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International #615
Which is superior?
What does Sup Forums think of this country?
Transportation infrastructure thread
Is this accurate ?
This should be an independent country. Anyone else agree?
/fr/ - Le Francofil Francophone Français
Tell me about this place
What's his name again ?
Another day, another atrocity
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
International fridges
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
You're cunt
Nation of immigrants is anti immigration
What's the worst war crime your country has committed?
Should I escape to Svalbard, Iceland, Faroe Islands, or Greenland?
Your cunts most hated cities
Only your country things
/balt/ + /ausnz/ - /anime/
ITT: post things you can only find in your cunts supermarkets
Be me,shy portuguese girl in finland
German with partial polish ancestors here. for polish anons with higher education:
People in Hungary are celebrating the 21th Pride today
Really makes you think
How correct is this?
/maghreb/ - berhgam
What are some good things made in England?
Would this be acceptable in your country?
What country has the worst women
Be mulatto
Be American
I asked my family to fill out a blank map of Europe and compiled the results
/cum/ Canada US Mexico
The nordic countries
Is there anyone here who actually prefers brunettes to blondes?
How do I become American?
Sup Forums music
Are there asians on Sup Forums now?
Russia has a better future than EU
中文帖子 Chinese language only
Dick size
/mena/ general
Sverigetråden - Gladkattupplagan
How many god are there in your country?
You want the world to be ruled by the USA or China?
Post your ideal European Union
Am I the only Indiaboo in this website? I can't be!
Why are Asian women so soulless and materialistic?
Is there any country that actually likes us?
Would you like to live in Singapore?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Handsome Sup Forumsernational men
I fixed the world. What are other suggestions on improving our world?
ITT: post tv shows from your country
Why don't you visit Japan?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ - /anime/
Can EU just exclude them from everything EU-related and stop trade altogether?
What went wrong?
You "mummy" fetishist know she's a criminal and traitor to her country, right?
What went wrong?
Togo friend
Korean Thread 한국 스레드
Is Vietnam the most powerful country in the world?
Street in seoul
Which country is more interesting, Turkey or Tunisia?
Counting years after the birth of Jesus who might not even exist to begin with
Should Armenia join the European Union?
/asean/ - Communism edition
Non Australians saying mate
Why is a Jew an enemy of beauty, health, order, morality and Jesus...
WTF I love France now
Make the baltic flags great again
Why didn't it stay an only one and same country?
Can I make this kinda body without going to the gym?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Do you love Poland? If Yes, why?
/esp - hilo español/ - Cómo conseguir un hombre (para hombres gay)
Guy almost gets arrested for ordering a kids meal at a restaurant
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Okiexit Taiwexit
How does yuo'r cunt feel about its representation in overwatch
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why are American houses made of some shitty wood that breaks so easily? Seriously...
Your country
/magyar/ fonál
His language does't have a word for "opaque" other than "not transparent"
Who the fuck is in charge of building quality in China !?
Tfw no russian emprire anymore :__:
Let's do this
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
Wake up
Scandinavia mixed
Ask a guy from east Moscow everything
Post your town city flag
American girls appreciation thread
Who are the worst tourist who visit your country?
Tfw kraut architects design ugly "experimental post-modern" madman shit in your once beautiful capital
How can I get a gf that looks exactly like this?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why are white folks so racist?
/ita/ il filo this really makes you think
I asked my family to fill out blank maps of Europe and compiled their results
How do you call this in your country?
So what's the deal with japanese birthrates and shit? I get it's becoming more expensive to have kids...
Which part of your country is the most infested by Asian people?
1. Your cunt
Wtf I love Britain now
French women
I will live for 1 year in London
Hello /Int, do you ever floss your teeth?
Me on the right
What do non Europeans think of red hair and freckles?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
1. Your cunt tree
16$ for 5kg of rice
/urban/ + /architecture/
ITT: Unpopular opinions of your cunt that would get you killed if said in public
What is norway
Merkel wants more of this in Europe
Can i pass as local in your cuntry
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Seriously, what the fucking problem of jews in america? why they are always liberals, commies and pro-feminist...
Asia is overpopulated
Only two days left until the best day of the year. How are you celebrating, Sup Forums?
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
Old people should just die
Are Asians the smartest people in the world on average?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
/pax japana/
Wake up
Would you support a north America union? If so why or why not?
What´s your height?
