What would you do differently if you led your country during WW2?

What would you do differently if you led your country during WW2?

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not invade russia
install puppet facist gouvernment in france
try to ally either usa or soviet union

Attack Germany before WW2, somewhere between 1933-34 and genocide every communist/socialist/natsoc in their cunt.
Iff impossible I would do everything same as we did during WW2, fight til the end

Ally with USA.
Don't try to be neutral

>not invade russia

And wait for them to invade you instead?

you attacked us in 1939 and it didnt work out for you

Nothing different in Finland, but I'd send atom bomb plans to Hitler just to troll Russia

>we attacked germany in 1939
>he means Gliwitz provocation, made up by Germans
Ojjjjj prychłem, keep living the dream

Push into Russia after Berlin and possibly nuke Russia instead of Japan.

Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad being destroyed by nuclear fire would be a dream come true.

in your hypothetical scenario, would u genocide jews aswell, like you did in real life?

Stay out of it.

Keep nazis out at any cost and cry rape whenever they try to do something so Allies get off their asses

Of course not. We had the biggest jew population in our country and we lived together for centuries, same with germans. We shouldn't genocide the race, but the political view
Political ideology and fanatism is what should be destroyed
Also, Jedvabne was a mistake by nazi wannabies in Bolan

During: not much different, maybe concentrate less on the Burma campaign.
Before: speed up development of the radar defense system and massively expand the RAF.

probably nothing, seem alright as it is

make boatsluts real.

Tell hitler to wait until after winter.
Save the world.


Or never accept any Anglo and French promises. Give Hitler guarantee that we won't help France nor let Soviets pass through our territory if he goes there in 1939.

After fuck Manchuria, get oils there, and throw away Hitler, and become like Switzerland

Hire scientist with nazi money, build first nuke before everyone else

Become superpower

if australia and japan ally we could rule the pacific

>"We will remove fanaticism by genociding everyone we don't like"

Poland everyone

More mustard



I laughted a little

Not get cucked by the fucking British like our gov. did.

>le bolje grob nego rob xD




>Political ideology and fanatism is what should be destroyed
>via genocide


>Jedvabne was a mistake by nazi wannabies in Bolan
Jedwabne wasn't done by Poles.

Establish communism

Destroy Leningrad with the Nazis 2bh

>Establish communism

>he thinks that would stop Hitler or Stalin
lmao, just lmao.

You have reading problems.

Explain to the Americans that if we don't conquer China they'll fall to the Communists, don't invade the Philippines/Bomb Pearl Harbor and just use the resources captured from Chinkland/Korea.

Also don't directly align with the Axis; all they did was give those stupid gooks support and make us destined to be an enemy to the Amerikans.

Figure out a way to surrender to the Allies.

You do realize the atom bomb was invented in Hitler's Germany, but he ordered the research papers to be burned because it was far too destructive to ever justify using.

Luckily that kike Einstein stole them just like he stole the theory of relativity, and we can all enjoy the possibility of nuclear annihilation.

This desu senpai. Cut the murmansk supply line not giving a fuck about kike threats and let them all rot.

>a fucking COQ

>when Sup Forums tries to be /sci/
I'm guessing someone heard about the Michelson interferometer and Lorentz transformations and couldn't be bothered to read anything else.

very nice infographic i r8 8/8 m8


>page not found
Very impressive

You might want to write the html in the end, schlomo

Not join the war
that's it, if that was the case, in the 50s we would've propected for oil in Libya and to this day we would've been the richest country on earth backed by a strong local industry, big poplation and a strong navy

I did, there's no Einstein related links on the main blog page either. Very impressive.

Ally with axis

I'm pretty sure that our leaders managed to achieve the best case possible, considering the circumstances.
I sure as hell couldn't do anything better than they

Try this


Pretty accurate 9/10

Immediately team up with Germany instead of doing it after a few weeks of pseudo war.

