There is literally no reason to use Linux. Heck...

There is literally no reason to use Linux. Heck, there's no reason to use anything other than Mac OS™ and Windows™(10®). Why, the poorfag asks? Allow me to explain-

You use Mac for-
>showing cute videos to your friends
>sniggling up with your gf
>going hiking and casting to reddit
>just being a super relient go-to machine that'll have your back in a pinch

Windows you use for
>playing video games
>making expensive machines
>school computers

Linux, on the other hand, exists only for these principle reasons
>watching adult cartoons
>making elaborate screenshots with a bunch of random numbers with a drawing of a girl
>harm children through the internet

And those don't sound like what makes OUR tech community so great. Take a hint from the winning side and dump on Linux.

Other urls found in this thread:

Use what you like op, because nobody gives a shit.

That can't be true... Linux can... Uh... Somebody help this brainlet out.

>There is literally no reason to use Linux.
I agree. People should stop using li--
>Linux, on the other hand, exists only for these principle reasons
>>watching adult cartoons
>>making elaborate screenshots with a bunch of random numbers with a drawing of a girl
>>harm children through the internet

Nice bait. Pretty sure Sup Forums is hosted on Linux but I can imagine that a 12 yr old might not know that. Fuck off and don't come back for 6 years.

Not even worth a You. Kys.

Top tier engineers, designers and coders still use Macs, nobody gives a damn about these.

>Being this bad at bait.

Back to /r/eddit with you.

Linux is only for computer scientists. There are not much tools available on linux for other fields.
>you can't get a decent circuit or what ever other simulator you need if you are an electrical engineer
>The major negative point is that linux software should be free. That's why big companies specializing in creating sate of the art simulation/design softwares don't make them for linux.
>If you are not a computer scientist linux is not for you.
>I am an electrical engineer migrated to linux few months ago. I still need windows to run simple and free program like LTspice

Holy fuck, how new can you be? I know this is a bait thread and OP is a retard, but you're so new you don't even know that the Sup Forums servers are Mac Minis?

>Linux software should be free
Yes, as in freedom, not as in free beer. They can cost money.

Cringed hard

>as in freedom, not as free beer
I think that is called Open Source software ?

>literally no reason to use Linux

Any post in Sup Forums containing this phrase or something substantively similar should be awarded an automatic permaban. This fucking cancer of shitposting needs to be burned out of the entire website with hot fire.

what is this to hetersexual people

is this the new desktop thread??

Lol did you actually believe that shit? Fucking faggot.

well, unless they've changed since, but in 2015 they were using Dell.

He's talking about some old ass thread that moot made with a pic of Mac minis supposedly running Sup Forums.

I think your OS fanboyism is stupid and lame, OP

It's what he meant you sperg, read again

That doesn't make any sense.

> thinking that picture implies Mac is good

>> thinking that picture implies Mac is good
Being triggered by something because it doesn't attack Apple.

you mean those useless ruby and php monkeys

>linux software should be free
Who told you that?

back to le reddit

That would fall under 'hurting children' anyway

>There is literally no reason
Stopped reading there. There is a reason for everything even if it just doesn't apply to you.

Nope retard
back to with you

How many super computers do you know of that runs on MAC or WINDOWS????