Your country
/lat/ hilo latino ganador con aguante
Whats the nicest part of Australia to live in?
Why are Christian countries peaceful, but Muslim countries so violent?
White People
/ex-yu/ + /lat/
World Music Thread
Post examples of "American food" in forign countries. I alwayse like these threads
Are french considered like meds in your country?
ITT: Posters you want to see more often
Rural shithole
/balt/ + /ausnz/
I want to fuck my sister so fucking bad
1. your country
Does Sup Forums hate Canada as much as Sup Forums does? Is so please stop, words hurt
I went to Thailande. During this vacaton I had sex but I want to know if it is gay to have sex with trap ?
/hell/ /gr/
This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan
Bravo Poland!
American Considering Relocating to Iceland, LF Advice & Information
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
/ummah/ General
Post the picture wikipedia has for your city/town
How much would it cost for me to live in your country?
You will never EVER be french
How are you celebrating Somalia independence day?
Why do we hate each other?
What did your country do during the 30 year war?
Your country
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
ITT we post the most flattering photograph we can find of our nation's capital city
Say something you don't like about America
White """""""Master race"""""""""
I just leave this shame here
Why do you love Wales?
/éire/ + /eire/ = /ÉIRE/
Mongol thread
1. You're cunt
/voc/aroo thread- A FUCKING LEAF edition
Irish lads - How would you feel if Ireland re-joined the UK?
Is your country made by immigrants?
Braided hair
Does your country like garlic, senpai? I was surprised to learn that Italians don't use very much of it...
Finland && NATO
Why is everyone on this board so RACIST?
How does your country deal with airport security? Can you just run through security checkpoints...
/ita/ - il filo
Is Slovenia the "Switzerland" of the Balkans?
How common are long haired men in your country? Are there any stigmas attached to them?
You are being held at gunpoint and you have to either learn german or japanese. which one do you pick?
A Greek, a Norwegian and a Pole walk into a bar
I have a theory
Why are Europeans defending this man?
Canada Day
Which Eastern European countries hate Russia the most? I find that Poland and Romania really dislike Russia for example...
Why do Swedes hate the Finnish and vice versa?
Why don't European royals marry each other anymore?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
I fucking hate this meme country
What does Sup Forums think of this country?
How do Europeans feel about an EU army?
If your country had one day out of a year when all crime was legal, what would you do on that day?
California Appreciation Thread
/deutsch/ - Petr Edition <3
The Irish people have terrorised the English people for hundreds of years and they should use this thread to apologise...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Food Prices in your cunt
Sup Forumsernational music thread
Post your country's most disgusting looking food
The story of one chechen refugee
Have you ever met a pagan in your country?
/FUG/ Finno-Ugric General
Czechia has become the official English alternative name for the Czech Republic
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Respectful nations
Which countries do you believe suffer from special snowflake syndrome?
How did World War one affect your countries national character?
/deutsch/ - Tanzender Hitler
Postcommie shitholes (including my country) love to boast about their "whiteness" very often, and right-wing attitude...
"slavs are white if you disagree you are jewish neonazi scum and should go back to pol"
Guess my ethnicity (I only have one)
/ラーメン Ramen 拉麺/
ITT: What are you eating right now?
Bulgaria is the greatest country on earth
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Why are Europeans si against waving the flags of their people?
American cuisine
Another day in socialist Finland
Santa Claus
Two people with huge backpacks start walking towards you
Why canada
Slovak neo-nazi party launches petition for referendum on the EU and NATO membership
Has any white person ever managed to successfully learn and speak Mandarin Chinese fluently?
Do Europeans actually feel "European" as part of their identity?
Foreigner. Please come to Finland
What are your thoughts on American girls, Sup Forums? Would you date one?
Whites can have black, red, and blonde hair. They can both be curly or straight
Post royal qts from around the world
Japan anons need
I tried to make some weeaboo food like in one of my japanese animes how did I do?
I wish I was German instead
I love when presidents seem to be pals
/esp/ Hilo Español
Ive been to around 8 European countries and it seems like all of them have more Graffiti than I see here in america
1. Your cunt
Skin Colour Map
You're forced to go to this shithole on vacation. Which location do you pick?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What's the deal with Slovenia and Slovakia?
Hello my name is Jasmine O'Brian Tyrone McDonald I'm 1/42 Portugese, 1/900 Cherokee...
Is it really a waste of time learning languages other than English...
