You have 14.666667 seconds to explain why you are not using i3 as your window manager

You have 14.666667 seconds to explain why you are not using i3 as your window manager.

Because it fucks with my games, native or games I run through Wine.

I really love i3 but there's too many programs that just dont play nice with it. virtualbox for example. also, gnome has gotten better.

cinnamon/muffin tiles and snaps windows.
i3 is a fun toy, though.

No preset layouts like in awesome

cause dwm is superior dont you get it, twat?

never heard of it

because the last thing I need is resizing my browser or videos to 1/4 of my screen.
Tmux is practical, i3 is a toy.

it doesn't run well on windows 10



I can't get used to it

couldn't find an installer for windows

because its poop

What's wrong with the default one?

Because I'm using xmonad

I am not a pedo, only pedos use i3.

There's no reason to use it over awesome.

i3-gaps is literally the GOAT wm.


Because it fucking sucks. The whole reason I switched to tiling WMs is so I WOULDN'T waste my time positioning my fucking windows on the screen in an efficient way every time I opened a new one. Stupid i3 is a fucking manual WM. Why would you ever ask for this? Why not just make your WM completely manual and go back to stacking?

Xmonad master race. Spectrwm is nice if you're not into Haskell and just want normal config files.

Stupid frogposter.

Because I use Xfwm via Xfce as a pseudo-tiling WM.

but i am using i3

I'm not autistic.
I'm not poor and can afford a real computer with a real desktop.

Because Mate does everything I need out of the box without being too resource heavy.

The time I'd save by being milliseconds more efficient with i3 < The time it would take to learn how to configure it to my liking and implementing those changes.


cause i'm not a neckbeard pseudo-hipster weeb who uses nothing but terminal windows and a shitty firefox fork riced to look like a terminal window because he wants to fit in on Sup Forums with the other eleet ganoo loonax hacxz0rz

Because bspwm is better in every way

I live in the far future time of 2017 and not 1993

i use kde or awesome
here have this snippet and assign it to a key combo
"sh -c \"wmctrl -l | dmenu -i -fn \\\"-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*\\\" -p \\\"Window\\\" -nb black -nf white -sf black -sb white -l 10 | awk {'print $1'} | xargs wmctrl -ia \""

Virtualbox work great with it. Read the manual.

Because I'm on Android?

I am. 2 seconds.

works pretty well for me senpai

How do you get it to work well, I get weird visual errors if I move the window at all or if I try full screen.

sounds like a compositor issue. works out of the box for me with the standard Mod- for move and resize, no visual problems. My compositor is compton.

huh, I had been having problems with compton so I turned it off, forgot about it, now it works a lot nicer, not perfect though. Can't believe I didn't try that, cheers!

Used i3, liked it. Prefer Xfce. Don't understand why all these retard in this thread have such a problem with it. It's right there on their fucking website how to use/customize. I looked at it for 5 minutes and was fine. The dmenu is pretty great.

Because Dash to Panel Gnome

I prefer dwm and bspwm to i3. The way they naturally tile is nice, and I like the way they're customized. Especially the way you edit the source of dwm and recompile it - it's very hackable.

These desu.

because i use xfce with i3 keybindings

Because I'm using dwm instead.

Nah, I use i7

I don't have to explain my decisions user

This. You just can't compete with a good looking, easy to use desktop. Bottom bar is autohiding btw.

why is trash

I use cwm and conky piped into dzen2 on OpenBSD. It works well for what I need, though I haven't figured out how to maximize windows yet. I don't want to use Firefox in fullscreen mode

I'm broke as fuck and have to use AMD shit