [x]

rshift :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
rshift x l = reverse . (shift x) . reverse $ l

displ :: [Integer] -> String
displ x = unwords $ map show x

main :: IO()
main = mapM_ putStrLn $ map displ $ rotate [[1..4], [5..8], [9..12], [13..16]]

Make me

Needs to be bl = head . last . init $ xs

You could do that with just one loop.

When will you faggots realize that meme arrows aren't exclusively for quoting?

fuck it, just stop using loops and hard code everything why don't cha

>9000 ifs
Its four conditionals, which run in constant time.


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