Why were the Mongols so evil?
Please explain in this thread why your country still has fucking rabies
Passports of Sup Forums thread
What did he mean by this?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Czech president in favour of EU and Nato referendum
Are people judgemental towards interracial couples in your country ?
What would you do differently if you led your country during WW2?
What do people in your country think about the IRA?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Italian pizza
Why wouldn't this work?
Austria is voting again
All my friends have gone out
Have you ever seen a UFO?
/hell/ /gr/
1. Country
Human overpopulation
Culture Pals: waking your polfu saying "did you see that ludicrous display last night?" Edition
Why doesn't Poland have nukes?
This scene isn't normal
You now know that Sana Claus is a Turk
I am considering traveling the world for lack of marriageable women here...
Somme 100 years anniversary
What went wrong Sup Forums ?
Kurva anyátok
Wait a minute. So tipping is only an American thing? How would you looked at in other countries??
Why Japan love Turkey? Why not Pakistan?
Why do these guys hate Belgium so much?
Countries that won't exist in 100 years
Would you lads?
Go outside
Great Britain or Small Britain?
What's a good chimney cake recipe, Hungary bros? Any special recommendations? Particularly interested in cinnamon ones
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
/ita/ - il filo
I like Russia. Very impressed. Do you like Russia?
57% of anons on this board are Chinese
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do westerners believe that democracy is good? No, seriously. Overwhelming majority of people are total retards...
What was your country like in the 60s and 70s?
This is the next Senator of Utah
Straight Outta Punjab
FACT: Sup Forums is the most powerful race on Sup Forums
Friendly international reminder that if your country has a primate city it's not a country. It's a city-state
"irish" """"""people"""""""
/asean/ Algerians are honorary Aseans Edition
Why do Europoors give New Worlders shit for having A/C?
Polish immigrants are shagging our slags
Could I take you in a fight?
Did you know that there is not single memorial of Polish victims of German-nazi crimes in Germany...
Traveling across states on the bus, sitting for 15 hours
Can we just murder all the Albanians?
Your cunt
Goodbye Sup Forums
Situation of Bosnia
1. Your cunt
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Japan, how does this make you feel?
Why are Americans so stupid they're just so dumb especially geographically they insult other countries without knowing...
Since most of you think America is two continents and not one, is my country (Guatemala) part of North or South America?
All I learned from Sup Forums is that all countries have depressed NEET losers that act exactly the same
I just made a donation to Trump's campaign
Does your country exaggerate the differences between itself and its neighbors? We do...
Is this set to be, dare I say it, the worst Olympics ever?
Why is North America the only place on Earth that regularly has scrambled eggs for breakfast...
So it seems that western Canada is Chinese and the West Coast + Southwest is Mexican...
When will we see this?
How can Argentina be so large and still have only 1 (ONE) developed city...
ITT: we say something nice about the country that posts before us
Culture Pals - /cp/
Can we have a metal thread here? It can't have more shitposting than >>>Sup Forums66059365, >>>/trash/3815387...
Dear Quebec
Educate me on Jordan. For some reason I never hear about it
Normies sleeping hahaha
Faces of Sup Forums
Are Germans white?
Your country
Post mythical or folkloric creatures from your cunt, everything is allowed
How do we fix the world?
July 1 Canada Day Tomorrow
Qué palabras de tu dialecto no voy a entender?
How do people greet each other in your country?
/nachtschicht/ Stellaratorenausgabe
What's the worst part of your state/province/etc?
ITT: We talk to each other in different languages
Britbong here. I used to wonder why americans were so fat...
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Hilo peruANO latino
Geez, inland Ireland is soooo boring! Flat and boring. Reminds me of my own country
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
Koksal Baba
Who else /hype/ for next monday?
Why aren't you lifting in your country yet?
There are South Americans who have never even had Taco Bell
Europe rate thread
Ask a Colombian anything
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
It costs twice as much for an American to fly to Europe as it does for a European to fly to America
Say it with me: The next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
/ita/ - il filo
Are Portuguese people white...
Your favorite arab
/nachtschicht/ SAELLNER IST IM GAS
/eo/ - esperanto thread
What are the best cities to go and be depressed in...
Is Vladimir Putin autistic?
What is it like to be American?
/SvT/ – sverigetråden
Strategic location
Hey user. I'am not newbie to chans. Actually i spend 6 years on Russian ones...