Let the Germans wreck Yugoslavia, use their military to suppress partisanship, give Germans extra resources just to send less soldiers to fight in the east,
finalise the Lorkovic-Vokic pact by giving them blessing to seek British AND American support in 1943, by pledging them a golden way into Europe (our area was not a focus for Germans, France was, so a large Allied force, with at least 150,000 Croats (initially, but as the war progresses on our side...who knows) waiting for them, could push from the Adriatic into Austria and towards Hungary/Romania, to reach vast East Europe before the Soviets thus changing glorious history
New borders between Croatia and Serbia, population exchange, Croatian reparations to Serbia for war victims, Marshall plan and EU integration of Croatia (we would be the most vocal western supporters) and a Balkans oriented away from the Soviets

We offered such a deal to the Brits. But they refusrd because they already pledged to Tito. Thry cooild have avoided the D-day massacre, stroll into Croatia and clean up Germans by surprise and reach Kiev before Soviets could ink of reaching Berlin

>What would you do differently if you led your country during WW2?
>1 September 1939 – 2 September 1945

This is about Einstein's limited involvement in the Allies' atomic bomb project. Are you high?

The theory was there but the plans that they had were way off and would have made a dirty bomb with no actual fission involved.

Never start the war

give support to america, prove argentina as greatest ally so as to not get raped by CIA during the remainder of the century

Don't attack Poland and Winland
Don't purge white generals
Understand that cooperation with nazis is impossible and actually do military training


Try to makepeace soviets in 1942 and attack Northern Sweden and Ask nazis to gib Finnmark and establish Greater Finland


Change nothing, we couldn't change the outcome, germany had too much of an edge and we didn't have a wide ass country to retreat forever and rearm to launch a counter attack

Kill more serbs

Ally with the Germans and destroy Russia.

>delay the start of the war by 1-2 years to gain more technological advance and store more ressources that would be hard to get during it
>further delay for the assault on the sovjet union (and getting a usable plan to counter the endless sovjet retreat and keep my armies from fraying out during the advance)
>keeping the japs from attacking uncle sam and prevent the USA from entering the war
>prevent the holocaust from occupying too many ressources and logistics that could be used for war stuff

not join axis

>Ally with the Germans
But you basically did this lel

but user, your early attacks is what made you successfull

If you fuckers didn't invade Denmark, the UK probably would have gone to war with USSR anyway.

I'd say the biggest mistake was invading the SU head on in 1941. It was a huge gamble that didn't pay off and since germans put all their money on it they lost everything. Some historians think that germans should have focused on the middle east and turkey/persia especially. That way they would have cut off brits from the middle-east and opened the war with a two theater invasion, one from the west and one from the south with the added benefit of middle-eastern oil. They might have even been able to rendezvous with japanese in middle eurasia or india or such.

Ally with Germany, feed jews in consecration camp to crush anglo bankers underfoot. Britbongs btfo'd

yeah, it worked fine in central europe, but they couldnt keep their forces concentrated in the vast areas of the sovjet union. the red army was just retreating until they gathered enough forces to strike back. just like a lake that you push up a hill until its too heavy and crushes you on its way back.

make gf

we know that feel

Do what we did last time, but this time support the Republic of China a little more even if they were the lesser evil compared to the red mountain ogres.

Do everything we did before, except be more prepared ahead of time to launch Operation Unthinkable unless the Soviet Union conceded the Baltic States and the rest of the Eastern bloc to our sphere of influence.

Attack when they broke international treaties and moved troops over the Rhine in 1936

>prevent the holocaust from occupying too many ressources and logistics that could be used for war stuff
Why didn't Nazis use jews as soldiers/workers rather than use resources and time to putting them on a death camps and shit? After the war they could have started the genocide and nobody wouldn't mind. Or transport jews and polish and gays and other scum to Siberia to mine some ore for third reich.

but it's about during wwII, not before

but those deathcamps were working camps, they had a slave workforce.

the thing is, the big holocaust wasnt even a thing at first. at the beginning some nazis even thought about moving them all elsewhere, like madagascar.


it was just at the big expansion of the reich that they realized that there are just too many and that they probalbly thought that they have to get rid of them before the jews rebel.

using them as workslaves was a thing but the "burn the xenos" morons seemed to be too shortsighted as well as too influential to delay this plan.

>Why didn't Nazis use jews as soldiers/workers rather than use resources and time to putting them on a death camps and shit?

Because one of the main reasons Nazis came to power was exploiting the rampant anti-semitism in their populist propaganda

But imagine
>Be russian cyka
>Drink vodka in a trench and dreaming about stalin and matushka
>Hear faint rumble in the distance
>Fucking germans shooting their 88
>The rumble gets louder and louder
>Check over the edge
>Fucking 60 billion jews running at you
>Start shooting them with your Mosin
>Too late, jew runs you over and steals your rubles and rips gold teeth out of your mouth
>Last thing you see (image related)