Go outside

>go outside
>see chinks everywhere people talk to me chinese

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it's your own fault because arr of you rook same

And? You live in Korea youre basically the same

>arr rook same
Bit ironically racist

i dont speak chinese

>coming froms jews

>american education

>go to community college
>see chinks everywhere people talk to me in broken english and chink talk because i look asian

Why would you go outside in the first place?Inside is so much more better.

Surely the more educated ones know a little English? Even the African immigrants in the slums here in Israel can communicate with us with broken English

no the chinese here can't speak english. All of them speak chinese and nothing else.

I know the feel senpai

It's like we live in the same country

Korea is a chinese province.

>15 years ago it was a rare thing to see a non-finn
>now they're all over the place and you see bunch of rapefugees everyday

I can't stand those chinks anymore
how do we get rid of that plague
they are spreading everywhere

What in the bloody... this is unbelievable! The sheer audacity it takes for one to come and settle in a foreign land without being able to even roughly communicate with the locals in any form or shape.. as if they were tourists!
I can't believe it. I literally can't believe it. I've seen war stricken Syrian refugees more dignified than that! My heart goes out to you. The only consolation I can offer you is this picture of Jack Nicholson. Enjoy

no no. Your chinks are well-educated upper class chinks. the ones we get are the REAL mainlander chinks.You seriously have no fucking idea.

Learn Hanja

I think bus drivers should be paid more. Those dudes are the only working africans I see and they actually do an important job since lots of people depend on public transport.

Public transports suck ass here... In Oulu.
They're expensive and constantly late as fuck.
Then they dont even know what the fuck the're doing, charging for all kinds of bullshit and cards not working.


That's your problem right there. Paska kaupunni

>be Japanese
>travel other countries
>Chinese ask me the way o their destination in Their Ching Chong language every times I go to a sight-seeing place because I look like a chink

>Chinks are invading Korea too
How do we stop the Chink menace?

>be korean
>travel other countries(just back from malaysia)
>people - Stewardess on plane, waiters in restaurant etc- talk to me in either chinese mandarin, japanese or english
>mfw i speak all these fluently

I was expecting a leaf desu

>Not chinks but everyone assume one because my grandpappy dad side was chink.
>speak no chinese

Move to the north instead.

where do you live in? Jejudo・제주도? or seoul?