International discussion for Scotland to join the United States as the 51st state
Greatest philosophers
Post how much cash you have in your wallet
What's the relationship between USA and Israel? Americans refer to Israel as "their greatest ally", why?
What are the great houses of your country?
Which nation causes the most butthurt?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Tall aryan women
I'm cajun from Louisiana, how does my accent sound to other French speaking people...
How Romania Came to Be™
Does the United States rule the world?
The best movies or TV shows ever produced in your country
Americans of Sup Forums, honestly, how white do you consider your countries to be...
Why are Protestants so shit at statebuilding?
Ask a Spaniard anything
Definitely not /balk/ Summer edition
/deutsch/es Public Hahnreiing
Why did they have to leave? ;_;
/fr/ - le francofil
International hot dogs
/balt + ausnz + urmum/
This is called jam in america
What does Norwegian sound like to you?
Well I am bored,so go ahead,ask a brazilian doctor anything
How many muslims are there in your country? What do you think about them Sup Forums?
Why are Central Asian girls such cunts?
There is no such thing as an 'european' identity, but if there was, what would it be based on...
Living in Russia
Best National Anthems
This pedo was arrested in Crete
Mfw there are people on this board who are not norwegian and has not experienced a month long norwegian graduation party
Who had it worst throughout history?
George Soros: "Brexit is a fault of Merkel who opened borders of Europe for islamic refugees and raised anti-EU...
Which country has the cutest muslim girls?
What can you tell me about Spain?
Mexico is more stable politically than Britian
/nigger/ general
Is Britain still a world power? People still listen to their music and watch their tv/movies...
Why is Japanese culture so revolved around childish, immature and 'cutesy' things...
What did he mean by this?
Sweden y-yes amirite ha hha?
Make Europe Mad
/hell/ /gr/
I'm kind of confused about Greece right now.. Heraklit, Platon, Parmenides, Aristoteles, Pythagoras, just to name a few...
Who has experience learning languages using resources in a language different to your native tongue...
What happens here?
DONOVAN NELSON, 57, who lives in Sweden, is the owner of Swedish Lapland, a fitness training boot camp
Go downstairs
/ita/ - il filo
Question for Europeans: do you live in your ancestral town/city...
Choose your poison gentlemen
What's it like to live in a desert country?
What's the relationship like between these three countries?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post a pic that summarizes your country
What went wrong? Why did the Greeks disappear out of the city they built ?
What is your opinion on us Tornedalians?
Do other cunts have an equivalent to Area 51? What are they like? What have they made? Do they have aliens too?
Kimchi vs Sauerkraut
Daily reminder: she is polish
Poland looks east
Post maps that make you go "Huh. That's cool."
Why do Russians hate T*rks so much?
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
/asean/ - honeycomb edition
Are your parents still together?
What's the most tragic event to happen in your country in the last 25 years?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/fr/ - Le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
One is a Turkish man, the other is Spanish
Anzu in Japan
Your cunt
/esp - hilo español/ - ¡Reserva ya nuestro programa para estar fuerte!
/MeNa/ = Middle East and North Africa
How big is your country?
/European Union/
Russian girls
Is Poland the only quite successful slav cunt?
Putin is coming to Finland today
Do you like german girls?
How are the Olympics preparations going, you guys?
TFW I'm going to have to have to get this operation done sooner or later
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post the richest and poorest region of your country...
Which general is the worst?
Why do the French people hate Italians so much? What have we done to you? Yes, italians hate French...
Why do the Swiss keep getting away with it?
How is smoking viewed in your country?
Polish-Japanese thread
Why are you still a virgin?
What is their goal
/ita/ - il filo
Be doggy in Taiwan
Vacation thread
Japanese """""qts""""""
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Mods, it is now time to range-ban Australia
Why do cities so often vote left?
Around 7 million of adult Poles were spending summer holidays abroad, maily in Greece, Spain, Italy, Egypt...
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /ur mum/
Goodmorning Sup Forums
Your country
Ask a proud white man with a qt brown girlfriend anything bros
Tfw not icelandic
If you live in Japan (or not), I'd like your opinion on anime vs. western cartoons...
"i sure LOVE burgers" - avearge american
1. Your cunt
Kurva anyátok
SK on NK
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Are high calorie foods a thing in your country? Growing up I always only ever ate the 3 meals a day my parents gave me...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...